triple threat

Summertime Madness

It seemed as if the three best buds were glued together since birth.

In their youth, they pulled pranks on helpless hotel staff, used their credit cards until their fathers screamed, flirted with beach babes, and most importantly, partied til the sundown-  all while side by side each other. Even now, at the ages of 21 and 23, the three full-grown men spent their days lounging and clubbing together instead of hitting it off to college like their parents insisted they did. Like other stuck up moneybags, they knew college meant nothing as their wealth accumulated on a day to day basis, with or without the precious degree.

Which is why they did nothing. 

"100 bucks you're still a ." Sehun sneered at Baekhyun, who in return threw a pillow at him muttering I am NOT a under his angry breath. Truthfully, Sehun was right. Baekhyun WAS still a , because, well, he was scared of catching deadly STD's, watching one too many documentaries he thought were strangely addicting. But that was none of the brows' business. Baekhyun glared at his oblivious friend, who was now trying to bother Jongin. 

"Can you get a life, maybe," Jongin sighed at Sehun, eyes glued to his smartphone as he waited for a text back from a booty call he met at a bar some days ago. His lower body region was firing, and if he didn't settle it sooner, his pants were going to get tighter and oh ing Se-

"You have a ," Sehun blurted, eyes twinkling while he smirked at Jongin's reddened face. What the .

-hun would have to point it out, the way he always did. That asshat.

Jongin scowled; he hated when his ual desires were noticed- and the ing brat knew this. He quickly grabbed the pillow that was flung at the scumbag who ing deserved it and covered his legs, face still flushed in embarrassment.

Scumhun grinned like it was the best thing ever, gesturing at his phone in curiosity. "Is that why you're waiting for a text?" 

"Ooooh, who's the lucky girl?"

"You mean UNlucky girl?"

Jongin rolled his eyes and the two rascals cackled in the background. Those bastards. He couldn't tell if he wanted to kick them or punch them. Probably both. 

His died along with his good spirit and he snatched his pillow, chucking it in between the both of them. 

"Not a girl." A woman. Goddamn, he wasn't a e. Jongin quickly realized what he said, his mistake too late to be fixed.

Sehun stopped to breathe, his eyes widening when a thought had come to his empty, brainless mind. 

Pointing an accusing finger at his friend, his voiced dropped low and his eyes bugged out. "Are you possibly gay?" More ideas erupted into his brain and he pointed another finger at Baekhyun. "Are you gay, too?" 


Sehun looked as if he finally understood the meaning of life. "That explains," he pointed at Jongin. "Your mysterious booty calls that are possibly, most likely men and why you," He waved a shaky finger towards Baekhyun. "Never sleep with hot girls. Ever." 

Baekhyun was too tired to fight the noodle. "I might be." 

"I suppose so." Jongin followed. 

Sehun, in all his stupidity, glowed and leaned towards his friends, speaking in a hushed tone.

"If that's the case, would you me? Like, am I hot enough to turn another guy on-"

"Okay, honestly, you sound gayer than the both of us right now," Baekhyun groaned, picturing his friend and himself bent over a table. "And dude, that's disgusting." 

Sehun pulled back and shrugged. "Just asking," He leapt off the couch he was sharing with Baekhyun. "I'm down to anyone hot, personally." He slammed the door on his way out, humming the tune of I dont with you because he thought he was a cool er.

"What a great way for us to come out." 

Jongin raised his brows. "I didn't mean it when I said I was gay," He paused to think about it. "But I guess I'm with Sehun." His eyes twinkled in self wonder and he tilted his head to face Baekhyun.

"So does that make me bi or just ?"


Luhan didn't know how, or why, but he took notice of a special someone that had just stepped out of the elevator.

This special someone was lean, nicely built- Luhan found himself melting at the sight of this Godlike mortal. He snapped himself out of his mini fangirl moment and intently watched as the figure moved himself towards a female employee. Luhan cringed when he saw his newfound interest wink at the girl, who giggled bashfully and looked down at her feet. The sight made Luhan wanna throw up.

"Who the hell does he think he is?" He finally sneered from across the lobby. He was certainly attractive, Luhan had to admit, but come ON, he wasn't that special, wannabe supermodel. Luhan perched his hand on his chin and shook his head.

Suho shrugged. "He thinks he owns the place." 

"He does." Jongdae pointed out with a smirk.

Luhan, still baffled, whirled around with raised brows. "That's the CEO's son?" 

"One of them," Suho explained a matter of factly. "This resort has three heirs." A smug look crept onto his face as he held up three fingers.

"Geez, well look who's the know-it-all," Jongdae said sarcastically.

"Uh, yeah, unlike you, you uneducated dweeb." 

"No one uses the word dweeb anymore. And I'm taller than you so-" 

"We're the same ing height, Kim Jongdae."

"At least I have talent." Jongdae scoffed. He flipped his hair a little too hard, and his glasses flung from his face, landing on the ground with a swift thud. "Oh ." He mumbled, struggling to pick it up. 

Suho gaped at him in disbelief. "You almost let an old man drown while on duty."

Jongdae shrugged casually. "He didn't die, though, right?" He wiped his frames before putting it back on.

Suho stared for another moment, managing to groan. "Unbelievable. You are unbelievable." 

"What's unbelievable?" Kris asked, poking his head over their shoulders.

"Me," Jongdae answered with a grin.

"Ah, yes. Truly unbelievable," Kris remarked. "Unbelievably lazy. Now get back to work before I fire you."  He sauntered away, pausing to glare at them once more before finally leaving them alone. 

Jongdae growled as Kris left, signaling a who does he think he is  look to his friends. Luhan sighed, turning back to stare at the eye candy- obnoxious moron that was seducing random women in the resort. He glanced up and down the dude's body, admiring his physique even though he promised he was NOT gay. Okay, so there was that one time his friend accidentally brushed a hand over his manhood and it resulted in a - okay, he was attracted to men.

Luhan's eyes narrowed at the sight of hot but no homo (yes homo)  boy touching the girl's shoulder and his body stiffened. lips thinning as he turned away.

Whatever. He had no intentions with someone that flirty- or with some rich douche who owned the hotel he worked at, anyway.

Suho noticed Luhan's daze and snapped his fingers in front of his colleague's face, half mocking half reprimanding the bellhop. "You heard the man (Luhan assumed he meant Kris), get back to work." He pointed at the front entrance of the resort to guide Luhan and straightened himself, tapping away at his front desk computer to look like he was working. Jongdae snickered at his coworkers, bathing in the glory of being off shift. He whipped the bangs that covered his forehead and brought his two hands into gun shapes, flirting and whistling to a redhead that passed by. She giggled seductively and blew a kiss to the lifeguard, who pretended to catch it and sigh in the name love. Stupid. Luhan groaned and propped himself up lazily (a little happy to leave Jongdae's cringe worthy actions), trudging to the entrance of the resort to carry luggage for new guests who brought along their trouble making kids.

Luhan easily took their belongings into his arms and looked over his shoulder. He was closer to the studmuffin who looked ever so flawless with his milky, pale skin and form-fitting clothes. He was immersed in some conversation with the girl that was, to Luhan's dismay, inaudible. 

Luhan stared- again, deer eyes fixed on the CEO's precious son. To his surprise, his target looked up and caught a glimpse of Luhan, a smile playing on his lips when their eyes locked. 

Luhan's body froze, a blush sweeping across his face as his crush nodded along to the girl's words, his eyes still focused on the bellhop whose heart was beating erratically. The bellhop's mind raced and his thoughts of disinterest were replaced with images of him and his crush together, sleeping, cuddling, kissing, ing. Not that he wanted to have with a stranger, of course. Luhan was not a hoe. 

A scream interrupted the short-lived steamy moment, and Luhan looked down to see a freckled face boy tugging on his leg. 

"Hurry up and take my stuff upstairs!"

Luhan clicked a tongue at the kid's nonexistent manners. With a heave and then a sigh, he plodded towards the elevator with the whiny kid's suitcase, forgetting why he wanted a summer job so badly as he stole a glance at the child who was picking his boogers and eating them.  

It's not so bad, he told himself. I'm probably just being unreasonable.

 A small tip of $1 confirmed his suspicions false, and he later tossed the dollar to Chanyeol who eagerly snatched it from across their bug infested room. "I can buy some chips from the vending machine now!" Kyungsoo rolled his eyes in response. His head was rested on the bed frame and his legs were stretched to only fill about half of the bed. "Nice try, buffoon, but the chips cost $1.50." He shifted his body and positioned himself to sleep, shutting his eyes. Chanyeol frowned silently, outdone by his mean coworker who he thought of as a friend.

Luhan stared at Chanyeol, deciding he actually wanted that dollar back, but thought better than to argue with the giant. He turned his body away from his colleagues and watched a cockroach skitter up the stained wall while Chanyeol switched the lights off. The bellhop recoiled, wrinkling his nose in disgust. He grabbed his phone that lay nearby and decided to do research on his crush. Unlocking the device, the fuzzy blue screen was the only source of light in the dark room, which Luhan dimmed sympathetically to ensure his fellow roommates could get a good night’s sleep.

He typed EXO Resort CEO into the search engine, grunting silently in frustration when all he saw were 3 semi-old men posing together. He could, however, point out his crush’s father (and hopefully his father-in-law). Their features were similar- strong jawline, intense eyes, sharp nose shaped by the heavens itself. Luhan stared for a few more seconds before continuing his search. He clicked on the picture of the CEOs and was directed to a website that was like Wikipedia. He scrolled down and tapped on the link that said CEO Kim, only to face an image that was most definitely not his in-law. He made his way back to the previous page and tapped on CEO Byun. Once again, he was disappointed.

Which left CEO Oh.

Luhan rapidly clicked on the link, smiling creepily at his own screen in defiance as a picture of his handsome in-law popped up. He quickly read general details about him and scrolled down to the “Children” section, pouting when it only told him the number of children Mr. Oh had. Cursing internally, Luhan continued reading the bio until he almost reached the bottom. His eyes scanned the “Personal Life” section and he found his target. "In a recent interview, Oh has stated that he will hand down 1/3 of the resort’s ownership to his only child, Oh Sehun, when the young lad is appropriately ready.”

Oh Sehun.

Luhan’s fingers flew as he returned to the search engine and typed in Sehun’s name, almost dying of a heart attack when his phone lagged for a split of a second. Images of his gorgeous Sehun were shown and the love-struck bellhop almost jumped off his bed in glee.

He calmed himself down (as calm as heavy breathing and fanning himself can get) and settled on a website that had the gorgeous man's profile and information. 21 years old. The bellhop slowly took it in and mentally kicked himself for liking someone younger than him. Nonetheless, he sighed happily because he finally had a name to match his hottie. Sehun. The name rolled off his tongue so easily when he whispered that he felt a slight pride in saying it. His mind thought of Sehun's small smile and he giggled, burying his face into his pillow.

I wonder what he's like. Or what  he likes. Is he gay? Biual?

Luhan's giggles faded and he lay still, snapping out of his obsessive, creepy fangirling.

Why did he care? He wouldn't date him. Much less get the chance.

The bellhop groaned out loud accidentally, gaining a yelp from Kyungsoo who told him to shut the up unless he wanted to sleep with the bears. Not that the beach had bears. But the nearby forest did.

Luhan shuddered and put his phone away, obeying the midget's orders in fear of being eaten alive by grizzlies.

But then again, maybe that was better than working at the dump of a resort.

A/N: Sorry for the long wait and super ish chapter LMAO. 

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grumpygranny #1
Hi, please keep writing because it looks promising :)