
With Lots of Help (and some trouble too)

Ren's POV

"I can't believe that Mr.Kim pushed us so hard in dance today!" I exclaim as I bite into a slice of hot pizza from the cafeteria.

"It wasn't that hard," My best friend, Bambam , says as he spreads the contents of his lunchbox onto the lunch table.

"You can only say that because you're amazing at dancing," I mutter under my breath. Luckily, Bambam doesn't hear what I say and continues on with his current topic of interest.

"You should have heard our vocal class; it was brutal." Bambam says as he starts to eat his sandwich. "Miss Liu forced me to sing! I only signed up because the sheet said that you would get to rap." Of course this was always Bambam's complaint. I already knew that he hated singing, but his amazing rapping skills made up for it. Unfortunately, Miss Liu didn't think the same way that I did. This lead to some interesting incidents in which she forced him to sing longer than the other students.

"Bambam, you know that you have to be able to sing on pitch to be a real rapper." I repeat as I've done every single time he brings up having to sing.

"I know that, but why do I have to sing in front of everyone?" He grumbles, clearly displeased with my response to his last comment. I'm about to answer his question when I hear my name being called from somewhere near the entrance of the cafeteria.

"Choi Minki!" I snap my head towards the noise and see my teacher Mr.Fei standing at the top of the cafeteria steps. He points at me and motions for me to meet him in the hallway.

"Sorry Bambam, gotta go." I say as I rush to clean up my lunch. Hurriedly, I run into the hallway to see that Mr.Fei is waiting for me by his classroom door.

"Hey, Minki," Mr.Fei casually greets me,"I need you to do me a favor." Since Mr.Fei is the only teacher that doesn't care that I try to look like a girl, I've decided that he's my favorite teacher. That also means that doing him a favor is something that I don't really mind either.

"Sure, Mr.Fei, what do you need me to do?" I eagerly ask.

"Well," he hesitates as if he knows that I might not like what he says. "I want you to go check on a student for me." That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I think relieved.

"Sure I'll do it!" I happily reply with a smile lighting up my facial features.

"The only thing is, this student is currently attending Seoul City High School." Mr.Fei adds to his previous request. My smile falters for a moment before completely disappearing. Everyone at Seoul City High School for the Gifted knows that the students at Seoul City High School are worth all of your energy just for the sake of avoiding them. You always hear stories about them doing the craziest things and never even trying in class. It's unheard of for a student to transfer from there to here.Seoul City High School has a pretty bad reputation, to say the least.

But, I push aside all of these thoughts and say the two words that I know Mr.Fei is hoping to hear,"Yes,sir." I know that there has to be a good reason for Mr.Fei not being able to go himself, so I'll just have to deal with this soon-to-be transfer student myself.


 At the end of the day, I head down to SCHS with the hope that I can catch this Kang DongHo kid before he leaves the school building and heads to who-knows-where. Apparently he's "an amazing singer who definitely has what it takes to be in SCHS for the Gifted." At least, that's what Mr.Fei said. As I'm deep in thought, I almost miss the highschool entrance bustling with teens varying ages. A student rushes out of the school building in a hurry leaving the door open on the way out. I rush up the stairs and grab the smooth, cold steel door handle before the door locks. I get some weird looks, but then again, it's not like I've ever been inside of this school before. I must look pretty weird to everyone else. I speed up my pace and hold the picture of the student close to my face as I scan the crowded hallways for DongHo.

Soon, I realize that I must've taken a wrong turn because it seems like this part of the school is not meant for students. Suddenly, I hear a faint noise. It sounds melodious, so I'm naturally drawn towards it. Then I realize, that it's someone's singing. This must be Kang DongHo. I think, relieved that it was so was easy to find him. As I turn into the hallway where the singing I the strongest, I take time to admit how amazing Kang DongHo Is at singing. Then he starts rapping and I'm immediately blown away by his sheer talent. This guy really is fit to go to our high school. That's the only thought that I have to process before I find the source of the voice. A boy slightly taller than me and probably one or two years older than me is standing in from of me. The locker door is obstructing his face from my view, which is probably why he jumps in surprise when I approach him.

"Kang DongHo? Are you Kang DongHo?" The boy slams the locker shut and I'm finally able to see his face. A slight blush starts creeping it's way onto his cheeks. He looks startled and his eyes are open so wide that I swear you could stick a sewer pipe into them. He's also most definitely not Kang DongHo. "That was great..." I start to compliment him on his singing, but then I see the actual Kang DongHo I the hallway. I rush towards him and take one last look at the mysterious singing boy. Maybe I should tell someone about this. I think, but then I think better of it. It wouldn't be so special if others knew about it, would it? This is my personal serenade after all.

Aron's POV

That girl saw me! OMG, SHE SAW ME SINGING! If anyone hears about this I don't even know what i'll do. I just hope that she does tell anyone that she saw me singing. More importantly, why didn't DongHo tell me that he might be transferring to SCHS for the Gifted? I guess I'll just have to talk to him about it tomorrow when I meet up with Mark and all the other guys. Oh well, time to go him now. Until tomorrow, then.

A/N Chapter one is finally up!!!! Yay! It took so long after internet problems, but now it's here! Hope you like it! Don't forget to check out nu'est text messages too. Now I'll be updating once a week! 


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Chapter 6: I'm excited for the update ^^
laylaaa21 #2
Chapter 2: lettme be the coauthor of this book girl i have a great idea
I look forward to your update :)
Can't wait for the update! Looks fun to read.