The Only Moon In My Galaxy

Trip To BeiJing

The day for me to leave Beijing has come. I'll definitely miss this place... Although I wasn't able to make a lot of friends in the short time that I was here, it was still fun nonetheless. I experienced so many new things and I was happy that I hopped onto this opportunity. I mean, I did get a lovely, adorable and absolutely gonna be my world daughter. Oh, and then this awkward giant...

I look up to YiFan, who was standing next to me, arm around my waist and sticking close to MeiHua. The airport was a lot busier than usual... Guess why, yeah, his fans. I heard a lot of sad screams, telling him not to leave, a lot of supportive chants of both his move and me... hehe.  Wow, his fans are pretty cool. I would've thought I would be in a dumpster right now with my hair all pulled and etc... I thought. I chuckled, catching YiFan's attention.

"Why're you laughing to yourself? What were you thinking about?" He asked me.

"Oh... Nothing much." I smile at him. "I just thought how great and supportive your fans are of you."

He laughed. "Yeah, after that incident with... You know... I found who my real fans were." I saw a tinge of sadness in his eyes, but then it disappeared as he looked at me. "They are all very supportive and I appreciate and love each and every one of them. They are really half of what makes me today." He said.

I smiled at his appreciation for his fans. "That's good..." I look at my watch and see that it is almost time for our flight. "Ah, we gotta go soon." I look around for a familiar face. Where is this dork...? I though to myself as I scanned the room, finally finding who I was looking for. "YUN!" Yun's head snaps over to me, exasperatedly, he runs over. "Did you get lost...?" I laughed.

"....No..." He looked away. That means yes... Haha.

"Well, we have to go now... Thank you so much for everything here. Taking me out and all those experiences... MAKE SURE YOU COME VISIT ME BACK IN THE STATES!" I hugged him and said my goodbyes.

And we were off, to a new chapter in life.

1 Year Later...

"Baobei-ah~" I hear being whispered to me. I then feel a small kiss on my forehead. I open my eyes, to the most two beautiful and life-changing faces, YiFan, my boyfriend and MeiHua, my lovely daughter who is now 4 years old. I smile and bring my daughter into the covers with me, giving her mini kisses (more like sniffs, you know, those asian kisses, where they kiss with their nose, sniffing... Just my family? Haha).

"Mama!" She giggled. "S-Stopp. Baba says we have to go!" Hearing her call YiFan, Baba, I stopped.

"Wait..." My eyes narrowed and turned towards YiFan who immediately got up and walked out of the room, rubbing the back of his neck. "HuaHua-ah, did Dio tell you to call him that?" I asked her. She just smiled and nodded.

"HuaHua!! Let's go get ready for mommy's graduation!" YiFan called after her. MeiHua lifted her head and ran out of the room, giggling and smiling the entire time. I sit up and just laugh to myself. Oh yeah, I'm graduating today... I get out of bed and start getting ready.

Once graduation was over, we all went out to eat with my family at a nice and beautifully elegant restaurant that surprisingly, YiFan said he would be paying for (what a balla). We all walk into the restaurant, and I'm just in awe. The restaurant was decorated with a beautful chandelier, the tables were very elegant in red and white, flowers were all over the building, even with a little entrance thing that had one of my favorite flowers, sakura blossoms, hibiscuses and even somehow got pond lilies on there. It was just gorgeous.

We all sit down, I sit with my mom to my left, MeiHua to my right and YiFan on the other side of MeiHua. I lean over to my mom and say, "What do you think of, YiFan? This is like your... 2nd time meeting him?" My mom smiled and laughed.

"Yeah... Sure. 2nd time..." She mumbled. I looked at her quizzically. "Uh, yeah, he is a great guy from the two times that I met him so far... Good job! Gonna beat both your brothers to-" She stopped herself and just laughed, glancing over to YiFan, then went to talk to my dad. Okay... That was weird...

I turn to YiFan, shrugging off the suspicion, "Wow, YiFan... Why is this so elegant? This is amazing... But don't you think it is too much for a graduation dinner?" I asked him.

He looked at me and laughed. "No, not at all..." He replied to me. "Let's eat."

As the night went on, we all finished eating. As I was about to thank everyone for coming, YiFan stands up, grabbing everyone's attention. I look at everyone, to MeiHua and finally onto YiFan. What's going on... Why'd he stand up...?

He then turns to me, grabs my hand and goes towards the little flower entrance opening. "Baobei, congratulations on graduating, I am so proud of you. There is also something else I would like to give you." He kisses my hand and then my cheek. I can start to feel my face grow hot. Really... In front of my family? I thought to myself. I look over towards the table with the entire family's expectant and excited faces. No way... This... Before I could finish my thought, YiFan gets down on one knee, pulls out a little box, laced in red and says, "Will you let me fulfill my promises of being there for you? Forever? Letting me protect you and provide for you and MeiHua?" He opens the box and appears the most beautiful ring I had ever seen (and trust me, I've seen a lot. I have dreamt of getting one since I was in a freshmen in HIGH SCHOOL). The ring was white gold, once again with star and moon cut, but this time it was a little tiny crecent and stars surrounding the diamond  and crecent in the middle and on the side were beautiful, elegant wings.

He then says, "The diamond in the middle is for traditional purposes, cause I know how you like tradtional. The stars and moon represents the lunar galaxy, and the wings represent the ability to get there... My galaxy is vast, but I only have one moon. Will you be the only moon in my galaxy?" At the end, it seemed like he mentally facepalmed himself for the cheesiness... But I like cheesy, haha.

I nod my head, tears pouring down my face and he gets up, places the ring on my finger and pulls me into a warm embrace and kissed me.

All you hear in the background are cheers from my family and the entire restaurant. He definitely knows how to make a scene. You could hear people taking pictures and my family yelling out, "FINALLY."

MeiHua comes running up to us. YiFan picks her up and she goes, "Yay! Baba and Mama are getting married!"

I smile and look up to YiFan, smiling and content, leaning into him.

The Only Moon In His Galaxy...



I hope you guys enjoyed this! Tell me how it was! :D It wasn't too cheesy of an ending... Right?

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Chapter 6: Omg! There are so many moons in the galaxy and she is one! It's never too cheesy! I love cheesy endings! It makes me have tears of joy! :') I hope you write more stories like this!
mincupin07 #2
Chapter 6: Last Chapter: Imagines myself being there and crying of happiness. Probably jumping up and down with MeiHua.
And oh, don't worry. I love cheese ^_^
Chapter 5: Lol! Finally they will get married! Update soon!
mincupin07 #4
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: woooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww authornim, this was fast, and beautifully fast~ like wow~ like yes! like I'm just holding myself from not squealing because I'm the middle of our living room, and I can't possibly admit that the reason I'm acting giddy is because of a fanfiction ^////////////^ is this the end chapter? thank you!
mincupin07 #5
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Ugh, that angst. Again, very well-written!! Can't wait for the update!!!
Chapter 4: It's probably just Kris's sister right? I mean what about earlier? T_T Update soon!
Chapter 3: I'm curious to know what's going on. Can't wait for the update.
mincupin07 #8
Chapter 3: I ship them already~
Chapter 2: How did she meet Kris? How old is Kris? Haha sorry for all the questions! Update soon! ^_^
Chapter 1: WHAT?! I don't get it.. Are they related? Update soon! ^_^