V. [ SOFA_CRUSH .mp3 ]

You Shouldn't Be Afraid
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" So far from my side, you're so far away. I'm still not over you, only dust remains. As i wait for you"




Yoongi seems different nowadays, and Jimin tried to find out what happened. After that night, it seems fine thought, so fine and feels so right that it's so hard for Jimin to find out what's wrong. But Yoongi seems like a dandelion and Jimin is the wind, he always flies away when Jimin's near. And the loss feels like it took half of Jimin's life. Yoongi's voice, Yoongi's eyes that looked like half-moon when he laughed, his smile, his touch, and his existence itself. It feels like Yoongi warmth up Jimin, and when he's gone, it feels colder and lonelier.


Jimin hates it how much he need the elder beside him, when at first he was too frightened to even make an eye contact tot he elder. He won't ever admit how much he loved the elder's attention, or the elder's teasing. But Yoongi's gone, not gone in content he moved far away but gone in the meaning of —what Jimin assumed— avoiding him.


Guilt and insecurities crept on his thought, haunting him all night long. What did he do? Is it because he pushed Yoongi away? Is it because Yoongi stopped trying? Did Yoongi gave up already?


But that night feels like a dream, although it's real, and actually Jimin started to feel like reality is much better than his dreams. But if Yoongi wants to leave him, if he wanted to give up, Yoongi shouldn't do that, it might changed to a nightmare, Jimin's worst nightmare.


Or because that night was out of blue? and Yoongi just hates too much abstract feelings developing on his heart?


"Please.. Please answer the call.", Jimin said desperately while holding his phone. Tears forming on his eyes, such a crybaby, if Yoongi saw that he would call him a crybaby. Your crybaby, Jimin might answer him like that if he is brave enough. It was the first time Jimin called Yoongi after that night.


Yoongi answered the call in silence, waiting for Jimin to start. Both are waiting for the other to start.






they said at the same time.


"You first, Jiminie.", oh, how much he missed that voice.


"I-...", Jimin's tears fell and he choked, breathless.


"What's wrong?", Yoongi said in a soft worried tone, too melancholic for Jimin's liking.


"what did i do wrong? why you always leave when i feel like i couldn't even breath without you? why- why you-..", Jimin sniffled, and Yoongi's heart teared apart.


"You didn't do anything.. I'm sorry, Jimin.", he hurted Jimin. And Jimin cried because of him.


"Know what? I'm so happy that night you came, and i thought you felt the same, but i might be wrong, and i hate it how much i think about it!! i hate it how many times i tried to guess what mistake i did-"


"This is for the good, i might burden you. I never meant to hurt you, okay? I just.. i like you, and that's why, i don't want to ruin any kind of relationship we got here because of my own ing feeling, i'm sorry.", and Yoongi end the call.


What did Yoongi even think about?


Jimin stared blankly at the ceiling.


'I just.. i like you, and that's why'


And he just remembered, the next day after that night, Yoongi passed his class with a box behind his back and a sly grin, and his smile fell when he saw Jungkook hugged Jimin so tightly with a teary eyes.



It was the day after the phone call and as usual the kingkas are chatting while relaxing themselves at the school's backyard.


"Dude, you looked so bad.", Namjoon tapped Yoongi's shoulder with a worried look.


"Yeah, he's right.", Hoseok beamed.


'What do you guys expect? I couldn't even sleep', Yoongi wanted to say but he keep his mouth shutted.


"Tell us if you have a problem, we might help. yeah?"


Yoongi cleared his throat.




"See, Namjoon??? I know he have a thing for Jiminie!!", Hoseok laughed.


"wait, 'Jiminie'?"


"Yeah, why? Are you jealous? Please, hyung!! it's not only you who is allowed to give him a pet name, kay?", Hoseok laughed and Yoongi furrowed his eyebrow.


"He's always with Taehyung, well, with Jungkook", Hoseok said and Namjoon nodded.


"Yeah, that's why Hoseok knew me, Hoseok has a thing for Taehyung,", Namjoon chuckled.


"But that Jungkook kid is always near and close to Seokjin,", Namjoon grunted while Yoongi's eyes widen.


"Isn't Jungkook and Jimin a thing?!", Yoongi asked, quite too loud, and Hoseok laughed at him.


"Nah, aren't them and Taehyung best friends? plus that Jungkook seems to be Namjoon's rival on getting Seokjin hyung?", Hoseok said in a matter of fact and nudges Namjoon as his name mentioned.


"Yeah, if it's real that both a

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just making sure y'all know im still wORKING ON THIS FIC. PART B WILL BE UP SOON


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vhopiee #1
113 streak #2
Chapter 8: When u want to cont this story.. I really wanna know what happen next.. Pleasr update..
cheonsadaria #3
Chapter 8: I really like namjin here. But Kookie is so cute with his little crush xd
mimitran2 #4
Chapter 8: OMGGG VHOPE IS LIFE <3 Namjoon is officially the most adorable yet naughty person ever. I just want Namjin to be a thing alreadyyy!!!
yifanzitao #5
Chapter 8: Chapter 6: gosh yoonmin oh my hearteu please update author nim ASAP.....
Chapter 9: I love this story. You have some amazing ideas there. And although I ship Taekook, I'm really glad it's Vhope here. I've been wanting to read a fic about them. This is just perfect.
And is there any way Kookie could get Jin? I mean I like Namjoon and all, but I like Jinkook more. But yeah, whatever. I'm okay with Namjin as well. Jin with anyone is love ^_^
Chapter 9: Yay, I've been waiting for you to update this story. Can't wait to read more next month
Ltrian #8
Chapter 7: Omg this is so good! please update soon writer-nimm :"""
XxsakuraxX96352 #9
Chapter 7: OMG VHOPPEE
Chapter 7: KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAH please update soon! I'm crying a lot right now because of Yoonmin! My feels~ And Namjin! Namjoon's a byuntae, HAHAHA. And VHope! KYAAAAAAAAAAH OMONAAAAAAA I'M LITERALLY SCREAMING, PLEASE UPDATE SOOOON! Love lots! *u*