Chapter 7

Pregnant with a star's child?!
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Finally after 182946873516 years I updated this fic. Are my subs still here? If you are I'm so so sorry for the 4 year long hiatus. This time round I completed the story so look forward to multiple updates!!!!

Months passed and before BTS knew it, they were already flying off to LA. Sooryun and Kyungri will be meeting them there instead since Bighit doesn’t want any scandals arising


Bangtan had finally got off the torturous flight and were resting at the hotel. They gathered in Namjoon and Jin’s room for a small briefing about the ferry tour


“Okay so here are the passes. Check if the time is for 8am on xx cruise alright?” Namjoon said and handed all of them the ticket


When all of them checked though, Jungkook tilted his head in confusion. He took a look at Hoseok and Jimin’s tickets and felt his confusion rise even more.


“Hyung, mine isn’t for 8am mine’s for 9am. Hoseok and Jimin hyung have the same number but mine’s different” Jungkook spoke up and Namjoon’s eyes widened. He took a look at Jungkook’s ticket before facepalming. 


“Let’s ask our manager to check if we can change it,” Namjoon said and went out to talk to their manager. Jungkook pouted slightly and Jimin just patted his back.


“Hey at least you can find some bomb girls to woo there” Jimin grinned and Jin flicked the boy’s forehead, earning a round of laughter from the others


“Ow hyung what was that for?” Jimin exclaimed and rubbed his forehead and Jin just shook his head


“Our maknae doesn’t need to learn that for now he has to work on some songs too” Jin said and Jungkook shook his head


Not a few moments later, Namjoon came back with a huge pout and they knew it was bad news already


“Sorry kookie they can’t change the timings it's completely booked. We’ll only be able to meet at the island and back” Namjoon sighed and Jungkook pouted even more


“I can’t be alone on that ferry, who else is going?” Jungkook asked and Namjoon looked at Taehyung and then back to Jungkook uneasily


“Sooryun and Kyungri are going. You can talk to Kyungri and she can help you with your songwriting” hearing the girl’s name, Jungkook’s playful pout immediately slipped off. He looked at Taehyung, who looked back at him with a curious expression


“What?” Taehyung asked, totally unaffected by the news. The rest came in with like arguments saying that they’re not on talking terms, that it’s awkward etc.


“Hyung, can I still be friends with Sooryun?” Jungkook finally spoke up and the rest of them finally stopped talking. When Taehyung heard that, he felt his heart soften a little before he stood up and patted the younger’s back


“Of course you can, who am I to stop you two from being friends? You two joked around a lot and I know you enjoy her company just as a friend” Taehyung said and Jungkook finally smiled slightly


“Thanks hyung I guess I’ll try and talk to her” Jungkook said and Taehyung grinned and nodded


“Just don’t leave out my girlfriend” Hoseok called out and they all laughed


The next morning


“You’re going to be alright. Make some friends alright?” Kyungri said and Sooryun sighed once again. Oblivious to the situation, Sooryun didn’t know that Jungkook will be on the same ferry as her but Kyungri does


That’s why she was ‘accidently’ forced to go to work, saying that Warren G could only meet up with her on that certain day and couldn’t cancel. She was actually already in another ferry with Bangtan


“Alright I guess I’ll be having fun by myself then. Take care unnie. Mhm love you too” Sooryun then ended the call with Kyungri and bid goodbye to the cab driver before exiting the cab. She was about to take all her belongings but stopped on her tracks when she saw someone else helping


“Oh? You really don’t have to I can do it myself-” she didn’t manage to complete her sentence when she saw a familiar pair of eyes gazing back at her


“Oppa-uh I mean Jungkook-sshi what are you doing here? You should’ve been on a ferry with the rest of Bangtan earlier” Sooryun asked and Jungkook just gave her a smile and lounge her suitcase with his that was on the trolley and pushed it in


Sooryun frowned and chased after him, stopping him before they went on the checkpoint


“What is happening here?” Sooryun asked with a frown and jungkook finally pulled down his mask, revealing his face slightly


“There was a mix up with my ticket so I’m here” Jungkook explained and Sooryun still looked at him, unconvinced


“If it was a mix up how would you know I’m on this ferry?” Sooryun asked and Jungkook just shrugged


“The hyungs told me. Taehyung hyung told me to take care of you so I specifically requested a room next to yours with connecting doors” Jungkook grinned and before he can move once again, Sooryun stopped him


“Look, I really don’t want to have anything with you so can you stop being so nice and pretend I’m not here for this cruise” Sooryun said and with that, Jungkook’s smile dropped slightly. Sooryun sighed before going forward and wanting to take her suitcase off the trolley when Jungkook pushed it away


Sooryun frowned and wanted to yell his name but they were in public and if a scandal were to break out, she was dead


They soon went through the checkpoint and boarded the ferry. Jungkook tried his best to talk to Sooryun but she paid no attention to him, giving him cold answers or sometimes just ignoring him in general but he wasn’t going to give up


Once they got to their room, Sooryun immediately locked her door, forgetting about the connecting door with Jungkook. She laid on the bed and sighed, placing her hands on her tummy before small tears rolled down her cheeks




Sooryun paced back and forth her door as she awaited Minah’s arrival. She was scared. Her period didn’t come for almost 2 weeks and she knew something was up. As much as she didn’t want it to happen


The door opened and Sooryun turned to see Minah and Kyungri coming in. Minah immediately went towards Sooryun and hugged her tight, making the girl tear up. Kyungri sighed and handed the all too familiar box to Sooryun


Her heart broke. Sooryun is young and although she’s mature, she’s definitely not ready to care for a kid, especially single handedly


“Let’s hope for the best. I booked an appointment at the clinic so we could double confirm” Minah said and Sooryun nodded. They let go of each other and Sooryun wiped her tears before they escorted her to the bathroom


The two didn’t leave her alone, not even once and Sooryun was more then happy that they didn’t because she was terrified of the results


15 minutes passed and Sooryun shakingly picked up the test result. Tears filled her eyes immediately and she would’ve collapsed on the floor if it wasn’t for Kyungri who held her up. Minah looked at the test that was dropped on the floor and looked at Sooryun sadly


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Should I make alternate endings so both team Tae and Kook have a happy ending? :)


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Chapter 18: Badly wanted her to end up with jungkook i dont know i just have a feeling it's his child
Chapter 17: What if it is jungkook's...
Chapter 16: im so excited and i feel like taehyung doesnt want a child yet remmber when he said to jungkook from previous chapters that they are too young to have a kid.
Chapter 16: sooryun is so cold towards kookie im sad :(
Chapter 11: im team jungkook
Chapter 13: im team Taehyung..hmm
-Zaki- #7
Chapter 12: Not knowing which team to support...
Sigh... one of life's mind boggling choices...
Why are both of them so nice!!!! It's killing me... sobs...
Megummy #8
Chapter 12: You should do .. (dodge flying what ever that's throw to you)
I know this is part if the story line......l
Still ..... it make my heart ache,you know......
Don't worry to much jungkook.. ah...
I still in your team,fighting my love
Btw... did you see jungkook's pictures in wing album?
He's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyuuyy
googlemaniac #9
Chapter 12: Sorry.... I'm jungkook's team only.