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-Secret Letters- Graphics Request Shop [Closed]

Dear zero4life,

          I am pleased to inform you that you have received a new Letter! I wasn't really sure what to do when I started making this poster, but I quite like how it turned out! And I really like what I did with the text in this poster. ^^ Of course, if you disagree then I'll gladly redo it for you! Just say so! Thank you for requesting and good luck with your story!


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[Secret Letters] All the requests are finished, but the shop will stay closed for a while longer. We'll be opening again soon, however.


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Are you ever goin to reopen the shop?
Chapter 290: Deleting this story too </3
I'm so sorry!
Chapter 303: I'm deleting this story. I'm sorry for the trouble.
I really loved the poster.
4everRoyaltyforJYM #4
I have submitted the form ^^
4everRoyaltyforJYM #5
So........ when can i request?
Chapter 316: The poster is beautiful ^^ even far better then i imagined. and i really like the changes you made ^^
love it! <3 <3 <3