
Trip To BeiJing

The Next Day...

I stare at MeiHua in the chair, spinning around. All my coworkers has gathered around, asking about her and her situation. Some giving me amazed looks and others shaking their heads.

Coworker: "MeiHua-ahh~ How old are you now?"

MeiHua holds out 3 fingers, shyly. Everyone went crazy from the cuteness.

I am so thankful that my boss was understanding of the whole situation...

As the work day went by, it hit 5 o'clock and we were outta there. As I walk towards the street, I hear a honk. About to turn around and give the person a glare, I realize it was Kris. The car he was in was a sleek, white sports car. How flashy... I toss the thought into the back of my head and proceed to buckle MeiHua into the back.

"MeiHua-ah~ Did you say hi to Dio (uncle in Teochew, small chinese dialect that I am currently trying to teach her) yet?" I turn to Kris and ask, "Ah! What did you want her to call you? Uncle or Brother?"

Kris was taken aback and contemplated... "Uh... She can just call me Uncle, I guess... Uhm... The word you said... Th-Thee-ah?"

I laugh at his attempt and teach him to say it properly. "Thi-ee-Ah" MeiHua says her greetings and soon falls asleep in the car while we head to find a place to eat and talk about the adoption.

At the Restaurant

We walk into the restaurant, MeiHua in my arms, half asleep, and Kris in front to get a table.

The waitress looks at us and smiles. While I was trying to wake MeiHua up so she could eat, I hear the waitress tell Kris, "Wah, your wife and daughter are so pretty. You are one lucky man.Wait, what... What is life right now... I'm not.. We aren't... HE IS FAMOUS. SERIOUSLY, LADY? Kris smiles and blushes, quietly thanks her and then glances my way to see if I heard the conversation, having had my back turned from them, he assumed that I didn't. He gave a sigh of relief and had the waitress lead us to the table.

So many thoughts were going through my head and thinking of how other people see us...

After he orders, we briefly go over the adoption process, which didn't last long at all cause he then very casually, but not exactly subtely changes the subject.

"So yeah, that's what is gonna happen. Usually it'll take a while, but since you aren't gonna be here for that long, they are gonna expedite absolutely everything... So how was your day at work?" Very smooth... Dork... I chuckle.

"Nice topic change..." I bluntly commented with a chuckle. Kris looked away in embarrassment, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Mama~~ I'm glad you're gonna be my new mommy.” MeiHua said in her cute voice. I smile and give her a little eskimo kiss. "I'm glad that I'm going to be your mommy, too, HuaHua." I said to her, not noticing the look of adoration that Kris was giving me. I look back up to him and catch his stare. I look away, embarrassed about being caught in a vunerable state. I cough and as if on cue, the food starts coming out. Phew, saved by the bell... Well food.

We sat and ate quietly, with a little bit of small talk about the food every now and then. Man... This can't get weirder... Two awkward people sitting together... This silence is going to be the death of me. I thought. Probably the only one who isn't make it awkward was MeiHua...

As it was getting late, Kris brought us back to the apartment. He gets out of his car and helps take the MeiHua inside. Once inside, I take her from Kris and whisper for him to wait in the living room and I'll see him out.  Finished changing her and putting her to bed, I go to the living room to see Kris out. We slowly walk to his car. "Wow, this has been a long day." I said, breaking the silence. "Thank you so much for your help and stuff..." We reach his car. I turn towards him and smile.

"No problem..." He said, rubbing the back of his neck again. He opens his mouth, as if trying to say something. I tilt my head, giving him a curious look. "Ah... Uhm... Just wanted to see... Uh know... Uhm... Even after the whole... helping out, translating stuff... If we could still keep in contact and talk... and stuff... Yeah..."  He looked away in embarrassment.

I look away at the same time. Wait... Why am I getting embarrassed? Oh god... No way, MeiFang-ah! You cannot, repeat CANNOT fall for a celebrity, ESPECIALLY ONE THAT LIVES IN CHINA. Long distance ain't gonna cut it for you. “Ah... Uhm... Yeah, sure. Of course." WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?! STOP IT, NOW.

It gets quiet... Awkward... "Uhm... Well... I should get back to MeiHua... Uh... Thank you again... Drive safe..." As I turn around and about to walk away, Kris grabs my arm and pulls me into a tight hug. OMG. IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING? I freeze, but then return the hug. Engulfed in his scent, I fall into his body, fitting perfectly. The sense of security... of warmth... Wait... MeiFang, STOP. Stop now! Snapping back into reality, I break the hug. Luckily it was dark, so he couldn't see how heated and red my face was.

Covering his face with his hand, he clears his throat and replies in a rather low and husky voice, "Uh... No problem... Uhm.. Have a good night..." He gets into his car and doesn't drive off until I get inside.

Brushing my teeth in a daze, playing through the scene... Imagining myself being engulfed by those arms of his...


Being drawn out of my daze, I grab my phone to read the message.

Kris: Today was nice... I had fun. Let's do it more often! 晚安~~ ((WanAn)Good night~~)

I read and reread the message, smiling like a little high school girl. I walk to my room, snuggling into bed with MeiHua, I am about to close my eyes.


I grab my phone again.

Kris: Btw, you can call me YiFan...

Plastered on my face was a huge smile. "YiFan..."

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Chapter 6: Omg! There are so many moons in the galaxy and she is one! It's never too cheesy! I love cheesy endings! It makes me have tears of joy! :') I hope you write more stories like this!
mincupin07 #2
Chapter 6: Last Chapter: Imagines myself being there and crying of happiness. Probably jumping up and down with MeiHua.
And oh, don't worry. I love cheese ^_^
Chapter 5: Lol! Finally they will get married! Update soon!
mincupin07 #4
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: woooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww authornim, this was fast, and beautifully fast~ like wow~ like yes! like I'm just holding myself from not squealing because I'm the middle of our living room, and I can't possibly admit that the reason I'm acting giddy is because of a fanfiction ^////////////^ is this the end chapter? thank you!
mincupin07 #5
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Ugh, that angst. Again, very well-written!! Can't wait for the update!!!
Chapter 4: It's probably just Kris's sister right? I mean what about earlier? T_T Update soon!
Chapter 3: I'm curious to know what's going on. Can't wait for the update.
mincupin07 #8
Chapter 3: I ship them already~
Chapter 2: How did she meet Kris? How old is Kris? Haha sorry for all the questions! Update soon! ^_^
Chapter 1: WHAT?! I don't get it.. Are they related? Update soon! ^_^