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The bus ride was long and awkward, just my luck Gloria was workin this bus. "Hey Glor" I say, a sad smile plastered on my face. "Hi sweet cakes, why are you up so early?!" Her heartwarming aura settles my hurt heart, "I, uh, got into a weird situation in gangnam." I say, nervous to explain but she just chuckles in return. By this time, the boys had sat down and were staring at us, hard. As they sat in the back, I sat in the front. Quickly turning to the front in my seat, I stare out the giant windshield. Soft raindrops hit the windows surrounding me, I sigh. I have a brother, a gangster brother at that, my mom was now rich, my dad was now gone, and I have an apparently "good" gang following my every move. "Appa left," I whisper to Gloria, eyes tearing and face hardening. Her eyes snap open, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE LEFT?!" She yells, catching bangtan's attention. Ignoring them, I sigh and reply softly, "I don't know, he just left last night and then some guy came and-" I begin to ramble but the bus stops. Realizing we were home, I stop talking. Gloria places a hand under my chin, "Honey, you're so strong. People leaving will never change that." She gives me a reassuring smile and a new found confidence washes over me. Patting her hand, I stand to leave the bus. Jin helps me out, seeing as the rest of the guys were already off the bus. The sun was high in the sky now, I could see the tired etched on the guys faces. "Thanks... I guess" I say, scratching the back of my head. They give off dorky smiles and v steps up, "We could walk you home." He says, his voice still monotone as ever. I nod my head no, but the guys still follow as I walk home, though they are a few feet behind me, I hear them yawn and trip over their own feet. After a few minutes I spot my house, as if on a high, it feels like I float the rest of the way home. As my hand traces the cracks on the doorknob, I turn to bangtan. "I'll see you guys at school later." A small grin escapes me, the guys couldn't help but chuckle. "Oh, and V, I can fix your shorts. It'll only take a few hours, not weeks." I say walking into the house, V looks dumbstruck but the rest of them poke fun at him. As I close the door, I can still hear their laughs. Instantly heading upstairs and falling into the bed, I snuggle into my sheets, the smell of home and Sehun mix together, seeing as his shirt and jacket still cling to my body. The house was silent, only the echoes of my breathing filled the air. Taking all my clothes off, I change into some pin striped pajamas, holes in my right pant leg and a grey tint showed their wear. I hum a lullaby as I glide through the house, checking the rooms to see if dad had really left me. A growl emerges from my stomach, I head down to the kitchen, fingers tracing the rails. A slight euphoria pours over me, a certain peacefulness of being alone. Checking the fridge, only a few half bottles of soju occupy its dingy space. Looking at the time on the stove, it was 6:30, school didn't start until 8:30, I had time for a nap. Ignoring the roars from my stomach, I hop back to my room. A sight of a melted ice pop on the floor makes me giggle, picking it up I place it on the dresser. Even though I couldn't eat it now, it still made my tummy flutter. And not because I was hungry. 

            V pov    Sitting in class, I couldn't help but stare at EunBi as she intensely writes notes. She was quiet, kept to herself, and the guys and I never noticed her, even though she sat right in front of Suga, who was currently sleeping. Her bangs fall in front of her face and she annoyingly pushes them back. She squints at the board, as if she needed glasses. As she chews on the back of her pen, waiting for the teacher to write more on the board, she catches me staring, a deep red blush waterfalls onto her face. I stiffen and turn toward in my seat. After a few minutes, she returns to writing her notes and I relax. She was pretty, even with those nasty bruises from Exo. My hands ball up with anger, to think Exo laid a hand on her made my chest burn. We let that happen, I remind myself. Bangtan saw her kick and scream- a jagged sigh escapes me, which catches the attention of the rest of the class. But the bell rings before anybody could speak up, as the guys and I group together for lunch, I notice EunBi walking off. Opposite of the cafeteria. "EunBi!!" JungKook calls, also noticing her. Though he desperately tried to hide it, his crush on her was blatantly obvious. As she turns, her hair whips around her and the sunlight shining through the window bounces off her skin, we all hold our breath. "Hm, what's up?" She asks calmly, as if she didn't know she just shot us all with cupid's arrow. "Aren't you going to get lunch?" Suga asks, speaking for all of us. She stiffens and nods her head, "No, I'm not very hungry." She smiles and waves us off, but she's really bad at lying. We stare back at her, but she just continues to smile, "Guys, really, don't let me keep you from eating." She assures us and gives JungKook a slight push towards the cafeteria, he reddens at her touch.          EunBi pov   "Why are you staring at me!?" I want to scream, just get up from my seat and yell from the top of my lungs. I get it though, the quiet girl from the back of the class shows up bruised and beaten, it might spark some curiosity. But V? Why is he staring? He saw me yesterday, this morning even! I don't look any different! I feel like crying, apparently he sees that and turns in his seat, to not face me. Tears well up in my eyes and a weird cry escapes him, when suddenly the bell rings. I pack up my things and carefully place them in my desk, I was in no rush. Though I've never had much lunch money, it was enough for at least some rice. But dad left, with all of the money, making lunch not doable for me. I leave the classroom and head down the hall, to the band room. When a boy calls behind me, "EunBi!" He yells, I whip around, wiping any trace of hunger from my face. "Hm? What's up?" I ask, the sight of Bangtan was starting to become familiar to me. "Are you going to get lunch?" Suga asks, concealing the urge to scream out and cry that I'm hungry, I settle for a quick nod. "No, I'm not very hungry." I smile and try to shoo them away but the don't budge, instead give me an 'I know you're lying, !' glare, but I continue to smile. "Guys, really, don't let me keep you from eating!" I give JungKook a slight shove to the cafeteria, but the guys still refuse to move. "Okay, boys you're causing a scene. Like, for real, if one of you're guy's fan girls come attacking me. That's on you!" I shrug my shoulders and they take into consideration what I said, by now everyone had circled around us and was staring. It wasn't enough that the quiet girl got beat up, but now she's talking to the top gang in south seoul! The boys nod saying they understood, and I turn around continuing my walk to the band room, a triumphant smile drawn on my face.    I pluck the strings of the guitar to mask my crying stomach, the sounds of the vibrating strings resonates with my soul, throwing me back into my memories.  -"Daddy!!!!" I run out of the private academy's doors, a padded guitar case, bigger than myself, bouncing on my back. A man crouches down on his knees, arms spread wide but with a smile even wider. "EunBi~!!" He returns my eagerness, running into his arms, he picks me up a
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Chapter 10: i wonder what will happen next
Chapter 10: I really loved it when she got angry and start hitting Sehun's car n their fight seen XD Awesome fic, looking forward to next update :)
kpopkitty101 #3
Chapter 7: Please update soon!!!
pikopanda #4
Chapter 4: Your chapter names. Bahahaha. Love it.

Great story, too! Can't wait for the next chapter. :]
BloomingPanda #5
yeay jungkook
Chapter 2: I'm curious to know what's going on next. Can't wait for the update.