
The Secret of the Alexandria Genesis

"You little piece of-" Hoya stomped into a seemingly abandoned warehouse holding a tissue roll, "Do you think it is funny covering up my parent's house in toilet paper?" Hoya shouted and threw the the tissue roll into the shadows.

"Why so serious Hoya? Can't you have a little fun while your parents are out?" D.O. stepped out of the shadows holding the tissue roll. D.O. looked at the tissue roll and back at Hoya, "You know it is bad for a little cub to come to a den of lions alone. where are your friends?"

"None of your buisness." Hoya said and began to walk away but stopped to see his friends on the way to the warehouse. 

D.O. smirked, "Guys, they're here."

Sunggyu stormed towards D.O and grabbed him by the collar, "You little punk! You thought you could easily get away with what you guys did?" 

D.O grinned. From behind him, Suho went out and punched Sunggyu in the face making Sunggyu drop D.O. After wiping of the blood from his lips, Sunggyu charged at Suho and tackled him. In just seconds, it was war inside the warehouse, chairs, tables, and bodies were thrown everywhere. 

After knocking out Woohyun, Kai looked at the guy looking at him with bright red eyes, "Oh goodie, the mighty L." Kai smirked.

"You missed me?" L smirked.

"I miss kicking your !" Kai smiled flashing his own red eyes. 

"My eyes are brighter than yours alien!" L stated.

"Cause you're not human at all freak!" Kai clenched his fist and aimed at L. L caught Kai's fist with his claws, he manage to partly change into his beast form. 

"At least I look more human and would be more human that you guys will ever be!" Kai twisted his fist out of L's claws and kicked L in the stomach. 

"STOP! I smell people." Sunggyu said. 

"!" Suho closed his eyes and concentrated, "It's the cops!" 

Everyone in that fight froze and in a few minutes, every single one of them began their own escape. Sungyeol and Dongwoo got Woohyun and began to run while the others ran towards different directions. Kai started running north while he felt someone runing behind him, he looked back to see L in his beast form. L ran passed Kai and chuckled, "Hope you get caught. you look more of a human than me." 

Kai looked at L in a crossed manner, "Whatever!" Kai stopped running when he sensed the cops still far away. He closed his eyes and concentrated. When he opened his eyes, he was on top of the tree. He covered himself with the leaves and watched the cops search the area. Kai smirked, "Just keep running Myungsoo, I'll just stay here and relax." Kai chuckled.


After the day of in the warehouse, only a few of them were caught, Sungyeol, Dongwoo, Woohyun, Chanyeol, Sehun, and Baekhyun all covered with cuts and bruises. in the police office, the cop who caught them failed to get anyone of them talking. The six of them would either look at the cop blankly. 

When the cops are out of sight, the two groups would stare at each other with death stares. 

"Why won't you just fly back to your planet?" Dongwoo growled.

"Why don't you just stay as a animal?" Sehun said.

Dongwoo stood up and looked at Sehun in a more hostile manner, "It's been two years already, ever since you and your friends came here, our pack's powers had been malfuntioning every full moon!" 

"Don't every werewolves lose control during the full moons?" Baekhyun asked.

"Yes! But not like this. You've seen Sungjong during the full moon once, he wasn't filled with electricty that time and was out of control. We couldn't pin him down because we would get electricuted if we touch him." Woohyun said.

"Are you really sure you are just werewolves? Or some other creatures with electricity?" Chanyeol asked.

"I was burning in water one full moon night. Water turned to flames everytime I touch water!" Dongwoo barked.

"And you think we are the reason for that?" Baekhyun asked.

"Yes!" Sungyeol, Dongwoo, and Woohyun answered together.

"So you teared down our ship?" Baekhyun asked.

"Just do your tech stuff and contact your other alien friends from your plant to pick you guys up!" Dongwoo said.

"You know we have a mission here!" Baekhyun said.

"And yet you don't remember what the mission is!" Dongwoo said.

"The moment we landed on earth and got attacked by you guys, we already had a clue on what our mission was!" Changyeol said.

"Just a clue!" Dongwoo said.

The six of them turned quiet when they felt the ground shaking. The cops started running out of the building. Suddenly, Kai entered the room and opened the cell the six of them were in, "Hurry up before D.O. stops the quake." 

The six of them ran out the building managing to avoid being seen by the cops.


Kai and the others came back to their place.

"I can't believe those wolves are still blaming us for their loss of control duringthe full moons." Changyeol kicked the sofa.

"The sofa isn't their faces Changyeol." D.O said

"We're going to have a hard time going to school tomorrow again." Baekhyun said.

"Nah. You're just caught due to violence, you'll just have to deal with a week of detention or social service." Suho said.

"Two weeks or more. For escaping today." Kai chuckled. 

"URG! We will be stuck with those three for a week!" Changyeol groaned.

"Two weeks or more." Kai reminded.

Changyeol grabbed the sofa cushion and threw it on Kai's face and stormed out the room.

Suho cleared his throat, "It's a month right?" 

Kai nodded.



"Two months of social service. Our detention classes are already full." the principal said.

The rival groups glared at each other.

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Hey guys. I'm having problems with addng a background photo. need help :)


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Chapter 2: Love this chapter. might have to re-read it again before the next chapter comes out haha