Second Day in School

Lies and Explanations

Hyoyeon woke up because of the loud sound from her alarm which was just placed at the bedside table with her cool lampshade. She stood up and directly went into her bathroom and took a bath. After like 25 minutes, she went out of the bathroom and changed into her uniform which is a short skirt, blouse, necktie, jacket, knee sock and their school shoes. She was just tying her school lace when someone knocked on her door.

" Maam, you're breakfast is now prepared" one of her maids said.

" Okay, I'll be there" Hyoyeon answered back.

She put all of her books, some school supplies and some of the things she needed for school. After she finished preparing it, she directly went downstairs and went to the dining area with her blue back pack slung on her shoulder.

At the dining table, her mom and dad were already eating there with her brother.

" Good morning my princess" her dad greeted her and she greeted back.

" Eat your breakfast so you won't be hungry at a middle of a class." her mom said.

She nodded and started eating. While she was eating, she was looking at the window just right in front of her when she noticed someone. The guy was so familiar, she continued staring at him and remembering who it is. As she was still staring at him, she remembered that the guy was her new classmate, Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk was walking to his car and got inside of it. She was curious why Eunhyuk was just at the neighborhood.

" Noona, what's wrong?" Her younger brother noticed that she was kinda zoning out. He also looked at the window, where Hyoyeon was staring at and he saw nothing unusual there.

" Nothing." Hyoyeon answered and continued eating her breakfast but she still is curious about Eunhyuk.

She finished eating her breakfast, sayed her greetings to her parents and got inside the car. Hyoyeon and her brother were sharing the same cars that day because the car her brother usually use is at the repair shop because it has some problem with the engine. The driver will first drop her younger brother to his school and then drop Hyoyeon to her school. For now, she and her brother are not in the same school, but their parents are planning to transfer her brother at the same school with her.


When she arrived at the school, she saw Eunhyuk just walking in the hallway, he was with Junho, her crush.

" Hyoyeon, wait" Sunny called who just got out of her car.

" You're also a bit late just like me" Hyoyeon smiled.

" Yeah. Hey, have you seen Eunhyuk? He was with Junho." Sunny said.

" Yes"

" Do you know where Eunhyuk is living?" Sunny was smiling.

" Where?"

" At Busan, I heard that his house and your house is near."

" Oh, then that explains why I saw him this morning just getting in his car"

With all the talking they had while walking, they reached their classroom.  They went inside and good thing is that their teacher haven't arrived yet. They started talking about some updates of their favorite K-pop Boy Bands and Girl Groups.

After some update check, Taeyeon, who is kinda brazen, called Eunhyuk who was focused on reading a book. But even if he looked kinda busy, he still walked towards them with a smile.

( a/n: I don't know what the softer term for brazen, but that's what I found out when I searched it, sorry if brazen means something so hard, English is not my native language. And as I said in the foreword. The characters here were my friends when I was writing it originally. But since I posted it in AFF, we decided to change the characters. So i'm sorry if the personality i'm writing here is a bit different to their real personalities. I just want to clear it...)

" Yes?" Eunhyuk smiled.

" We only wanted to talk with you, if it's okay" Taeyeon answered.

" Oh, sure then" Eunhyuk said.

" Why did you transfer here in Korea?" Taeyaeon simply asked.

" Because of my mother's bestfriend" Eunhyuk answered.

" Guys, I think we need to introduce ourselves to him." Sunny reminded them.

" Yeah, that's right" Tiffany agreed to Sunny.

" I'm Kim Tae Yeon, call me Taeyeon" Taeyeon started. "Beside me is Lee Soon Kyu or Sunny. The one at the front of me is Kim Hyo Yeon or Hyoyeon and beside her is Kwon Yu Ri or Yuri. And on my right side is Stephanie Hwang or Tiffany and beside her is Choi Soo Young or Sooyoung." Taeyeon introduced her friends to Eunhyuk while pointing at each of them.

" Nice to meet you and welcome to ANS Academy." the other five said and smiled at Eunhyuk.

" Thank you and nice to meet you all too" Eunhyuk said.

" Eunhyuk, why don't you come with us?" Junho told Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk looked at Junho and looked back at them.

" Can I go with Junho and the others?" Eunhyuk asked while pointing at Junho and their other classmates.

" Ofcourse you can" Taeyeon answered. Eunhyuk smiled at them and started walking towards Junho.

" Hey, he's not bad at all. He is so nice and handsome." Taeyeon started it again.

" I totally agree, right, Hyoyeon?" Yuri asked her.

" Dude, Junho is the guy for me. I have a huge crush on him, incase all of you forgot." Hyoyeon answered.

" Well, let's see, it's still the second day." Sooyoung said.

They continued teasing Hyoyeon when Mr. Cho, their Math professor arrived. All of them were quiet. Mr. Cho introduced himself and gave them some rules to be followed in his class. Mr. Cho is the only one who gave them rules. Mr. Cho started lecturing some lessons and gave them notes to copy.

In all of their subjects, they already had their election for Class Officers. Hyoyeon is the Class Treasurer, Yuri is the Class President, Taeyeon is the Class MMO, Sunny is Class Secretary, Sooyoung is the Class Auditor and Tiffany is Class Muse.

Eunhyuk also has his own spot in the Class Officer, he is the Class Vice-President. Everyone was happy for him.


After their class, they decided just to go to the school cafeteria to have their lunch.

" We have our own positions in the Class Officers" Hyoyeon said while smiling.

" I know, right" Sooyoung said.

They were eating their lunch when Junho and his group arrived along with Eunhyuk.

" Hyoyeon, congratulations. You're the class treasurer." Junho congratulated Hyoyeon.

" Thank you" Hyoyeon said while keeping herself calm.

" Hey, you should have congratulate me first since I'm the Class President." Yuri joked.

" Ummm, sorry. Congratulations to all of you too." Junho said.

" Thank you" the others said.

After Junho congratulated them, they started walking and sat at a near table.

" I think someone's heart is beating so fast right now, I wonder whose heart is it." Yuri fake-wondered while poking Hyoyeon.

" Lower down your voice" Hyoyeon said while still smiling. Then, a phone just rang, it was Hyoyeon's and she picked it up immediately.

" Hello, mom. Why? O-okay..." After they talked in the phone, Hyoyeon returned her phone in her pocket.

" Why did your mom call?" all of her friends asked her.

" My mom wanted me to go home early."  Hyoyeon answered.

" But we already planned to go get ice cream later." Tiffany reminded her.

" I know but mom said she'll introduce me to her friend from..." Hyoyeon stopped to remember where her mom's friend came from. " America, Mexico or Africa, ugggh, I already forgot where, all I know is that her friend has a child."

" Okay then, let's just change it to next time." Taeyeon said.

" I'm really sorry" Hyoyeon was kinda sad.

" It's okay so don't worry" Sooyoung said.

After the lunch, they went directly to their afternoon classes.

Classes were still not that serious. All the students were so noisy, even if they were section A, the boys are still so noisy.

After the classes, they didn't went together since their own cars were already there. Hyoyeon went home directly and she also notice the car that drove Eunhyuk to school there.


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HyoHyuk98 #1
Chapter 3: please update soon and make another hyohyuk moment please... ^_^
junho confess maybe??
Bubble21 #3
Keep going.
KimMin #4
....tnx for liking my story,.......^_^<br />
is this going to be a junhyo or hyukhyo fanfic? update soon please^^
hyohyoholic #6
oh im liking where this is going! please update soon