Wolf, the Top Gang

My jewelry box
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Author(s): deardeerhan   Tags: drama gangs romance supernatural exo luhan luhanxoc   Characters: Luhan, Jinah (OC), EXO12, and other idols   Description:   The world was divided, hateful, and ugly.   They lived in an era sometime after cities and he peak of science technology. We call this time period the Dark Era. In DE, the world is a wreck and too many things are corrupted. Male babies are raised until they're twelve. After that. they are sent out in groups by neighbourhood to embark on the Journey and those who survive that are enlisted to the Army, where they train hard. After three exhausting, stressful years at the Army, at fifteen, they emerge into what are called 'gangs'. Gangs are classifed into three different groups-Top, Middle, and Basic. If you get picked into a Top gang-which is a very, very rare occasion and pratically unheard of the point somethink of it as a legend, as the Top gangs are too arrogant to even look at the rookies-then you'll be in a Top gang off the bat. Female babies are raised up to the age of five, only yo be sold to dwelling with no memories of parents, where they live and learn etiquettes and such until they turn seventeen by a Miss. Then they have to attend a special ceremony, where the gangs choose their Prix, the so-called ritual of becoming a "true" woman.   In this wretched society, females are toys. Women are objectified. Their only purpose is took after the gang when they turn seventeen. If, by some chance female fails t
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Chapter 27: Just found this! Thank you so much :)