Chapter 4


"B-Bwoh?" You stuttered, gaping at him. Clearing your throat, you straightened abruptly in your seat before focusing your attention down at your fingers. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The high from the margarita was, unfortunately, short-lived, and instead your thoughts cleared and focused on one thing. One person.

You heard Baekhyun shift in his seat, but you didn’t dare look up, afraid to reveal the truth in your eyes. 

There was an awkward silence, which contrasted to the lively dancing music that still boomed in their ears. Stubbornly, you kept your head down, twisting your fingers in your lap, when Baekhyun spoke. 

“So you’re telling me that my excusing you from your duties today was a mistake and you lied to me about celebrating you and your boyfriend’s anniversary?” His voice had taken on a professional and semi-accusing tone and you flinched, feeling suddenly guilty.

“A-Ani…I really did want to surprise my boyfriend today for our anniversary…” You faltered, shaking your head and letting your hair fall to shield your face as you bit your trembling lip.

“But?” This time, Baekhyun’s voice was softer, as if he sensed he was treading on emotionally-dangerous territory.

“But…” Your voice cracked. Knowing you were on the brink of tears, you took a deep breath, lifting your head to meet Baekhyun’s curious gaze, and said bluntly, “I found out…that he was cheating on me. That he most likely has been for some time now.” You scowled. Now that you actually thought about it, Jongin had been acting distant for quite some time now, always staying late for dance practice—well, “dance practice”—and always having an excuse for not being able to hang out with you. 


Before, you had thought nothing of it.


Before, you had believed him.


Now? You thought sourly. Now you knew better.


“Are you sure?” Baekhyun’s words snapped you out of your thoughts. You felt anger start to boil in your stomach. Usually, you would try and suppress your anger, especially in front of your boss who had the ability to fire you with the snap of his fingers. But, right now, you didn’t care. You had had enough for one day. Your emotions were everywhere and you fought to keep them under control so as to not burst out crying out of anger, loss, grief, annoyance, and defeat. Narrowing your eyes, you glared at him.

“What do you mean am I sure? Did I need to ing record the whole scene and replay it over and over just to be sure that my boyfriend is ing cheating on me?” You wanted to shriek in his face. Your hands were shaking in your lap and your breaths were coming out short as you fought to control your temper. Who the does this guy think he is? A ing detective?

Before you could blow up at him, however, you sighed in defeat. You really couldn't afford to lose your job right now, and if you yelled at your boss you definitely were gonna have a hard time persuading him to keep you in his company when he had hundreds of willing applicants at his doorstep. So, instead, you cast your eyes down at the table and mumbled, “I saw him with another girl that I didn't know and they looked like they were on a date—”

"But are you positive that they were?" He interjected swiftly, his brow raising. "For all we know you're just jealous that he's with someone else besides you."

You barely held in a scoff and looked up, narrowing your eyes at him. "You don't know me. And you don't know Jongin. I've seen him with girls before and I've never felt anything against him or any of them. H-He's been acting differently lately. Distant." You blinked when you felt tears at your eyes again, and ground your teeth stubbornly together. "This time's different. I know it is. I can feel it."

You stared absently into the space next to Baekhyun while your one hand touched the necklace at your neck. Baekhyun probably thought you were so stupid, so naive, so petty. You couldn't help but agree. Ugh, now I actually want another drink. Where's that Mira girl?

“No,” Baekhyun was all he said after a pause, and you sighed, opening your mouth to snap at him exasperatedly, when he added, "I don't know you or your boyfriend." Abruptly, you closed your mouth as he continued. "All I'm saying is that you should find out the whole story and truth before breaking up with him." He had an unreadable expression on after the words left his lips. You thought you saw a flash of pain reflect in his eyes, silencing you from saying anymore. A split second later, however, he blinked and the expression was gone, leaving you thinking you just imagined the whole thing.

You opened your mouth to ask him what was wrong when you felt your phone buzz in your pocket. Heart beating in anticipation, you pulled it out, thinking it was Jongin. When you saw the caller ID your eyes widened suddenly in a realization. “Oh …” Kyungsoo! You had totally forgotten about him and you smacked your forehead for being so inconsiderate. “Aish—” Ignoring Baekhyun in front of you, you quickly answered the phone.

“Yoboseyo?” You bit your lip in anticipation, for you knew what was about to come next.

“Aeri?! Oh thank goodness, you’re alive!” Relief was evident in Kyungsoo’s voice and you opened your mouth to reassure him when he yelled into the phone. “Yah! Where the hell are you?! Do you know what time it is right now?! Jongin’s at the apartment and he’s worried sick!”

You felt your voice falter at the mention of your boyfriend—Or was he your ex-boyfriend now?and you found you didn’t know what to say right away. There was a pause and you inwardly sighed knowing that he was waiting for you to answer. Instinctively, you decided to play it safe. 

“I’m at Dragon.” You said in what you hoped was an indifferent and calm voice. 

You heard Kyungsoo in a breath through the phone and he suddenly lowered his voice to a whisper. “You’re at a night club? Why? What happened? Are you drunk?”

Confused at the volume in his voice and annoyed at his presumption, you snapped, “Yah, Kyungsoo, do I sound drunk to you?”

“Well…no. But why’re you there?! Come back to the apartment, will you? Jongin’s wondering where the hell you are and why there’s so much food in the kitchen!” His voice was still soft and you narrowed your eyes. 

“Wait, is Jongin there—?”

“Of course he is, you pabo! Where else would he be?!” With his other woman. You thought bitterly, but just said, “Arasso, arasso. I’m coming.”

“Yah, palli!” You ended the call with a tired sigh.

“Boyfriend’s looking for you?” Baekhyun asked, startling you because you had momentarily forgotten he was there.

“I guess…but I don’t know why he wouldn’t just call me himself.” You mumbled as you looked to your phone and saw that Kyungsoo had only called you twice, but texted you five times. Jongin didn’t even call or text you once.

“Maybe his phone died.” You snapped your head back up at him and fought the urge to roll your eyes at him. 

“Or maybe he’s ignoring me.” You muttered, shaking your head in disbelief, but you couldn’t help the sliver of hope that settled in your stomach. Maybe it really was all a misunderstanding…?

Abruptly, you scooted out of the booth and stood up. Bowing your head, you said, “Thanks for the drink. And for saving me on the dance floor earlier.” You heard him chuckle at your last statement, but you ignored it as you straightened and turned, bracing yourself to push through the crowd once again, when you felt a hand on your wrist.

Surprised, you looked back at Baekhyun.

“There’s a back entrance over there.” He nodded his head over to the side at a door that was labeled ‘EXIT’ in big, bright red lettering.

“Ah, ne…” You bowed slightly again in thanks before hurrying off to where he gestured. Pushing the door open, you were met with the night’s cold breeze. Instinctively you rubbed your bare arms and silently cursed yourself for not bringing a jacket. Looking around, you noticed that there was barely anybody outside. Desperately, you reached your hand out in an attempt to call a taxi, but there wasn’t any in sight.

You groaned in frustration, raking a hand through your hair. "Ottokae?!" You pouted to yourself. You didn't want to have to call Kyungsoo to come and pick you up and you definitely weren't going to call Jongin. How the hell am I supposed to get home now?!

"You need a ride?" You jumped at Baekhyun's voice behind you. 

"Ah, ani. I'm just gonna wait for a cab..."

"At this hour?" He raised an eyebrow and you blushed unconsciously. You fidgeted, racking your brain for an excuse when he spoke again. "I'll take you home." 

"Sajangnim, there's really no need. I can just wait and—”

"Leave your boyfriend waiting? I don't think he'd like that." He smirked, turning, and started walking away leaving you sighing in defeat. Nor would he like it if he saw that another guy dropped me off...or would he even care? You shook your head to clear your thoughts and fisted your hands determinedly at your side. "Andwae. I won't think like that anymore. Baekhyun's right about one thing...I need to find out the truth first before I do anything." After I find that out, I'll decide whether or not I need to bawl my eyes out and kiss Jongin goodbye. Well, maybe not kiss him...just kick his out of my life.

* * * * *

The car ride to your apartment was an awkward and silent one. As expected, Baekhyun drove one of those fancy sports cars that you didn’t know the name of. As he opened the door for you and you slid in, eyes wide in amazement, you only gave yourself one excuse for your ignorance: your dad never taught you so you didn’t need to know.

You were too busy fidgeting in your seat that you didn’t even realize that you guys had arrived at your apartment until the car came to a full stop.

“Is this the place?” Baekhyun asked. You nodded briefly, your heart hammering in your rib cage as you gazed at the apartment building. 

“Thanks for the ride.” You weren’t expecting him to follow you in so you were shocked once again when you saw him unbuckle his seatbelt and get out of the car after you turned to thank him. Blinking, your eyes followed him as he walked around the car and to the passenger's door, opening it for you. You gazed at him warily as you got out of the car. "What're you doing..?"

"Well, I drove you all the way here. I might as well walk you to your apartment. It'd be rude of me if I just left you with a 'Have fun dealing with your boyfriend' comment." He shrugged as if escorting you was the most natural thing in the world. 

"Um, okay then." You said awkwardly before scurrying past him to the entrance of the apartment  complex. "I'm on the 5th floor." You said mindlessly as you started up the stairs.

"Is there no elevator?" Baekhyun pondered behind you.

"It's unavailable right now." You lied, not looking back at him. Of course there was an elevator, but you didn't tell him that for two reasons. 1) It'd be awkward riding the elevators with him and 2) You wanted to stall as much time as you could before facing Jongin so you could steel yourself and not freak out when you see him. 

And by freak out, you mean kick him in his balls.

The truth. Have to get the truth from him.

Silently, the two of you scaled the stairs. By the time you reached your floor, you were leaning on the wall and gasping for breath. Baekhyun jogged up easily next to you. You gave him a 'wtf?' look and you steadied your breathing. He smirked, shrugging. "I workout everyday." 

You couldn't but roll your eyes as you straightened, mumbling a "Whatever" as you passed him. You stopped in front of the second door on your right. Once you faced your door, you gulped. For a second you were frozen as you strained your ears to listen to the voices inside. When you couldn't hear anything through the door, you raised your fist about to knock, when the door was opened for you.

Kyungsoo appeared in front of you, still in his cooking apron. His eyes widened when he saw you. "Aeri! Finally!" You smiled, your heart warming at the sight of your best friend.

"Hi Oppa." He immediately tackled you in a hug, making it hard for you to breathe as he squeezed you. You were about to tell him to stop when he released you with a stern look. He flicked you on the forehead, causing you to exclaim, "Yah!"

"Aish, pabo! Do you know how worried I was?! I nearly had a heart attack when you told me you were at Dragon. I thought you were gonna get or something!" You rubbed the sore spot on your forehead, pouting when you heard Baekhyun chuckle next to you. You watched Kyungsoo's eyes wander to the being next to you. His eyes widened, before narrowing accusingly. "And who's this?"

Hurriedly, you touched his arm assuringly. "Oppa, it's okay." You jerked your head back at Baekhyun. "He's my boss, Byun Baekhyun, CEO of Byun Corporations." You emphasized his name in order for Kyungsoo to process the words you'd spoken. Kyungsoo's eyes furrowed for a moment as he thought before widening once again.

"Your Aeri's boss?!" You had to bite back a smile at Kyungsoo's stupefied yet awed expression. Baekhyun bowed respectfully beside you before opening his mouth to reply when a voice was heard behind Kyungsoo.

"Kyungsoo? Is Aeri here?" 

You were frozen in your spot as Kai gradually came into view. He moved to stand beside Kyungsoo, hands in his pockets. Your breath caught in your throat. Hair mussed up and sticking up at different angles from running his hand through it multiple times, Jongin stood there looking back and forth between you and Baekhyun. He had taken off his hoodie and was wearing a distressed v-neck t-shirt and joggers (a.k.a sweats that cinched at the bottom). You felt your heart clench as you thought, He looks so damn good. Why couldn't he just be mine?

Jongin's gaze barely landed on you before he turned to Baekhyun, looking him up and down. You opened your mouth, about to explain who Baekhyun was again, but you were beaten to it by Baekhyun himself.

"You must be Jongin." Baekhyun eyed him like the way he'd done to him. Jongin raised one eyebrow at him before asking, "I am. The question is, who the hell are you?"


"Baekhyun, Aeri's boss." Kyungsoo answered for him. He had recovered from his earlier shock and was now scrutinizing Baekhyun with narrowed eyes. "Did you perhaps trick Aeri into drinking with you so that you could take advantage of her?"

“A-Ani, Oppa. It wasn't like that—” you stuttered at the same time Baekhyun scoffed.

"Then what was it then?" Jongin completely ignored you and stared at Baekhyun as he crossed his arms, his voice challenging. You gulped, feeling the tension rise in the air around you at such a level that it practically choked you. You watched as Baekhyun tensed and you knew you had to do something or else was about to go down.

The boys were practically killing each other with their eyes when you stepped in between them, ending their invisible war. 

"Sajangnim, I think you should go now." You saw him tear his gaze away from Jongin to look down at you. You didn’t realize how much smaller you were compared to him and you gulped before adding, “Thank you for everything, but I think I have it under control now." You nodded at him, your eyes pleading him to understand.

Clearing his throat, he nodded in agreement. “Arasso. I'll see you in the office tomorrow.” He glanced at Kyungsoo and Jongin, before giving a short bow and leaving down the staircase. You listened until you couldn't hear his footsteps anymore before letting out the breath you didn’t realize you were holding.

"Doesn't he know there's an elevator?" You heard Kyungsoo say behind you. You inwardly sighed, steeling yourself before turning around to face the two of them. This is it. I can do this. Just find out the truth. Just find out the truth…

Immediately, your eyes locked with Jongin's and you sighed, this time out loud, in defeat. 

"We need to talk.”


Dun Dun DUNNNN!!! Super long chappie update! Woot ^^

Sigh, not much plot action here either >< I'm really bad at keeping the plot moving. 

BUT! Real stuff's bout to go down in the next few chappies~ I'm so excited >:D

Awkward Baekhyun wink ;D


Until then~




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Chapter 6: So good! Update soon~
hazy_exoL #2
Chapter 4: daebakk..keep update authornim..
hazy_exoL #3
Chapter 2: truly love this story..jongin!! how dare you..
Interesting plot! Can't wait for more!
BlueHeart556 #5
Chapter 2: Author-nim could you please write more chapters and its so sad what Kai did to Aeri it's really sad.