
Reasons To Love Do Kyungsoo

Chanyeol really really likes Kyungsoo.

He doesn't really know why either. He's been discussing this with Baekhyun (more like Chanyeol was constantly pestering Baekhyun about it), and he really couldn't find the reason why he liked the adorable little man. He remembers when Kyungsoo was first introduced to their group. He seemed painfully shy and reserved. It surprised him that Kyungsoo was going to be the lead vocal of the group, as it seemed impossible for such a small being like Kyungsoo to be able to carry most of the lines for the group. As everyone clapped and welcomed the newest member, Chanyeol noticed how adorable Kyungsoo was, with his big eyes and pouty lips.
"Ah maybe I like him for his looks," Chanyeol thought out loud. Over the years, Kyungsoo's features had grown manlier and sharper, yet he still looks awfully adorable whenever he gets embarrassed or angry, most of the times at Chanyeol himself. 
"Yeah right," Baekhyun snorted as he rolled his eyes. "If you really went for looks you'll probably pick Jongin, or Chen, or even me!"
Chanyeol rolled his eyes and his best friend started laughing over his own terribly lame joke. Chanyeol continued thinking hard. He needed to find out the reason why. This was bothering him so much! He couldn't sleep at night and kept replaying the times where he had made Kyungsoo smile. Sometimes, Kyungsoo would appear in his dreams, and they would be on a date together where both of them were smiling, laughing and holding hands. He couldn't stop teasing Kyungsoo just so that he can look at his embarrassed expression: mouth wide open and eyes bulging with pink cheeks. Even when Kyungsoo hit him he'd be laughing over how cute he was being. 
"Then maybe because of his cuteness?" Chanyeol suggested another reason. He looked over to Baekhyun, who was scrolling through Instagram on his phone and lying on the floor. Nudging Baekhyun, he repeated his question, "Is it possible for me to like Kyungsoo because of his cuteness?"
"Look Yeol. I can't help you with this. I don't know how your brain works. At all."
"Please Baekhyun I need your help! I need to know why I keep thinking about him and why I like him so much! It makes no sense! I mean-"
"Emotions don't make any freaking sense. God." Baekhyun finally sat up and let out an exasperated sigh. "You know what, why don't you test out aaaaall your reasons, yeah? Ask Kyungsoo to do aegyo and see if you feel something...tingly...or whatever I don't know." Baekhyun resumed his Instagram scrolling as Chanyeol stood up with his eyes bright and mouth agape. Yes! That's it! He'll just test it on Kyungsoo himself! As Chanyeol sprinted out his room he shouted out hastily, "ThanksBaekhyunyou'reageniusIloveyoubye!"
"Ugh. Stupid kid."
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Hassoo #1
Chapter 1: Yeah!chansoo...update soon