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Sehun P.O.V   "No! No! Over there! Yes, hang that there. No, turn that around! Hey! Be careful with that, it's an original JunoCello!" A woman, standing in the middle of my house, yells. She's dressed in the latest fashions, but the wrinkles of lower middle class still etched on her face. My new stepmom, a total gold digger. "Omo, EunBi will love this!" She gleams, inspecting another art work. All week, because of this "EunBi" chick, it's been anything but peace and quiet. I quietly march up the stairs, ignoring my stepmom and hoping she'd do the same. Making it to my room, I collapse onto my bed. My dad would realize he made a mistake marrying this woman if he ever stopped working. We were the Oh entertainment group, biggest and most successful in all of South Korea, managing to break into the American pop culture, we're on top. Jumping off the bed at the sound of a car horn, KyungSoo waits outside in his black Lamborghini. A quick change into an Armani suit and I'm out the door. Heading down the steps, my stepmom bombards me with questions. "Where are you going?" She asks, I sigh and give her a demeaning look. "Why is that any of your business?" I say in a lazily tone. She looks taken back, "Oh, I guess I'll see you later then." She says quieter, a smug look erupts on my face. "Whatever" I walk out of the house, KyungSoo leans against his car, typing away on his phone. "Finally, !" He shoves his phone in his pocket as I open the car door, "What's up" I smile. When we're finally seated he speaks up, "So I was thinking club DaeBak first, then hit up that rooftop party J's throwing" he says, pulling out of the drive way. I nod my head agreeing, we meet up with the other guys later at Club DaeBak. "Ah! The infamous gang, Exo!" The club owner shouts over the loud pumping music, "Enjoy it my boys!" His large gut and gray beard made him look like Santa clause, he extends his hands and welcomes us in to the club. Strobing lights and cocktail waitress surround us, we sit in a private V.I.P section. Girls dance around us, giving us s and sitting on our laps. "Woah baby, no marks." Baek-Hyun smirks and throws her off of him. He grabs another glass and laughs as he notices me. I sit, two girls next to me, both arms around them. "No action sehun?" I chuckle, the girl on my left swings herself on my lap and on my neck, making her way to my lips. A few hours later, and a few more girls, we ended up on the rooftop party. After another few hours of more drinking and more partying, we headed home. Sadly, we had to go through South Seoul, basically the ghetto. Lower middle class, like way low. They were pesky mosquitos, who make anything they touch trash. KyungSoo sits in the drivers seat, as I stare at the poverty stricken homes. Rain poured down, as something caught my eye. A girl, clutching on to an old man, as he walks onto a bus. He pushes her away and she lands, hard, on the ground, but resiliently gets back up and grabs onto him again. I roll my window down  to get a closer look, but instead hear "Appa! Appa please!" A hurting look taints the girls face, her father pushes her down again. "EunBi quit!" He quickly boards the bus, leaving her to chase after the bus, soaking wet. EunBi? Wait like my stepmom's daughter? "Hey, stop the car." I say, KyungSoo looks puzzled but pulls over. "What are you-" before he could finish I hop out of the car. Covering myself with my suit jacket, I run to the bus stop. She sits quiver
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Chapter 10: i wonder what will happen next
Chapter 10: I really loved it when she got angry and start hitting Sehun's car n their fight seen XD Awesome fic, looking forward to next update :)
kpopkitty101 #3
Chapter 7: Please update soon!!!
pikopanda #4
Chapter 4: Your chapter names. Bahahaha. Love it.

Great story, too! Can't wait for the next chapter. :]
BloomingPanda #5
yeay jungkook
Chapter 2: I'm curious to know what's going on next. Can't wait for the update.