Chapter 3


I can't stop thinking about that mysterious girl.She attracts me in some way that I can't explain.I am curious about her true self and why did she have different personality everytime I meet her.I don't know where she would appear next so I am looking forward to it.


"TaeTae! Why are you so quite?"


"Nothing.I was just thinking about something."


"About what?"


"A girl."


I know that Jungkook and Hoseok was eavesdropping.They move closer to us to hear about our topic.


"A girl? Who?" Hoseok asked.


"I don't know that much about her but we met twice."


"Twice?! Why didnt you tell us about this before?"


"There's nothing to brag about it.We never even had a proper conversation"


"But that doesnt mean she is not meant for you"


I hit Jimin's head for having that kind of thoughts.Could it be possible? Me and her? No way.


"Is she beautiful?"




I imagined her face and I could see her looking at me with those eyes.


"Our TaeTae is smiling.Aww"


"I'm not!"


"Hyung you should not hide things like this from us.I want to know about her."


"Me too.I don't even know her name yet so don't get you hope held high."


"But hobi is here so nothing impossible".


"Whatever you say.Now keep quite.I want to sleep"


"Aww.Are you planning to dream about her?"


"Stop it Jungkook before I kick you out from this room."


"But this is OUR room so Kookie you may stay as long as you want."


"If you disturb my beauty sleep,I swear I will kick out both of you"


"Hoseok hyung.Protect us".


"TaeTae.Why didnt you join them today? I though you guys always play together."


"I'm not in the mood today so please keep quite kids.Okay?"


"Taehyung is no fun."


I close my eyes and I fall asleep right away because I am too tired that day.


I appeared in the middle of the road.The light turns red and everyo e starts to cross the road.They are pushing me to get through but I didn't budge.I don't know where to go.Suddenly,I saw her crossing the road.Its the same person but different clothing.She was wearing a bright red dress and are rushing to get to the other sideof the road.She just walk passed me and didnt turn back.I start following her and we end up in a dark alley.She was talking to someone.A guy.He was waiting for her there.He looks old so I assume that he is her father.


"What took you so long?"


"There was an accident so I could not get her faster.Why do you want me here anyway?"


"You wore the dress I send to you and now you look beautiful.The customers are waiting.Follow me now?"


"What are you talking about? What customers?"


"Just follow me or we will starve forever."


He bring her deeper into the alley until they reach a door.He knock the door saying that the package has arrived.


I noticed what is happening.He is selling her to earn money.


She starts to notice what is happening.She is trying to run away but the man grab her hand.I want to pull her but I am invisible.I could not grab onto anything.She is struggling to escape.The man ask someone inside to hurry up and take her away.She bite the man's hand and he screamed and let go of her hand.Then,she run as fast as possible to get away from that place.One of her heels broke so she took out both of them and start running on the street.People are staring but she just ignore all the attention.I followed her to anywhere she is going but she was too fast so I lost her.Again.Suddenly I hear Jimin's voice.


It was a dream.


It did not make sense.Why did I dream about her? And she was different in my dream.What did I dream of just now? What does it have to the with her?


"Oi Taehyung.Are you there?"


"Yes.I will get ready now."




Our scheduled has ended and it is now 12 a.m.We have a concert tomorrow so we can't sleep yet.We have to attend vocal practice.


We arrived at the practice room and the coach arrived later than usual.He apologize for arriving late.Looks like we have to sleep late tonight.


The practice ended at 2.30 a.m.Everyone head back to the dorm because they are too tired.I feel thirsty so I went to a store nearby to buy a drink.I end up buying a few snacks after seeing that it was on a discount.


I walk back to the dorm with a plastic full of snacks on my left hand and a drink on my right hand.I gulp down the drink a start moving forward without watching where I am going to.I finish the drink in one gulp and put the can in the plastic to throw it later.


Suddenly,the girl appeared right infront of me.I choked.I try to get a hold of myself but failed.I end up going to the drain to vomit out the drink.My eyes gets teary a bit and I can't stop coughing.I look back and the girl is not there anymore.It's like she's fooling on me.I start to feel angry so I try to make her come back.


"If you are still there,please come out.It's not funny.You almost kill me"


No answer.


"Hello? Anyone?"


No answer.


"I know you can hear me"


No answer.


I am annoyed.I turn back to walk to the dorm.




Suddenly she reappeared and I am suprised as usual.


"What was that for?"


She didnt answer.


"Hello,Miss? Are you deaf?"


Suddenly,she smiled.


"Why are you smiling."


"I'm Happy"


"So,you can talk huh?"


"Who says I can't?"


There was a moment of silent.None of us spoke after that so I decided to voice out.


"Why are you following me?"


"Why can't I?"


She starts to annoyed me so I decided to ignore her and just walk back to the dorm.Her true self is different from what I was expecting.


"Hey! Where are you going?"


"None of your business"


I thought she is going away but she is still following me.


"Why are you following me?"


"I have to"




"Because you are the only one who can see me."


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BaekLVexo #1
Chapter 5: I really hope that you can update this~ please~~
JongByung #2
Chapter 5: whoa if i'm scared to see taetae talking alone by playing two roles; i'm nore scared to see him in that state talking alone like he is really talking with someone (¤~¤)