Chapter 1

Sorrow and Hardships

"Let's talk about this some other time, dad. Bye. I love you." I hung up the phone and threw it by the sofa.

I slumped down on my seat and buried my head in my hands - taking deep breaths to calm myself down. Breathe in. Breathe out. I looked up and '11:51AM' read the clock on the wall. Five minutes have passed which means that break time was over. 

I need to go back to the dance studio to practice with an injured foot. Even when my groupmates told me not to force myself, I still did practice. I stood up and took hold of my crutches and put both of the crutches on each side and walked carefully to the studio. 

As I walked to the dance room, I remembered the convo I had with my dad. The conversation about the lawsuit that he filed towards my company. How am I going to tell the news to my group members? I was not sure if they would listen to me even if I told them about it. How in the world am I going to break it out to them nicely?

As I opened the door, Suho - one of my group mate - opened the door for me, helped me in and sit on the sofa.

"How are you feeling? If your foot still hurts then you don't have to practice today," he muttered. 

"Alright..." I trailed off. I decided to just not force myself today. 


Numerous thoughts ran through my head.

'Should I tell them now?' 

'What will their reaction be?'

Sehun sat down next to me while holding his phone. He didn't even bother to greet me. Everyone in the room was doing their own thing and so I thought that this will be the right moment. 


I told them all to gather around. Suho and Sehun were both next to me. Sehun was still no his phone, not really bothering to pay attention. 


"So gu-"

"Oh my god..." Sehun's expression immediately changed as he let out a loud gasp. He furrowed his eyebrow, his mouth was opened and he kept on muttering "Oh my god" repetitively. 

Everyong stared at Sehun and wondered to why the young boy was reacting that way. I didn't lift my gaze off of him. There was a pregnant pause. Sehun looked up to me and the hurt was evident in his eyes.

He showed me his phone and my eyes became wide and I was very surprised. Written in big capital letters were: "BREAKING NEWS, TAO OF EXO FILED A LAWSUIT AGAINST COMPANY." I couldn't say anything. It was as it my tongue was cut off because I couldn't speak. The media knew about the lawsuit before I could even tell the news to my group members. 

Sehun read the article outloud. Everyone in the room was shocked. Even I was shocked because everything that was said was true. 

"So... you're leaving us?" Yixing - another group mate - asked me sadly. 

I stayed quiet. I didn't want to look at all of their sad faces.

I looked down and covered my head, trying to not let them hear my cries. 

"I'm so sorry..." I whispered. 

'It was for the best,' I thought.


I know, I know, before you guys say anything, I KNOW THE ENDING IS QUITE FLAT! And I have a good reason. It's because I didn't have enough space because this story literally filled literally the whole two pages on my exam paper. If only I was given more time and more space and I'd probably have a better ending. 

But hey, I might write a continuation for this(((If my brain is working properly cause right now it's in pain from all the stress))).

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kennocha #2
Chapter 2: It was said, but you did a good job :')
choih4nsol #3
Chapter 2: wtf cah you
Bambamisacutey #4
Chapter 2: Lovely story. Never fails to make me cry.
Bambamisacutey #5
Chapter 1: That was wonderful! I loved it!