Chapter 3

Chinese Teacher


Jia’s POV

Good morning Jia!

What are you doing today?


I smiled at the text from my friend Heechul, even though it was interrupting time that could have been used for more sleep and rest.


I'm feeling a little sick. So my manager told me to stay home.


I decided to respond to Heechul's text even though I was tired and wanted to sleep. I didn’t want him to think that I could be ignoring him. I don’t know why I took in so much consideration as to what Heechul would think if I took so long to text. Maybe he barely even noticed. He was a popular idol; he was surely texting more people than me so I assumed my texts were extraordinarily special.


Aigoo~ Are you okay?!

Is it serious?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


I chuckled while reading his kind response and was surprised that he seemed to show much concern for someone he barely knew that well yet. Much politer than I originally suspected of him. I thought about my answer before responding. I didn’t want to make him worry more than he already seemed to be. But at the same time I didn’t want to make it seem like I was staying home for nothing. My already hazy thoughts tried to scatter and find a nice balance before I responded to the text.


I don’t think so.

I just can’t speak and my head’s a little hazy.

It’s probably just a day thing.


Satisfied with my response I hit the send button on my phone and watched it go off. Again I closed my eyes and I could feel myself beginning to drift into a sleep when my phone went off again.


Good. That’s relieving to hear.

Drink hot water with lemon and honey.

Stay healthy


I knew I was going to fall asleep soon. I thought it’d be best to tell Heechul that I was going to sleep instead of just poofing randomly then I had been.


I’m falling asleep now.


I don’t really remember typing the words. I just remember reading them after the message was sent and then I easily fell into a slumber, ignoring my phone when I heard it vibrate again.


Heechul’s POV

I usually didn’t care much about other’s problems unless it affected me directly.  If everyone only focused on themselves surely the world would be less stressed. Still when I read the text that Jia was sick I felt an involuntary frown tug at my lips.  When you’re in this industry hot having your voice even for just a day could be scary. On the outside Jia didn’t seem like a girl who got easily scared, so I wondered if she was worried.

It made me happy that she informed me she was falling asleep. The text itself made me chuckle a little. But I was glad to know she was going to get some rest. Truthfully I didn’t think I’d have a lot of free time to keep texting her anyway. My morning and afternoon schedules were all pretty full. I texted Jia back without expectation of a reply and tried not to think about the situation much through the rest of the day.

Not thinking about Jia didn’t go as well as planned. She remained on my mind throughout the day and I frequently checked my phone. It seemed as though someone was always texting me but not Jia. It was only a bunch of people I really didn’t have a desire to talk to. Jia was stuck in my mindset so people I didn’t want to talk to pretty much included everyone except for her. I did give some of my fellow member’s attention.

“Do you know where Miss A’s dorm is?” I asked my fellow super junior member, Siwon as he took a seat next to meet in the car while we waited to go to our next schedule.

“Nope.” Siwon answered quickly and then tilted his head and raised an eyebrow at me, giving me a confusing and what felt like a judgmental look. “Why?”

“Just wondering.” I shrugged not wanting to go in to detail. I could feet a questioning glare heating up my face as Siwon stared at me. I didn’t respond or react to it and instead played with my phone, feeling bored but not bored enough to text back the people who had texted me earlier. The people who were not Jia.

“Hey guys what’s going on?” I heard our group’s leader voice as he joined us in the vehicle with that angelic smile he always wore. It was exhausting to look at after awhile. Or maybe I was just irritable.

“Heechul’s asking about Miss A?” Siwon revealed.

“Miss A?” Leeteuk sounded surprised.

“Miss A.” Siwon confirmed. I rolled my eyes as they discussed and confirmed the question I previously directed at Siwon. I should never get my fellow members involved in anything I do, I realized that now.

“What about Miss A?” Leeteuk questioned and sat down on the other side of Siwon.

“He wanted to know where they lived.” I didn’t psychically acknowledge or take part in their conversation but I listened to it.

“Hm. Probably in the JYP buildings. They put their members in the building across from ours, I believe.” Leeteuk suggested and even though I didn’t want to I quickly looked up. The two males instantly noticed my reaction and shared smirks. I rolled my eyes at them as another member entered the car.

“Hello.” Yesung said politely taking the last empty seat next to Leeteuk and our driver got in a few moments after. Luckily I knew the right people to ride with and once the car took off I wasn’t bothered by the fellow members. Had I been in the other car the conversation would never had been let go. 

I got out of the car and stepped on the pavement we were parked in. Looking around I took in the landscaping of the location for the CF we were shooting today. The building had a warm feeling to it unlike the modernized building I was use to going to. Usually I preferred the simplified look. But for some reason the flowers and wooden decor made me smile this time. It put me in a good mood.

With all my natural charm and beauty I did my best in our CF and remained focused for the better portion. Along with the rest of super junior we were praised on our performance and efforts. Leeteuk walked out with me on the way to the car. It was the last schedule for the day and after this we got to go home.

“Their building’s across from us.” I gave Leeteuk a confused look before realizing what he was saying.

“Miss A?” I made sure to confirm.

“Mhm.” Leeteuk nodded with a smile. I didn’t ask him how he knew that even though I was curious. Instead I did something that surprised even me. I don’t even know why I did it. I ran back into the building where we just finished taping our CF and I took flowers right off the set. I didn’t ask for them, I just took them. That wasn’t really the strange thing. I’ve done impolite things before. But it was weird that I was doing this with thoughts of someone else in mind.  Flowers clutched tightly in my hand I darted back to the vehicle gladly finding the other members and the manager already seated.  Without questioning me. The driver headed back to our dorm.

Jia’s POV

I woke up with a lot of text messages. I had a lot from all three of the other members in Miss A. Just pestering me if I was doing alright. If I could talk yet. I hoped my mouth and only blew air out. I sighed, letting out more air. I wanted my voice back. My head felt a little better. but there were still signs of dizziness. I responded to all their text and answered there questions. I looked at my text from Heechul. It only said goodbye from earlier so I didn’t bother to answer it right away. Instead I went into the bathroom and changed out of my PJs into some comfy clothes. I put my hair up and then walked to the kitchen getting myself some room temperature water.  The water didn’t seem to do much for my voice. When I opened my mouth, air was still the only thing coming out.

I went to my room only to grab a stuffed animal. I was lonely in the dorm all myself and I needed some sort of company. I sat on the couch with my fluffy stuffed animal and began to play around with my phone, feeling desperately bored. I decided to text Heechul.


I stared at my phone for around 10 minutes waiting. I didn’t expect a text back right away from Heechul. I figured he was super busy with schedules but I was hoping to at least hear from someone. My stuffed animal wasn’t giving me enough company.  I was beginning to feel dizzy again. I leaned my head back on the couch and closed my eyes. I didn’t feel sleepy enough to fall asleep but my mind was drifting into a comatose state. My head didn’t hurt but I thought I could feel a banging. No I heard a banging. Someone was at the door. I was surprised. The only people I would suspect to come by would have been my roommates and they would have barged right in.

I shuffled over to the door and looked at the door camera. My mouth opened and I probably would have gasped if my throat would have allowed me to make that noise. I quickly opened the door not wanting him to wait too long and I was eager to find out why he was here. I opened the door.

“Hi Jia” Heechul smiled and bowed to me. I noticed flowers and other items in his arms. I wouldn’t know what to say even if I had my voice.

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SayAlover #1
Chapter 6: Please upload
Ahhhh!! Author-nim please update this story! :)
Milielitre #3
Jia and Heechul are such a cute couple^^ I discovered Close Your Mouth thanks to you, so Thank you!!!!!
Chapter 6: Omo, this is super cute.... i love jia in heechul mv.... they are really close
Mistyk #5
Chapter 6: OMG Sunming was too cute making Kyuhyun apologize xDD. Is Heechul angry? Oh our poor Chinese lady felt bad(???) Go, go Min!!
Thanks for the new chapter.
pandaapple97 #7
Chapter 6: uisdohsdiosddgs98idpsbsdg8i9dknksjd ; ; I missed this story so much, UPDATE SOON~
Mistyk #8
I hope you can update soon >.<
Angelly8a #9
oh uploaaadd!! pleasee
eninhydra #10
Can you update the story? :)
I like it ^^