
Simple Joys

“Yifan” Zitao whispered as they curled onto each other in the bed. He was resting his head on the other’s chest.


“Mmm?”  Yifan said while fiddling with Zitao’s jetblack hair.


“Why are my dreams so weird?” Zitao said straightforwardly.


“Your dreams?” Yifan looked down on him.


“Yeah. They’re pretty realistic yet random and not to mention weird”, Zitao smiled at the thought of his latest dream.


“Tell me about it” Yifan nudged Zitao.


“Well, there was this one dream that I died – and I did feel like I died – but got resurrected back to life because of some seeds” Zitao covered his face in shame.


“That’s…that’s….” Yifan stifled a laugh.


“I hate you” Zitao shook Yifan’s arms away from him and turned around.


Yifan turn towards Zitao and embraced him “But I love you”


He kissed his ear and slowly worked to his neck and said, “You do know that my dream is already next to me, right?”


Zitao faced him and kissed him on the mouth.


“Shut up”

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Lolstrez #1
Hehe I love you :)
i just happened to miss taoris and need some fluff light stories about them, and there you are! thank you~ you made my evening