Love Me Again
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"What are you doing here?" Kai managed to ask in a weak, but hostile voice after silently staring at Sehun for a moment when he opened his door, caught off guard as Sehun showed up on his doorstep without any disguise. 


"Chen told me that you're sick." 




"I.. I just wanted to check up on you and-"


"Why? Who are you to check up on me?"


Sehun was taken aback. "Kai.."


"Don't ever show up here again." Kai said and was about to shut the door but Sehun quickly stopped him and stepped inside the house.


"I brought soup. I'll just prepare it for you then I'll leave." Sehun said as he headed straight to the kitchen.


Kai sighed and closed the door before he went back to his room.


A few minutes later, Sehun came to his room with a bowl of soup. "Sit up, Kai. I'll feed you." He said as he sat down on the side of the bed.  


Kai sat up and abruptly threw the bowl on the floor. "Go away, Oh Sehun. I don't need you here."


Sehun stared at the spilled soup on the floor in shock, before he turned to face Kai. "I'll just clean it and get you another bowl."


Kai glowered at him. "Leave it. Just get out of my sight. What the are you even trying to do? You told me to forget about you and now you'll suddenly show up here acting like you care? Are you ing with me?"


"My mission's done, Kai. Yesterday was my last day as your stylist."


Kai stared at Sehun with a cold gaze. "So you came here to say goodbye?"


"I.. I wanted to see you for one last time." 


"Why? You wanted to see if I'll still run after you and beg you to come back to me? I'm done chasing after you, Sehun. That's what you want, right? Are you happy now?"


Sehun couldn't utter any word and just stared at Kai. 


"Leave. I need to rest." Kai said as he laid down and turned his back on Sehun. 


Sehun heaved a sigh and took one last yearning glance at Kai before he stood up and walked out of the room.


"Oh, you're Sehun, right?" Luhan said as Sehun walked into the living room.


Sehun stopped on his tracks, startled at seeing Luhan in the living room. "How.. How did you get inside? And how did you know who I am?"


Luhan smiled. "Kai told me his passcode. And I know you because I've seen you on Kai's picture frame. I found it in the trash yesterday so I asked Kai about it."


Sehun was dumbfounded. Kai still had his photo on a frame after all these years? But now it's in the trash? 


"I'm Luhan, by the way." Luhan said as he extended his hand to Sehun.


Sehun ignored it and frowned at Luhan. "What are you doing here?"


Luhan was taken aback at Sehun's rudeness. "Kai's sick so I came here to look after him."


"Just leave. He's not accepting visitors."


"He called me." Luhan confidently stated.


Sehun blinked

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966 streak #1
Chapter 13: I read everything in obe sitting.
I'm glad that SeKai didn't kill Chanyeol. I hope he will change for the better.
Chapter 13: Is there any sequel for this story ??? OMG this 🔥🔥 twist and twist.. and the last part ...wow
Chapter 13: I need a sequel >< this story deserves a sequel? I big you do a sequel, please
ReadRealize #4
Chapter 1: i’ve read this before and i have been looking for it to reread again. super happy to find it again although i have to look through my 2k+ subscription. it was worth it!
Chapter 13: The ending omg. Is there a sequel? It’s gonna be so fun!
Chapter 13: oml the ending was just wowwwwww
mindblown here
Chapter 13: this beautiful.
If you can please write a story where kai become NIS agent with sehun.
Chapter 13: Woaahhh intense ^_^