Kiss the Rain

YunJae Letters

Dear Diary,

I got angry today. Looking at the happy couples running through the rain under umbrellas, laughing. They make me sick. Scoffing, I turn moodily from the van's window and look straight ahead trying to push back the hellish memories that threaten to really send me over the edge. Memories of a smiling man with a loud, obnoxiously cute laugh and wet, dripping bodies. Memories of playfulness in the park as the angry sky rains down on two very happy, close friends. Memories of a time when lawsuits, hurt, and feelings of betrayal were never even in existence. I don't want to...but I miss him...miss us. 
I want to forget all about him and the pain. I want to finally heal this gaping, raw, bleeding hole that is what's left of my heart. But deep down I know I never will. Not until the person that took it returns to me. I close my eyes painfully as I fight back the tears, my arms hugging my body firmly. God how I wish they were his. I miss his smell...his touch...that loving smile. I miss the way he'd hold me on those late nights when all the rest were asleep. The hushed tones of his whispered melodies waking me in the early morning when his mind kept him awake. That beautiful mind that creates so many beautiful, melodies and words that speak to the heart. 
My van stops as we pull up outside of a broadcast studio. Taking a deep breath, I let out a slow sigh before slipping my long fingers into my pocket, brushing them along the cool metal ring hanging on its chain that I always keep with me. I feel my chest squeeze a bit before I am able to finally open my eyes and plaster on my award-winning smile. Even now I rely on his strength to get me through when I'm most tired...I wonder if he thinks this much about me.



[AN: sorry about the time in between updates. I'm sort of in a major creative slump. I'm not the best at writing for Yunho, but I hope you all enjoy it.]

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KissMeDeeply91 #1
Chapter 1: Daaaaang girl xD this is really beautiful and flowing. I love the new writing style ;) Wow is this deep. <3 kudos~
Chapter 1: What a lovely story! Can't wait for the future chapters, man.