Simple choices

Heal Me

A/N: Please, read my note at the end of this chapter, it's really important! ^^

«Yixing?!» Suho said, and at the same time Sehun screeched out a choked “Ge?!”.

«I-I mean, it's not really like he had put it» he blurted out. He wasn't connecting much, and he didn't even know for sure where that outburst of courage did come from. Seeing Sehun, the boy he had declared to love and care for, being the centre of judgments for something he was at fault too had completely shut down any instinct of survival in him. If the younger had been brave enough to come out, why couldn't he at least speak up and tell the truth?

«And how is it, then?» Minseok intervened finally.

«I was the one who initiated the kiss, not him! He does like boys, but it's not like he's not able to control himself and his needs. We were kissing because... Because, well, we-» he paused for a second, steadying his voice «like each other.»

A surprised murmur rose from the members as everyone was commenting what had just happened. In the meantime, Jongin got up and left the room, immediately followed by Kyungsoo who declared that was going to get him back in there.

«Ge, that wasn't the plan.» Sehun whispered, looking at him with a disappointed glare.

«I know. But I made a promise to never leave you, remember? So if you're going to do this, I'm going to do it with you.» he said, gripping at the younger’s hand as he searched for support. His gestures, though, didn’t go unnoticed by the others.

«Wait a second. Are you gay as well?»

«Joon, I-» Yixing started «no, I don't know, I just like him, I guess. I know it doesn't really make sense but that's actually the truth, there's no other way to say it.»

«Told you there was too much !» Baekhyun beamed, pinching Chanyeol's side.

«Since when?» Suho asked, a frown forming on his forehead.

«We're not even together yet. That was basically our first kiss.» Lay answered, blushing a little. He really hated speaking of personal matters in public.

«If you had locked that damned door, maybe» the singer teased.

«No, I meant... Since when do you like each other? And since when does Sehun know about his orientation?» Suho repeated, glaring at Baekhyun for his inappropriate comment.

«I think I've discovered it after his c-confession that night he nearly fought with that guy over a girl. It has always been different with him, but only now I can clearly see that this is because I like him.»

«Sehun?» Joonmyeon asked again, looking directly at him.

«I-I've always been aware of my ual preferences, and I've been liking him since The Show Time.»

«And do you care to explain me why on earth you didn't tell this before, Sehun? Since it's not something you discovered a few days ago, I guess you could have at least told me. Am I nothing here?»

«I was scared, hyung! Knowing I am gay doesn't automatically make me accept myself, or have enough courage to shout out that I like boys instead of girls. People just don't like this kind of confessions, especially in this country! I didn't want to be excluded, kicked out, left alone. I had to come to terms with who I am, first.»

«And why did you have Yixing's back?» the leader went on asking.

«I didn't want him to be excluded and insulted as well.»

«Insulted? Kicked out? Sehun, who do you think we are?» Xiumin barged in, a serious expression plastered on his tired face «Aren't we like a family to you?»

«Yes, obviously you are, but that doesn't mean anything! Do you know how many people are disowned by their own real families every day because of their homouality?»

«Yes, but at least they come out to them. I can't believe you've lied to us for years.»

«Telling someone something like this is really really frightening. You'll never know how the people you care for will take the truth. And I perfectly know how scary and confusing it can be also for the ones who discover it.» Yixing intervened, trying to explain Sehun's decisions.

«I've tried so many times... I wanted to, but when I saw Jongin's expression once he found out my secret I just gave up. I couldn't afford the risk. I had already lost too many friends along the way.»

«Jongin's not stupid, and he cares for you. He just needs time, like us.» Suho concluded.

«I'm more disappointed by the fact that you didn't tell this to us before, than by the fact that you're gay. You should trust your hyungs. I'm not gonna lie, this is something I hadn't seen coming, something that I hoped I would have never heard, because we already have enough problems without this one. I'm not going to marginalise you, though. I will learn how to bear with it, as long as it doesn't cause any major trouble to the group.»

Sehun stared at the leader with his eyes widened, probably thinking that that was just a dream. He looked so much like the young boy he really was. Yixing turned around and glanced at him, before intertwining their fingers together and smiling reassuringly to him, as if to tell him the worst part had passed. Because if the leader wasn't opposing to them, who on earth was going to stop them from living their love?

«Hyung, are you really not going to make a fuss?» the younger asked eventually, a glint of hope mixed with insecurity in his voice.

«Yeah, Sehun. What made you think I would have?»

«When you saw us... You- I-» he stuttered.

«Sorry about that. I was so damn shocked. My maknae and my vice were actually passionately making out in front of me. How should I have reacted? It isn't something you get to see every day.»

Sehun didn't say anything in response, probably too absorbed considering the fact that also the leader was right. It wasn't an easy situation and the news had been dropped like a big bomb over Suho's shoulders. The silence in the room grew thicker, only Kyungsoo's voice echoing in the hallway.

«I'm ok with it, if this makes the both of you less grumpy and moody. Especially you, maknae. I think you two being together won't cause any damage that'll be worse than all Sehun's one night stands. But you have to promise no drama will be made if you ever break up or like that.» Minseok suddenly added, shrugging a little. Yixing mentally thanked him for being so realistic and practical.

Sehun and Lay nodded at the same time, contented with just that permission.

«Jongdae? Baekhyun? Chanyeol?» Suho called, wanting to have a clear statement for each one of them. They were still a group, after all.

«God, as long as they remember to lock the door when they're making out, or something even worse, I have absolutely nothing to object. I think I've seen enough of you and I'm still too young!»

«Like, seriously, hyung? You're older than me. And don't act all innocent, we all know you've had your experiences» Sehun retorted sternly «And, for the record, it was you who entered our room»

The maknae now seemed more relaxed, nearly at ease, and the Chinese boy smiled at seeing him like that, happy that everything seemed to be turning out just right.

«Well, Yixing-hyung never actually jumped on me, so I guess I'm cool with this. At least I'm going to have my magical hyung again as a roommate, and that's enough for me. Everything is better than SatanSoo.» Chen laughed as Kyungsoo entered the room with a killer look on his face and a fierce grip on Jongin's arm.

«I heard it all, hyung» the doe-eyed boy hissed at Jongdae.

«I think I'll need time to get used to it, I mean, how do you act around a gay man? Can I hug you? Tickle you? Won't you jump on me? And what about fanservice? But if they don't do any harm, I don't think it's going to be a problem.»

«Yah, Channie, as if you don't jump on me all the time!»

«But we're not gay!» the giant protested.

Yixing let out a small laugh as he saw Suho shaking his head helplessly. «So now it's only you left. Kyungsoo, Jongin, I need your opinions on the matter. I need to know we're united, because we're a group, and a group can't work well if all its elements don't cooperate. I can't handle this situation if you're not going to help me out.»

«I'm fine with it. With Sehun liking boys and he and Yixing being together. I was wondering when it was going to happen, to be honest; since their kiss with the Pepero I had been expecting something like this.» Kyungsoo replied, his expression neutral.

«I'm sorry.» Jongin said, and everyone turned to look at him, especially Sehun, who tightened his grip on Yixing's hand. «I've been a jerk. I don't hate you, Sehun. I care for you, really. If this means you'll stop wasting your life on alcohol and random , I'll do as much as I can. I need time, though. And Yixing-hyung… I’m happy you didn’t give up on him.» his voice cracked a bit, and Yixing knew the boy really meant it. He was saying the same things he had said that night on the balcony while talking with him.

«So, Sehun, as you can see no one is going to kick you and Yixing out of this group. You'll have to deal with us for a very long time.
On one condition: this secret should never leave this group. The managers, the agency, the fans should never know you're gay, Sehun, nor that you're dating Yixing. I'm not sure on how they would react to this. We're going to work on it because for us you're part of our family, but for the SM...» the leader paused to look around to see if he had everyone's attention «You're basically just a good. Something they can use to make money. So you'll have to be discreet and sneaky, because if they think they can afford your loss, they won't hesitate firing you.»

«But the fans actually like the idea of us divided into couples!» protested Baekhyun «They would still be able to make money out of them being together»

«Can you please think properly for a second, hyung? Do you think the manager will appreciate all of this? Yes, fans probably will, but what about the society around us? Let's be realistic» Kyungsoo shot back at the singer.

They heard Baekhyun mumble “what a meanie, I was trying to be positive and stuff”, before he buried his head once again in Chanyeol's neck. With much fake annoyance of the giant.

«It's ok, I wasn't planning on telling it to anyone else anyway.» Sehun responded with a frown and a shrug as soon as he focused back on the matter.

«I wasn't even planning on telling you in the first place, so I guess that's a great deal to me.» Yixing added, smiling and bowing as to thank the other members for having put up with them. He was so relieved, that he hugged the maknae, who was still sitting unmoved in his favourite spot.

«Yah, what about “no smooching around” as a rule?» Chanyeol squeaked as soon as he saw the Chinese dancer leaning closer to Sehun to plant a soft peck on his cheek.

Sehun laughed nervously while scratching the back of his neck and turning around to smile at Yixing. The older was glowing, he looked so perfect in that sweet aura of happiness and satisfaction. It only took a simple choice to have it all. If only they had known it in advance...

«Can we go, now?» Jongdae tried again, yawning sonorously.

Suho sighed and ran a hand through his dark hair. «Yeah, yeah. Go!»

In a few seconds everyone was already in their rooms, looking at their bed as if it had been the most beautiful thing in the world. Everyone, except Sehun, who went outside, on the balcony, with a cigarette in his hand and his body leaning casually against the railing. Yixing saw him all alone in the darkness of the Korean night. And he thought he looked beautiful, young and fragile. He stared at his figure through the glass door, completely entranced by that surreal sight. Surreal, because from then on, that unique and complicated creature that now was nonchalantly blowing puffs of smoke out in the chilly air was going to be his own. He only had had to make the simple choice to accept his feelings towards the younger.

Without waiting any longer, Yixing got closer to the door-window and slid its glass open, a fresh breeze immediately hitting his face. Then, he closed it behind himself, without forgetting to lock it. It was the first time since their arrival that they were really alone, only the two of them, and the Chinese dancer wanted to make the most out of it.

«What's your excuse for smoking, now?» he teased, hugging the other from behind.

He felt Sehun tensing up at the sudden touch, then relaxing as soon as he realised it was Yixing who was encircling him with loving arms. A smile formed on the older's lips while he rested his chin on the maknae's shoulder.

«Celebrating» Sehun answered, exhaling some smoke, still looking in front of him.

«Celebrating? I didn't know smoking was a good way to celebrate a victory» Yixing said in his ear, huffing. His breath grazed the younger's neck, making the latter shiver for the contrast between the cool breeze of the night and the hot breath of the older that were brushing his skin at the same time.

«I thought you had gone to bed, I wanted to keep myself busy»

«You can busy yourself with better things» the Chinese dancer replied, a playful tone in his voice.

Yixing tightened his hug before silently asking the younger to turn around by leaving tender butterfly kisses on his neck. He beamed a little when finally the other complied at his request and faced him, his cigarette still lit up in his hand. The smoke it emitted made Yixing wrinkle his nose.



Lay closed the gap between them and kissed Sehun, gently pecking his lips before nibbling at them. They tasted like nicotine, but he didn’t mind it. The younger eagerly kissed him back immediately, slightly opening his mouth to let complete access to the other. The cigarette was dropped to the floor after a second, and there it finished burning, its little red light flickering in the night before leaving behind only ashes. The hand that had been holding it was now moving towards Lay's face, where it rested to softly the older's dimpled cheek, while the other one stopped on his hips, to pull the shorter male even closer.

Everything about that kiss was magical and romantic: the clear nocturnal sky, in which a nearly full moon was shining, its light illuminating the balcony as to underline the love that in that moment was flowing between the boys; the gentle breeze that was blowing, sometimes ruffling their hair; the unnatural silence, something that rarely happened in a crowded city like Seoul. The taste of smoke in Sehun's mouth was driving Yixing's crazy, even if he would have never admitted it, and in a minute he started feeling his head spinning, too intoxicated by that kiss that was so soft and caring that he nearly wanted to cry for its perfection.

They parted only after a bit, when they both needed air. «You taste like cigarette» Yixing said, faking disgust.

«Are we going to start this conversation again?»

«No, I'd prefer kissing you again»

And so they did, their lips once again glued to each other's. This time, Sehun took the lead, at Lay's bottom lip and adding his tongue as soon as the older parted his lips to let him in. Yixing found making out with the maknae absolutely calming and relaxing, so much that he could have gone on and on forever. While his eyes were shut, the Chinese boy felt the younger's fingers slowly trace his jawline and then make their ways to his neck, going down and down until they brushed against his arm. There they started tracing patterns that caused goosebumps to form on his skin, even if it was covered by his pyjamas' sleeve. All the while, their tongues still kept and savouring every inch of the other's mouth, basking in its warmness and wetness, until they were so lost in that pleasurable ministration, that Yixing let out a low groan.

Sehun slowed down and halted the kiss, ending it with a soft peck on the older's lips. «I don't think we should do this here»

«Why not? The door's locked» Yixing replied while placing quick kisses on Sehun's well-shaped jaw.

«Someone could see us, ge. And Chanyeol-hyung said he doesn't want to-»

«When have you ever listened to something your hyungs had told you?» the Chinese dancer cut him off, smirking.

«Actually... Never» Sehun answered with a mischievous smile on his lips, that got Yixing thinking very inappropriate things «But I think this time it would be better to, I don't want them to take back their opinions»

Yixing pouted a little, but then smiled again «Maybe you're right. They've been very comprehensive toward you.» he stated smiling and taking the maknae's hands in his «Toward us.»

«Yeah. It went incredibly good, I kept on thinking I was only dreaming. Having you beside me was already enough, but hearing all the others saying they were going to accept this was incredible. I should have done this way before.»

«You should have»

«Do you think they will ever get over all their prejudices? Also Jongin?»

«Yes, they only need time. They will really work on this, I’m sure.»

«You know what, ge?» Sehun suddenly whispered after a few beats of silence, dipping his head just enough to kiss the older but shorter boy in front of him, who could only hum to show his attention as his mouth was busy.

«The word “us” sounds really good. I like it. But I like you more» the younger finally concluded once he let go of Lay's lips, but intertwined their fingers together.

Yixing blushed, the red shade on his cheeks fortunately hidden by the darkness of the night. «Yah! Who's the cheeseball, now?» he shrieked in embarrassment.

But then, once he had calmed down while hearing Sehun laughing -and feeling it, as the vibrations of the younger's body were resonating on his own skin, making him shiver-, he looked into the other's eyes and smiled. He smiled until his dimple created a darker dent on his cheek and his teeth started to peek from under his rosy and plump lips.

«I like you, too, Sehunnie»

And with that he flushed his body against Sehun's and tiptoed to kiss him one last time before saying: «We'd better go, then. It's getting cold»

Then, he guided the younger holding his hand until the door-window, turning around to see him  once more showered by the clear light of moonbeams.
Yes, he could have never regretted having made that simple choice of exposing himself and saying his feelings for the maknae out loud. Life, after all, was just a chain of little simple choices, put together to create a unique and peculiar masterpiece, and he was glad his included such a great and unexpected (along with amazing and lovely) turning point, even with all the cons it could have brought with itself. 





So... ehm... this is the last chapter . I know, I really at writing the conclusions, and I'm really sorry for this... thing. But an end isn't always an end, right? 
I wanted to wait a little bit more before uploading it because well, this chapter actually marks an halt for this journey that has lasted for over 5 months, but I also didn't want to make you wait too long to know what happened to the guys, so yeah, my love for you took over and I uploaded the 15th chapter. Gosh, 15th! I still remember when I started writing this fic and I told everyone it would have been a short-chaptered story, with no more than 4 chapters... and look how it ended. That's amazing. 
Also, 100 subscribers! Guys, this is absolutely insane! 
Even if I really wanted to go on until eternity, I think everything has to finish, and this fic is no exception. Thank you for having been with me in all these months, supporting me with your comments and upvotes and subscriptions. Reading what you wanted to tell me has been one of the things I looked forward to the most. I really appreciate your love for my story, I could have never imagined it would have been so appreciated, really. 
But... you know, Christmas is coming... and then there is New Year's Eve... and I have so much time to write (who cares about University anyway, ow that my semester is over? LOL)... can "bonus" give you a hint on what I'm trying to tell you? 
Love you all, wish I could hug each one of you and thank you personally for having read my fic until the end. See you~ ♥

(also, I will post a "chapter" with all the media stuff I took inspiration from/I mentioned in this fic, I guess it will be useful)



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Sorry it's taking me so long to post the 11th chapter, but I'm going through some problems... But fear not -I'm still working on it~!


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Chapter 16: Little but conflicts and with lovey dovey ending that what we are always waiting to read...... I loved this one maybe we need more selay moments but I'm satisfied with lovely ending ....
Chapter 16: Best Christmas present even after 2 years later! Thank you so much for writing and sharing this amazing ff! I miss hunlay!!! I hope you continue to write fanfics about them! Merry Christmas to you and I hope you have a happy New Year ! I hope there's Lay and exo together next year and more hunlay moments!!!!! <3 <3 <3
Blakebarnescarstairs #3
Back here to read it for what must be the 6th time.
There are no words to describe how much I love this story!
emmaliarotada #4
Chapter 15: This is a good ing fic. I really love the the way u write and the story plot u made. Hope to read more ing fics in future ;)
Chapter 16: I thought i already commented on this long ago but apparently not... This is pure feel-good, i love it so so much (and i'm usually a hardcore angst-fan)
wendyjung #6
Chapter 16: Thank you so much. I am waiting for another ing fic. Heal me and promises are so great. I had print them and read anytime i miss yixing. He is my UB!!! And i am ing shipper. Haha.
lovefanfics1609 #7
Chapter 16: I've read it third time now and i forgot that i didnt commented it. This was the sweetest fanfics ever. I like the way u wrote it. It was really realistic and i nearly believed to that.
Chapter 16: Omfg it's a long ing chaptered fic. God bless. This is so rare and beautiful.
Good job, authornim. And thank you.
14 streak #9
Chapter 16: Awwwwwwwwwwww i really really really really loved this! Everything just really felt so real and amazing like i seriously can't explain how I feel right now. This is perfection. I loved everything about it, and especially how everyone's character seemed to fit in just right. This was one of those stories that I couldn't wait to get home to to complete reading. You just SELAYed my heart-eu, author-nim, thank you so much for this.