Chapter 2: See through my mask

It means something
Seoul - 10 pm, December 24th
After finishing their performance at Inkigayo, all the girls gets on their van to head home. They all are tired and just wanna sleep it off. But then, on a Christmas Eve, you can't expect an easy traffic on Seoul streets. 
"Wow it's so crowded. I don't think we can get out soon", Sunny somehow still manages to sound excitedly.
"I want food. I'm hungry", Sooyoung grumbles sadly. 
"We're stuck. We'll have to wait for a while", their manager announces and all the girls sigh. "Good news though, Yoona. Your photoshoot is cancelled today. You can rest".
"Yeah! I can sleep", Yoona happily claps her hands.
"Hey! The staff at Inkigayo invite us to a dinner. Seems like other artists are stuck on traffic too and they decide to throw a party", their manager informs them after receiving a text from the producers.
"Yay food! Count me in", Sooyoung and Yoona shout simultaneously.
Tiffany planned to go home and sleep. But comparing to sleep alone in her room on Christmas Eve, going to a restaurant to have some drinks seems a much better choice. She feels happier with that thought. "I'll go. We should have some drink", she says excitedly.
At the thought of food and celebration, all the girls seem brighten up and quickly agree. 
"Wow, this is the first time we held a music event and look, it's awesome", Yunho proudly smiles.
"And our Jessica already receives a lot of gifts from SBS staff. Great job coming here, Jess", Hyoyeon - another chief excutive of the company - jokes and hands Jessica a bag full of drinks and food.
Jessica frowns. She's here just for supervising the event, but somehow the producers and staff all come to talk to her. Praising her company and such, though Jessica knows too well they were flirting with her.
Blaming herself that she should have pretended she didn't know Korean, Jessica startles when Hyoyeon elbows her. Speaking of the evil, SBS's chief producer is standing in front of them.
"Hi Jessica-ssi. It's Christmas Eve and we are holding a party. Just a simple dinner with the staff and artists. Would you mind joining us?"
Before Jessica even has a chance to reject, the producer adds. "So that we can understand each other more. We'll have to work together a lot in the future, right Jessica-ssi, Yunho-ssi and Hyoyeon-ssi?".
Now Jessica understands why Yunho said "as if it were that easy" to break into Korean market. The staff here are really something. Even the best professionals like Jessica and Yunho can't even reject now. They always bring work into personal life, it seems.
"Okay. But we can't drink much since we have a flight to catch in the morning", replies Yunho in an attempt of saving them from being drunk.
"Cheers", the girls sits with another group from their company - Super Junior, and they are happily chatting.
"Have you call your boyfriend to wish him a Merry Christmas yet, Yoona?", Heechul from Super Junior teases.
"Shh! Keep your voice down oppa!", Yoona quickly scolds him. "And no, he is in Japan filming right now".
"Then at least send him a message. We don't have time to meet, but we always have time to show that we care, you know", Sungmin advices sincerely.
That catches Tiffany's attention. "We always have time to show that we care". Thinking back about her relationship, Tiffany asks herself Did she show that she cares?. And sadly though, she herself knows the answer clearly. No, she didn't.
It was always Nickhun who called her and sent her messages. He asked to meet whenever he had free time even though he was dead tired. He gave her flowers and gifts everytime he went abroad. He congratulated her every single awards she got, even smallest one. He always remembered. And Tiffany? She did replied all of his messages and calls, as she always does to others. She did congratulate him, just not often. She liked him, sure. When they didn't meet, she missed him. But then she had her members to spend time with. When he was abroad for 3 months, it became a habit for her to spend time with others. And eventually she got used to it. She got used to be without him.
"Don't think too much, Fany. Enjoy", Sungmin knocks her head playfully.
"You become wiser after you marry, oppa", Tiffany jokes back.
"How else do you think I survive my marriage?"
They all laugh at that remark. Give it to Super Junior oppas to cheer everyone up.
She is enjoying having dinner with her oppas and members when she feels eyes on her. Looking around, she realises Nickhun is looking at her from another table. "Of course he would be here. They invited all the artists, it seems", Tiffany thinks and before she has the chance to smile at him, he already makes his way towards her.
"Can we have a talk?", he asks.
She doesn't have any reason to say no, and Tiffany nods, following him outside.
They stands silently outside the restaurant. Thankfully the restaurant is in a dark alley, so no one can see them. Or else it's gonna make headline tomorrow. 
Nickhun still doesn't say anything but he keeps glancing at Tiffany while looking around. Frankly, it is dark so they can't see anything around. Tiffany knows he is nervous, so she doesn't push him and patiently waiting.
But it is cold. Tiffany left her coat in the restaurant and right now she is standing in the snow with only a shirt, a sweater and a short skirt. However, proud as always, Tiffany doesn't say anything. She waits even though she is sure her ears and hands are turning pale.
Finally, after 15 minutes silent, Nickhun speaks. 
"I know we broke up... but even after a month, I still always think about you. I'm sorry I was too busy to take care of you. But I promise to do better this time. Can we... Can I... have another chance?".
She is surprised. She doesn't expect him asking this. Now it's Tiffany's turn to be nervous. She doesn't really know what to say. Give their relationship another chance? Will it work this time? Will they take care of each other better?
Sound of steps approaching wakes Tiffany of her thought. She quickly turns around and sees 5 people walking towards her. SBS's main producer, his assistant and following him are 3 others she doesn't know. A average height woman dressing in bright color and a big hat, a tall guy in brown vest and a blonde in fashionable trend coat. They seems like foreigners, Tiffany thinks. 
The producer sees her and Nickhun first, and teases them before going inside. "Having a romantic night outside instead of drinking with us huh, our lovely couple?"
Tiffany decides not to say anything at that. She just smiles and bows to him. Nickhun bows and keeps silent as well. 
"Your girlfriend is freezing", an indifferent voice with American accent from the blonde before disappearing inside the restaurant surprises Tiffany. Nickhun seems surprised too and pauses a moment before quickly takes off his coat and gives to Tiffany.
"Are you okay? Here, wear this".
Tiffany doesn't say anything. She turns her eyes from the direction the blonde went towards him. She doesn't know who the blonde is, but her words makes Tiffany realize her answer to Nickhun. No, this won't work. 
She doesn't doubt his love, but he can't see through the prideful mask she puts up. Even after 3 years together, he still can't see that she is too prideful to make the first move or show her weakness.
But somehow, an unfamiliar blonde can.





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Chapter 6: Just found this! And I like it! Gosh Jessica is so brave when asking Tiffany out~
Chapter 5: I just found out this story today haha
Chapter 5: owww you return!! You have to update soon! you owe us.
Chapter 5: Yes! JeTi meet again!
More JwTi monents please and hope you to update again soon
Chapter 5: Bruuhhhh I love this story sooo mucchhh!
Chapter 5: GAAAAAAAAAAHHH YES YES YES thank you for the update and welcome back!!!
Chapter 5: I read this before but I don't think I commented or not, I like this story a lot though, welcome back!