What am I?

The Secret of the Alexandria Genesis

"Oh my god! You're a freak Alice!"

"Stay away from me. You're not human!" 

"I can't believe I'm classmates with a freak!" 

"Stop! All of you stop it!" The principal of the school walked into the center of the crowd and looked at the sixteen year old girl curled up near the lockers. She was all covered with feathers, tissue, and all other sort of garbage. The principal walked over to her and put his hand on her shoulder, "Ms. Nam, Are you alright?" 

The girl put down her hands and looked at her school principal with her glowing purple eyes that somehow appeared during the first period. The principal's eyes did widen in shock, but he still helped her out, "Let's go to the office and I'll call your parents."


"Alice!" Mrs. Nam came in the principal's office and saw her daughter alice all covered up with garbage, "What happened?"

"Well, from what I heard, the students kind of freaked out at the sudden change of color of her eyes, it was during first period, the teacher told me that Alice's eyes suddenly started glowing and turned purple, but now her eyes turned violet, but I did see it glowing." The principal said.

Mrs. Nam bit her lip.

"Mrs. Nam?" The princpal asked.

"Yes?" Mrs. Nam responded.

"Is there something I should know?" The principal asked.

Mrs. Nam looked at her daughter, "Honey, you go with your oppa outside okay? Mommy just needs to talk to your principal. I'll talk to you later." 

"Alright." Alice nodded and went out.

"I thought you said, she wasn't one of those?" The principal said, "Now I have no idea how to explain to the teachers what happened."

"I know Gerald, usaually the purple eyes start appearing before she turns twelve, she was just a little late." 

"I think it is time  for you to move out of town now." The principal said.

"We can't my husband just got a job here, and my older son only got accepted in the university here." Mrs. Nam said.

"You know there are scientists here that are able to kidnap your daughter, bring her to a secret research place, and do some sort of experiments on her. When the news go out, it will reach them.  You have to move, or let Alice go somewhere far from here." 


"It's something called the Alexandria Genesis. It only happens on girls. Mom is one too." Alex, Alice's older brother said.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Alice asked.

"Usually it comes before you turn twelve, but since you were completely normal when you turned twelve, we thought you didn't have it." Alex said.

Alice her phone and began googling it, "But why does it says here-"

"That is just a myth Alice, I'm going to be a doctor soon, and there are some things in google that exagerrate things, says false things, and says that the Alexandria Genesis is fake." Alex pointed out.

"I see." Alice said.

Alex took out something from his bag, "Do you know how to put on contact lens?"


"I'll contact my sister in Seoul, Korea, your daughter knows how to speak Korean right?" The principal asked.

Mrs. Nam nodded, "Alright."

"Don't worry, my sister is also an Alexandria Genesis, she will take good care of your daughter, she will be able to mentor her too. Remember how my cousin helped you out when it started to show on you." The principal said.

"Alright. I think my son already explained to Alice about her being." Mrs. Nam said.

"Or teacher her how to wear the lens. Anyways, I'll just prepare her transfer documents and contact my sister. Good luck Mrs. Nam."

Mrs. Nam went out of the principal's office, she passed by her daughter's locker which had been vandalized. She reached the parking lot where Alex was teaching Alice how to wear the contact lens. 

"Omma. She manage to wear one lens, but still can't put on the other." Alex said.

"Here Honey, let me help." Mrs. Nam cleaned the lens and placed it into Alice's eye. 

"Thanks mom." Alice said and still removing the garbage stuck to her hair. 

"Let me help again." Mrs. Nam said. She looked around to check if someone was there, then she opened her hand and closed her eyes, suddenly, Alice was clean and the garbage was gone.

"What was that?" Alice asked.

"Alexandria Genesis isn't just a mutation." Alex said. 

"It gives you some supernatural powers too?" Alice asked.

"Somehow like that." Mrs. Nam said.

"Poor oppa, now you wsh you're a girl?" Alice grinned.

Alex rolled his eyes, and suddenly, the car began coming near them without anyone driving it. Alice looked at her mom.

"It wasn't me." Mrs. Nam said.

"Telekinesis Little sis.” Alex said.

“So Telekinesis is real?” Alice asked.

Alex nodded.

“Teach me!” Alice demanded.

Alex laughed, “Yours isn’t telekinesis, it’s something more on light and color that I don’t really understand.”

“Nor I understand.” Mrs. Nam said.

“But mom, if you don’t understand it, how are you able to use your powers?” Alice asked.

“I only am able to use my powers for cleaning and daily work, there is an infinite ways to use our powers, even my teachers couldn’t teach me that much about our powers.” Mrs. Nam said.

“In short, mom only knows two percent of your kind.” Alex said.

“Knowing too much might destroy us.” Mrs. Nam said

“And the people around us.” Alex continued.


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Hey guys. I'm having problems with addng a background photo. need help :)


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Chapter 2: Love this chapter. might have to re-read it again before the next chapter comes out haha