Chapter 1


You yawned in exhaustion, stretching in your seat. Glancing at your clock you saw that it was 2:30 in the afternoon. 4 more hours until he’ll be home…

The thought of spending the night with your boyfriend made you giddy with excitement. Today marked your one year together. You glanced at the picture frame that sat next to your computer. It was of you and your boyfriend. He had his arms wrapped around you and you were both smiling at the camera. You grabbed the picture, tracing your finger against your boyfriend's brown hair as if he were real and you were actually touching him. You smiled to yourself and kissed the picture. Putting it back down, you stared back at the computer screen in front of you, thinking to yourself.                      

Should I buy him a cake or bake it? You wondered, idly tapping on the keyboard before placing your head against your desk and sighing out loud. But I won’t have enough time to bake a cake…how about we just go out to dinner. Would he like that?

You pouted, ruffling your hair in frustration. "Ughhh, this is so frustrating!"

"Yah. Choi Aeri." 

Gasping, you picked your head up abruptly and responded, "Ne?" 

You relaxed slightly when you recognized that it was only one of coworkers. She had her hands on her hips, her toe idly tapping against the marble floor as she gave you a pointed look. “Yah, you scared the bejeezus outta me.” You told her as you straightened your ruffled hair before glaring at her. She only rolled her eyes and jutted her thumb behind her. 

“The boss is asking for his afternoon tea." 

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, giving her a skeptical look. ‘The boss’ is what you and the rest of the your coworkers in the office called the CEO of Byun Corporations. “Why’re you telling me? Shouldn’t his secretary be the one to give him his tea?” 

“Yeah, but Minah is busy at the moment. She’s asking you to deliver him his tea for her for today.” Confused, you looked around. Everybody else in the office was busy doing something else. For a moment you felt a little annoyed. You didn’t want to deliver your boss his tea. You wanted to focus on figuring out what to do for your boyfriend later.

“Waeyo? Why me? I’m just a clerk. Besides, there are several other girls who would want to deliver his tea for him.” You pointed out, careful not to snap at her. Your boss was known to be extremely attractive. Every girl at the office, well besides you, dreamed of hooking up with him after office hours. He didn’t really leave his office much so most of you guys hadn’t seen him in person yet. When you all applied to work at Byun Corporations initially, you had interviews with his secretary, Minah. The only visual you had of him came from the various T.V. commercials he was a part of to sponsor the company.

Your coworker rolled her eyes and your annoyance grew. What was her name again? Bom? Bohee? Bimbo? Bi—

“Minah said that if you still want to, you can ask the boss if you can leave early to of celebrate your anniversary.” At her statement, your ears perked up.

“Chincha? She’ll actually let me?”

“Not Minah, pabo.” She rolled her eyes again and you felt your hand twitch as you yearned to slap her across the face. “The boss.”

* * * * *

Once you finished brewing the tea, you hurried over back down the hallway, ignoring your coworker's—seriously, what’s her name? Didn’t she have a name tag?—hard stare and practically everybody else’s envious glares on your retreating back, before coming face to face with a pair huge mahogany doors. Seemed like everybody was either mad or jealous—or a little bit of both—about the fact that you were actually going to meet their boss for the first time, in person.

A man in black stood guard and you nodded your head in acknowledgement. You cocked your head slightly at the doors in silent question before he subtly nodded. You bowed fully and smiled mouthing a 'Gomawo' before turning your attention back to the door. You cleared your throat while futilely straightening your skirt and patting down your blazer, before knocking twice announcing, "Sajangnim? Sir? Your tea's ready." 

You waited patiently, your nerves slowly calming down, before hearing his voice. "Come in."

You silently prayed that he wasn't secretly holding a grudge against you for bringing in his tea late as you gently pushed once of the doors open. 

You entered his office and simultaneously bit your lip to stifle a sigh. The vastness and neatness of your boss’s office amazed you, not to mention the gorgeous view of Seoul reflected in the thick glass walls. The floor was white marble tiling and the room itself barely had any furniture save the large mahogany desk that was situated in the middle. You couldn't see your boss - only the back of a leather chair. His voice carried out to you and you quietly tiptoed over as to not interrupt his conversation.

"No, don't schedule the meeting with them until tomorrow afternoon..." He was saying into his cell phone as you placed the cup gently on his desk. Your heart was pounding. Oh my gosh. I’m about to meet the boss in person! Is this really happening right now?! 

In an attempt to calm your nerves, you looked around, once again admiring the neatness and organization that was exemplified in his desk area. Geez, this guy is some neat freak.

"Yes, I'll have my secretary look over the files." You focused your attention on a glass name plate that sat in the middle of the desk area amongst your boss's things. 'Byun Baekhyun' was carved perfectly in black lettering.

"...Alright...Okay...Thank you Joonmyun...Bye." There was a silence that held out after the call ended and you shifted uncomfortably. Should I announce my presence? But he called me in, so he should know I'm here. Should I still say something? I don't want to be rude... Should I just leave then? What am I still doing here, anyways?!

Your thoughts jumbled around in your brain and you were so immersed in your own thoughts that you didn't even realize that your boss's chair had swiveled back around to face you until he cleared his throat. You started, blinking up at him. You in your breath. Oh my...

You felt your heart start beating rapidly in your chest and you silently chided yourself for it. Yah, pabo. You have a boyfriend! You can't be thinking like this!

But you couldn't help it. You didn't know how, but you had forgotten how gorgeous your boss was. Even if you had only seen him a couple times on television, you had had an idea of how he looked like.

But, boy, you weren’t as prepared as you thought you were to finally meet him face to face.

As you stared back up at him you took in his dark luscious hair, carefully gelled back and out of his face. He was wearing a classic tuxedo jacket and white button down shirt with the first couple buttons loose. He was locking up his phone when he gazed at you with a half-smile. You could see the amusement reflected in his eyes as he took in your dazed look. You felt heat start to creep up to your cheeks, but you quickly ignored it and quietly cleared your suddenly dry throat. 

"Sajangnim. I brought you your tea." You bowed a completely 90 degrees before adding, “Minah was busy so she asked me to deliver your tea for her, sir.” You were frozen in that position, dumbfounded on whether or not you should say anything more and if you were even supposed to say anything, when he replied.

Chuckling, he released you from your bow. "It's quite alright, Miss Choi. Thank you.” You straightened looking back up at him, shocked. He knows my name?! Your heart was palpitating in your chest as you stared at him with a gaping mouth. Did he know all his workers’ names? Even if he didn't meet them in person? 

He was looking down at his computer, quickly typing into it, when he said, “It’s on your name tag.”

“N-Ne?” You said stupidly.

He paused, glancing up at you once again and you caught your breath. “Your name. It’s on your name tag.”

Your froze, momentarily stupefied as you looked down at your blazer at the copper name tag that was pinned above you heart. GAH! PABO!

“Ah, ne…” You bowed in embarrassment and hesitated, biting your lip as you straightened. Should I ask now? Would it be rude? He seems busy…maybe I should ask later. Will there even be a ‘later’? Maybe I should just as Minah to ask him for me—

"Did you have something to report, Miss Choi?" 

"Um..." You sighed. Might as well get it over with. You placed your hands behind your back and crossed your fingers as you inquired, "Sajangnim, I was wondering if I could excused early today." Your heart started to pound in your chest as you watched him. He didn't react right away, just kept typing into his computer. You waited patiently, feeling sweaty beads start to form at your temple. His typing didn't cease as you watched him raise an eyebrow and he say, "Oh?" 

You forced yourself to stand your ground. It's now or never. "Ne, Sajangnim. You see, today is me and my boyfriend's one year anniversary and I wanted to surprise him today with dinner tonight..." You faltered. Baekhyun was still typing away on his computer and you felt a prick of annoyance hit you. You inwardly sighed. Just when you were about to give up and leave, you heard a pause in his typing. He stared at his glowing screen with a sigh. You froze, fear replacing the annoyance you felt sit in your stomach. Pabo, pabo. You did it. He probably smelled your annoyance. Oh geez, he's about to fire you. He's going to fire you. Aish, Umma's going to KILL you--

"Miss Choi." His voice halted your thoughts and you automatically replied, your voice slightly cracking. "Ne?"

"You may go." You blinked, dumbfounded once again. Was he asking you to leave? You opened your mouth to ask him when he added, “I’m excusing you for the rest of your duties after 4 pm today. You may leave early to celebrate your anniversary. Is that alright with you?”

He was looking up at you now and you silently in a breath as you stared into gorgeous his eyes. Well, you couldn’t exactly deny him when he already pardoned your leave. You watched him smile, almost knowingly, making snap out of it in embarrassment. Aish, he probably thinks I'm some sort of hoe for staring at him when I just said I had a boyfriend!

"Oh, uh, ne. Kamsahamnida." You bowed respectfully before straightening and turning to head out of the room. 

"Oh, Miss Choi?" 

"Ne, Sajangnim?" You paused at the door and forced the nervousness out of your voice as you answered him without looking back. 

You could practically hear the smirk in his voice as he said, "Tell your namja-chingu, congratulations." 

Surprised, you faced him. As you had thought, there was a smirk plastered on his face. "It takes a real man to stay with one girl for a long time. Kudos to him." 

"Ah, ne..." You bowed, hurrying out of his office, trying to shake the foreboding feeling Baekhyun’s words left on your heart.

Kyaaaa!! First chapter done! What'd you guys think?! Not too shabby? Lemme know in the comments below! Will be adding the second chapter soon~






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Chapter 6: So good! Update soon~
hazy_exoL #2
Chapter 4: daebakk..keep update authornim..
hazy_exoL #3
Chapter 2: truly love this story..jongin!! how dare you..
Interesting plot! Can't wait for more!
BlueHeart556 #5
Chapter 2: Author-nim could you please write more chapters and its so sad what Kai did to Aeri it's really sad.