
Lies and Explanations

When Hyoyeon arrived at the house, she noticed that all of their maids were busy.

" Nanny, who is really going to be here?" Hyoyeon asked her nanny which she really do call her " Nanny".

" I heard that it's your mom's friend which came from America and I also heard that they lived in the same neighborhood."

" Really, nanny? Have you seen them already?" Hyoyeon asked again.

" Not yet"

While Hyoyeon was busy asking some of their maids, her mom just arrived, bringing foods and placed it in the table.

" Oh, you're already here. Get dressed and fix yourself up. They'll be here in a couple of minutes." Her mom told her.

" Ok mom" She went to her room and just like what her mom told her, she dressed herself up.

When she was still busy preparing, she already heard that their visitor had arrived already.


" Come In, Han Ji." Hyoyeon's mom greeted her friend and brought Han Ji in the dining area.

" Wow, you're becoming prettier." Han Ji complimented Hyoyeon's mom.

" You too, Han Ji. So, this is your son?"

" Yes" Han Ji answered and looked at the guy " Greet your aunt and uncle."

" Good Evening" the guy smiled to them.

" Oh, he is so nice and charming." Hyoyeon's mom said.

" My son really is nice, he is just shy sometimes"

The guy only smiled. They continued walking to the dining area and sat.

" Nanny, please call them already." Hyoyeon's mom told Nanny.

" Yes Maam" and Nanny went upstairs immediately.

They continued talking when Hyoyeon's brother arrived.

" Mom, noona will be here in a minute." Hyoyeon's brother said.

" Oh okay" Hyoyeon's mother nodded. " Why don't we start eating first since I know you guys are all hungry now."

They started eating and talking when Hyoyeon arrived. Hyoyeon was wearing her eyeglass and sat at a vacant chair. She didn't bother to look at the visitors and just started eating.

" Hyoyeon, greet your aunty, uncle and their son, Eunhyuk." Hyoyeon's mom said.

Hyoyeon paused eating when she heard Eunhyuk's name.

" Pardon, mom?"

" Your mom told you to greet your aunt, uncle and their son, Eunhyuk." her dad repeated what her mom said.

Hyoyeon drank some water first and looked at the guy in front of her. It was Eunhyuk indeed. When she was looking at him, she noticed that Eunhyuk was more handsome in a closer view.  When she looked at his eyes, she thought that his eyes are beatiful and the smile, it was more charming.

" Good evening, Kim Hyo Yeon" Han Ji greeted Hyoyeon first.

" Noona, snap out of it" her brother poked her.

" Oh, sorry about that. Good evening. Please, just call me Hyoyeon." Hyoyeon immediately snapped out of it.

" It's okay. Hyoyeon, this is my son, Eun---"

" Lee Hyuk Jae or Eunhyuk. We're classmate" Hyoyeon said seriously.

" Really? It's nice to hear that since Eunhyuk will be staying her for a long time. Because..."

" What? Are you kidding,mom?" Hyoyeon interrupted.

" Hyoyeon, me and Eunhyuk's father will be going back to America. I don't know what's with this guy, ever since, his wanting to stay here is more stronger than before." Han Ji explained.

" But---"

" Stop it, Hyoyeon. That's disrespectful." her mom scolded her.

" Noona, Eunhyuk staying here would be good, I will have someone to side with me." her brother said.

" If you really don't like the idea, Hyoyeon, maybe we could find a way to solve this." Han Ji said.

" No Aunty. It's okay, I was being like that earlier because if Eunhyuk will be staying here, then my brother would win in our fights then because someone will side over him. And actually, it is really okay." Hyoyeon said an excuse.

They all decided that Eunhyuk will be staying at their house. After the dinner, Eunhyuk, his mom and his dad went to the house they currently staying at.


" You're serious?" Tiffany asked. Hyoyeon had just told them about Eunhyuk living with them for a long time.

" Yes." Hyoyeon answered without interest.

" So this means that you and Eunhyuk will be going to school together." Sunny said.

" Yes." Hyoyeon answered again without interest.

" Then why does it looks like you don't like it at all?" Yuri asked.

" It's not like that." Hyoyeon said.

It was Saturday, they planned to meet with each other since they don't have anything much to do. They went to the mall, they were in a restaurant when they saw Junho with his friends, they also saw them and approached them.

" Hi girls, so you're here also." Junho said while staring at Hyoyeon.

" Yeah, we decided to go shopping today." Hyoyeon said while her hands were uneasy under the table and she even pinched Sooyoung's hands which is also under the table.

" Ouch" Sooyoung kinda screamed.

" Sooyoung, what happened to you?" Hyoyeon asked Sooyoung while winking to her secretly.

" Ahhh, nothing. I just felt something aching in my hand." Sooyoung said while shaking her head slightly.

" It's okay now, right?" Junho asked Sooyoung.

Sooyoung nodded.

" By the way, Hyoyeon, I have something to tell you on Monday, so be there before our class start, okay?" Junho told Hyoyeon.

Hyoyeon was shocked but still she nodded. She should have said something but she was lost for words at the moment.

" See you" Junho said and walked away.


Hyoyeon woke up with a smile on her face.

Hyoyeon was also excited for the next day which is Monday.

And on that day, which is Sunday, is the day Eunhyuk will be moving in at their house.

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HyoHyuk98 #1
Chapter 3: please update soon and make another hyohyuk moment please... ^_^
junho confess maybe??
Bubble21 #3
Keep going.
KimMin #4
....tnx for liking my story,.......^_^<br />
is this going to be a junhyo or hyukhyo fanfic? update soon please^^
hyohyoholic #6
oh im liking where this is going! please update soon