Going There, Once Again


"Kris. I'm sorry I text you this late, but I need to inform you. There is no more flight heading to Paris from Beijing nor Shanghai after your schedule, but there is one late flight from Seoul. Are you okay with that?"


"It's fine. Please arrange my tickets. Thank you."


"Got it."


I throw my phone into my messy white sheets and flopped onto the hotel bed. Haa. I forgot to hang the 'clean up this room' tab on the door handle again.

Of course I forgot. I was running late this morning and the director didn't really appreaciate it. Good thing is, the reason why I overslept was because I memorized the script. And me taking a shower is really important so, yeah.

Anyway, the filming today went smoothly as usual but  today marks day 28 which is almost a month and my energy is almost drained completely, I can feel it. Even for today's filming, I started at 10 and finished at 10. It was pretty nice since there were some days that I had to film until past midnight.

A ding from my phone again. Probably Zhi Xiang already booked my tickets.


"Flight from Beijing to Seoul at 8 am. From Seoul to Paris at 7 pm. Arranged your hotel too."


"Got it. Thanks, bro."




I put my phone down and stare at nothing. Seoul. South Korea. I never thought I would set my feet onto that land again. But this time, it's for real, huh? 8 am from here, so I'll arrive at 9. So, it will be 9 am until 7 pm. That's full 10 hours until I aboard the plane heading to Paris.

I sigh once again. Seoul. South Korea.

It was rough and unknown. For the first time I stepped my foot on that foreign land, it felt familiar, yet unlike home. People there were not that different from people in China; fair, slender, dark haired. Their clothing styles were not far too different either. But as I said, it was not homey.

Even after I got into that building for the first time, everyone was looking at me like I was some sort of a mutant. Probably because I was taller than others there. And eyebrows.

Everything became much more convenient after I met Yixing, another Chinese fellow. Then I met Kevin, my best friend from Korea until now. But those comfortable moments were just once in while, in between were classes of dance, rap, dance again, Korean, dance again, without knowing when it would end and how the end would be.

The end of those routines finally cleared up after I was decided to join a group named M1. Two groups, M1 and M2. I met two other Chinese fellows, Luhan and Zitao. Luhan was very friendly, that cute guy. At first I couldn't believe he was older than me. I didn't let myself call him 'gege' anyway. The other one is Zitao, my little brother. We always went everywhere together after that decision day. Those days were so exciting, as I can recall.

Finally we, Chinaline, got to meet the other 6 Koreans. We became friends. Two more got in in a blink, that was so weird but we were in no place to complain.

Months we worked together and some acquitances became close friends. Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, Sehun, Jongin, Baekhyun, Jongdae, Minseok, heck, everyone in the group actually befriended me in the end. Moreover, Junmyeon, that smart guy.

Time flew so fast and we were worn out in a blink. We tried our best, didn't we? And things didn't go as how we expected it. If only I can shout to the sky, 'Please, cut these strains from the ground and take me away.' But heavens won't change one unless one works his way out. So I cut my feet and flew away. It's a metaphor, but it felt like that.

It was one big flight that I took.


I get up, take off my clothes and step inside the shower. The water was warm, I can feel my head getting heavier and heavier. I need to sleep now.


The sound of planes landing and taking off are buzzing in the background of full chatters in the airport. People are saying goodbye, crying that they'll be apart for some time, telling they'll be fine and will call them back. It's heartwarming.

No one is chatting with me though. Today I'm  alone. My cousin deserves some nice day offs without following me around. "Seoul is like my college. 10 hours in there won't kill me. Zhi Xiang already arranged me 2 bodyguards in Paris, it's okay." I told him and Zhi Xiang. Haha, those two.

I carry my black bag with me and wear my black mask. I hope nobody notice me, but my height might blew my cover. Not that I mind, but sometimes, changing my flight plan without telling anyone would make them mad.

Seems like nobody take a notice, it feels pretty nice. Checked in, I went to the waiting room. I look like I just got up from my bed, no more beep when I went through metal detector. Sometimes being lazy has its benefits. I hope my flight won't be delayed.

I plug my earphone and start to play some music form my playlist. My playlist has never been changed since our first album was launched. In 2 hours I'll be inhaling the same air as those who sang this song. I can't believe it's been a year, maybe more?

I open my message log once more. That moment I realize I don't message people much. Probably Zhi Xiang, Mom, Gege, Bing Yang, and...


Unconsciously my lips tug a smile. You people may be seeing myself smirking mischieviously but really, that's just how I react at things. Joonmyeon, it's been 2 months after our last chat. I tap his message log..

My thumb scroll up our conversation and suddenly everything surrounding me becomes silent. It's just me in my little world with Joonmyeon. I can imagine him sitting on his bed typing these messages. But I can't imagine what he felt that moment. He said he wasn't mad at me. But I still felt something unfixed. Was he happy? Was he shocked? Anxious? Was he upset? Was he indifferent?

What did he feel when I messaged him, after a very long time not saying a single word to him?

'Yifan.. this is not the time to think of anything weird..'

*ding dong ding dong* passenger for flight; Air China number; CA103 heading for; Seoul, please aboard the plane via gate number H9, thank you.

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Chapter 2: i hope this wont turn out as ............
asyilasa #2
Chapter 1: Kyaaaah so saaaaddd :( miss krishooooo