
Broke up not always be broken

Most of us think God was never fair but if we think clearly God always fair and kind enough for give us the thing we need not the thing we want. As a human we should realize the one who rule world is God so his plan is the best for us, eventhough now we suffering, eventhough now we sad, eventhough now we cry, we should believe one day we will smile with the person we love, we will happy forever, we will stay together with people we love. The key of that is be patient, but most of us isn’t patient person so we judge God isn’t kind, fair, and bad. But if we take in different of view we will know that catastrope that we passed is the new beginning of sunny day.

“13:00” Taeyeon mumbled as she look at the clock, she sit lifelessly after ran away from Jessica. She look at the bright sky, usually she always like when the sky so bright and blue when white fluffy cloud move slowly but now she didn’t like it. “Can you decrease your brigtness oh sky, i just have bad day, the girl that i love just broke up with me and i just know she’s cheated behind my back. It’s more better if you pour your rain so i can cry with you.” She said it to the sky.

She felt so lifeless now, her mind was empty, her heart also empty, she look pointlessly at the sky too, she didn’t have any energy right now, she wondering maybe broken heart is really drained her energy. She inhaled and exhaled slowly then think maybe this is really the end of her. “Should i kill my self after this?” she chuckled bittely at her stupid thought and sighing sharply at the sky.

Not long time she heard faintly sobs beside her. She look at the girl who cry while hiding her face, she wonder why a girl crying in this public place especially when she wore that wedding dress, did she had broken heart too? she smile little bit when think maybe she not the one who have broken heart today.

“Excuse me miss.” Taeyeon slowly ask the girl but the girl raised her sobs. Taeyeon tried again by touch her shoulder, “Excuse me miss are you o—“

“HUWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” all of suddeny the girl who wore wedding dress hug Taeyeon and cry on her shoulder, “NICKHUN IS BADDD!!! HE CHEATED BEHIND ME!!” she hug Taeyeon tighter, “HE ONLY WANT USE MEEE!!!!!!!! AND HE CHEATED WITH MY BEST FRIEND!!!” and she cry more harder. Taeyeon didn’t move a little bit, she just let that girl hug her, she feel pity when heard her story and understand how hurt she is.

Taeyeon’s hand slowly caressing her back hope it will comoposed the girl and it succeed the cry slowly turn into soft sobs, “B-but i love him and we will get marry next month then i just know he’s cheated behind me.” The girl mumbled to her shoulder. “Don’t you think this is good? That’s mean God kind enough make you see that the man that you think is the best guy for you actually a bad guy.”

“But it’s hurt...” Taeyeon keep caressing her back, “I know.. for now just crying okay, let out you sadness.”

At the moment the girl cry pouring her sadness Taeyeon thinking maybe God is really kind enough to her, at least she didn’t get the pain like the girl that cried on her shoulder now. She can’t imagine how crazy she’s if found Jessica cheated behind her right at the moment when she want marry with her. Once again she took her words for not believing in God again because now she realized, God is kind and always fair.

“T-Thank you..” the girl said when she broke the hug she wipe her tears and wait Taeyeon reaction. But the girl make Taeyeon breath stopped for a while ‘She’s really pretty even when after cried so hard, she really pretty!!!! Thanks God for give me broken heart, for make me broke up with Jessica and for make me meet this girl, thanks God!”

“I-i said thank you..” the girl said again. “Ahaha sorry, you are welcome. I just had broken heart too so i understand your feeling.” Taeyeon gave the girl handkerchief, “Wipe your tears with this... uhmm your name?”

“Hwang Miyoung..” she took her handkerchief and wipe her tears.

 “I’m Kim Taeyeon, nice to meet you Hwang Miyoung.”

“Nice to meet you too Kim Taeyeon.” the girl show her eyesmile and at that time Taeyeon knew she’ll be new beginning for her.

The End— Wait..







“Mianhae Taeyeon-sshi maybe cried too much really drained my energy ehehe.”

“Ahaha it’s okay, what if we have lunch together? After that i can send you home.”

“Okay, can we eat ice cream too?”

“Of course! But can we buy a clothes for you? Because wearing wedding dress and walking in the street is little bit—“

“Can i just wear you t-shirt? I like it because it PINK”

“B-but what i—“

“You wear jacket also, so you can give your t shirt to me ehehe!”


And they argue at eachother until found the boutique.


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kimmy- #1
Chapter 3: Why people always cheat???? Nice story author.... I'll waiting your update soon author....