Life Update and Other Stuff

With Lots of Help (and some trouble too)

Hey Guys, it's me, candyaalways. Looking back on this story I can see that it's almost been 2 years since I last touched it, much less wrote a chapter. Back then I was about to enter 8th grade, and now I'm going toenter 10th grade in September. Anyways, since I know that anybody subscribed might not really are about this, I'll get to the point. I'm really sorry for neglecting this story. I plan on going back to it this summer and steadily updating it, but the problem is I don't Ihave an ending in mind. I have a general ending but nothing too specific. What I'm trying to say is that I'm going to be letting the story guide me instead of my thoughts. Basically, you can look forward to a refreshing casual story without having to worry about a specific plot structure. I hope to udate at least every weekend but I don't know if I can. And to those that even subscribed to this story, thanks for staying subscribed even when I stopped updating!

Enjoy your day and have a happy summer!


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Chapter 6: I'm excited for the update ^^
laylaaa21 #2
Chapter 2: lettme be the coauthor of this book girl i have a great idea
I look forward to your update :)
Can't wait for the update! Looks fun to read.