
With Lots of Help (and some trouble too)

Aron's POV

I decided to go to bed early for a change after the day's turn of events. By early, I mean at 11 pm. So now I'm in bed and waiting for my eyes to get heavy. Once I fall asleep this day will be over. Then I can just forget about everything that happened. That includes that random girl seeing me singing. Come to think of it, I've never seen her at school before. She must be going to that preppy school. SCHS for the Gifted. They always look down on the kids who go here. I don't understand why they believe the rumors about us all bad kids. It just doesn't make sense! Anyways, I need to sleep.

12:30 AM

I can't sleep. I can't SLEEP! I CANT SLEEP! "Aron stop yelling!" My mom shouts from downstairs. Oops. I didn't know I yelled that out loud. I'll try to go to sleep now.

3:00 AM

I can't freaking sleep! It's been four and a half hours, and I can't freakin' sleep! Why me? Why do I have to be the one who can't sleep?

5:00 AM

Since I've given up on the hope of ever falling asleep again, I'm going to get ready for school. Maybe, I don't have to go to school at all. Maybe, I can say I'm sick. What if I say my arm will blow off my body if I step foot inside the school? No, who would even believe that? I guess better start getting ready for school, then.

7:30 AM

After getting my sister to cover the dark circles under my eyes up, I'm ready to go to school. Now I'm getting really anxious about what I'm going to do about the BaekHo situation. Should I confront him at lunch like I originally planned, or just hint on the subject of him transferring? I guess the latter would be a better choice. Then if he wants to tell me and the others, he will.

7:43 AM

When I get to school who should I see but BaekHo, leaning by the music room door, talking to our friend Jackson. I don't know if I should approach him, so I just hurry into my math class before the bell rings.

12:00 PM

For the whole school day, I've been hiding from BaekHo. But, curse my luck, I seemed to run into him wherever I went. It was like he teleported everywhere that I planned on going. Now, it's lunchtime so I'm gonna eat with him and the others. That is, Jackson, Minhyun and Mark. Since Minhyun is the student council president, we get to eat in the student council room. I go to my locker and see Mark, my best friend. Luckily, he's the only one there. "Where are Minhyun, Jackson, and BaekHo?" I ask. They're usually all waiting for me at my locker. "Minhyun had some student council stuff to take care of, and Jackson went to be an idiot somewhere else." Mark replies casually. Of course, Jackson wouldn't be there. He's probably doing something incredibly stupid right now. Minhyun is definite fixing all the mistakes that the student council makes. That leaves BaekHo. "So where's BaekHo?" I ask, surprised that he's not here. "He said he had a HUGE surprise for us!" Marl replies, excited about what the surprise could possibly be. With that we race to the student council room, anticipating when BaekHo will arrive. When Mark and I burst through the student council room doors we get quite the surprise. Minhyun, Jackson, and BaekHo are there, trying to lift a gigantic bear off the ground. "What's the bear for?" I ask stifling my laughter as the three teens struggle to all hold onto the bear. "Baekho brought it; has an announcement to make," I hear a muffled voice say, that I soon identify as Jackson's. "And he couldn't make his announcement without a gigantic bear." Jackson says in the same muffled voice as before. I can't contain my laughter anymore. I burst out laughing when I realize that Jackson is stuck under the bear's gigantic bottom. The only thing is can see is his arm trying to push the bear of of him. "So Jackson, how did you get stuck under Mr.Bear?" Mark asks trying -and failing- to smother his giggles. "Ask Baekho and Minhyun, I'm having trouble breathing!" Jackson says, aggravated, before falling silent. "Baekho, Minhyun, get the bear off of him!" I yell no starting to for Jackson's life. Baekho and Minhyun manage to get the bear off of Jackson before collapsing on the ground exhausted from the physic exertion of lifting the bear. Jackson get up slowly, gasping for air while Mark starts gasping from air due to the fact that he was laughing so hard. I glare at the evil bear before looking at Baekho and Minhyun who have gotten up. "So why is there a giant bear in the room, Baekho?" I ask generally confused. "Well it's just that I have something special to tell you," Baekho says before sitting down on the bear's gigantic leg. "I'm going to transfer to SCHS for the Gifted!" Baekho declares bursting with happiness. Minhyun's mouth drops open while Mark's eyes grow to the size of saucers and I stare at Baekho I awe. "OMG, Baekho, that's awesome!" Minhyun happily exclaims as he registers what Baekho just said. Mark nods in agreement, still too shocked to get words past his lips. "Wow, I cant believe that you got in! That's great!" But even as i say those words to a beaming Baekho I feel a pang in my chest. I can't help but be a little jealous. It's not that I wish I could have gotten in, though. I just wish that I was able to have the courage to sing in front of people. I wish that I could tell other people that singing and rapping are my passions instead of hiding. I wish that when people ask me if I can sing or dance or rap I would have to confidence to tell them yes instead of denying them. I wish that I could do what I really like doing. But, most of all, I wish that I was able to not care about what people think and follow my dreams. I let out a sigh before looking at the bear of evil. "Okay guys, lets celebrate!"

                                         ~After School~

                                       *At Mark's house*

Mark's POV

Aron's been acting weird since BaekHo announced that he was going to transfer to SCHS for the Gifted. I wonder if he's sad that BaekHo will be leaving us or if he just doesn't like the idea of BaekHo having to deal with the people at SCHS for the Gifted. I guess I'll just have to ask him about it. Since we're alone, I guess it's now or never. Here I go. "Hey Aron, has anything been bothering you lately?" "No, why do you ask? Should something be bothering me?" Hmmm. That's weird, he's acting hostile now. I guess it's time to backtrack. "Well, no. It just seems like you e been acting weird since BaekHo made his big announcement." "I'm fine, shouldn't we start doing our homework?" Aron quickly asks, diverting the subject away from BaekHo's surprise. I nod, a little bit stunned that he won't even tell me, his childhood friend, what's going on. I guess I'll just have to figure it out myself. But right now, I'm really hungry.

                                          ~After School~

                                     *At BamBam's house*

Bambam's POV

Today Ren walked in, doing his special diva strut. The look on his face screamed 'I know something you don't'. To make things worse he was snapping at everyone who walked past him the wrong way. I wonder what happened to make him such a meanie today. I guess I'll just have to ask him tomorrow.

A/N Hey, its me again! Hopefully this will be a double update or chapter 3 will be updated tomorrow as a sorry for my lack of activity recently! Baiiii

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Chapter 6: I'm excited for the update ^^
laylaaa21 #2
Chapter 2: lettme be the coauthor of this book girl i have a great idea
I look forward to your update :)
Can't wait for the update! Looks fun to read.