| Three |

| Landfill |

* I'm putting this here because I'm not sure if I put it in any other chapters. This, obviously by the description and chapters, story is going to be a little on the depressing side. So trigger warning. I'm trying to write it so it's not like the usual she has depression & he saves her and it's all cute but I don't know if I'm doing a good job. Also, I'm trying to write it so it doesn't flat out say it. Probably not working.. *

Jihye's POV 

When I got home my Mother was sitting on the couch, her arms folded on her chest. "While I was patiently waiting for you to return home I began thinking about our little situation," She looked up and gave me a harsh glare. "After my guest leave we'll have a talk. Now, get the house clean in 15 minutes then leave." 

I did as told and began to clean. I began to think back to her words. What situation? From what I remember nothing bad happened recently nor did we have any event coming up, so what did she mean?

The vacuum suddenly stopped, the cord in the hands of my Mother. She rolled it up slightly before throwing it to my feet. "Quickly put that away then go! They said they were almost here! Quickly, Jihye!" She shouted frantically before running down the hall to her bedroom. 

After the vacuum was put back to its rightful spot I grabbed a few items then left the house. As soon as I made it on the sidewalk two cars pulled up. I recognized one as my Aunt's car, the other one was unfamiliar. I couldn't help but feel slightly hurt that a family member was here and I was being kicked out for the time being. Even if she didn't quite like me she was still family and it still hurt that I wasn't even wanted by her either. 

Sometimes I forget how cruel people actually are. 

I pulled my hood up just in case she happened to turn my way and recognize me. Not like she'd make the effort to speak to me anyway. 

There was a small park not far from my home so I made that my destination instead of walking mindlessly around. The sun began to set allowing the moon to shine bright in the sky. It's ominous light brought an uncomfortable feeling to me and I had to take a quick look around to make sure I was alone. 

When I got to the park I found a bench and just sat. My eyes stared blankly ahead of me at the houses One of them stood crooked on a slight slant. It's paneling was coming off at some parts and the windows had some card board shoved here and there to stop the cold form coming inside. Though it's exterior was crumbling away and gave off an unsettling feeling the inside was lit with a warm yellow glow. I could see a family sitting at a table enjoying their dinner with small smiles on their faces. 

I smiled bitterly at the picture. How I wish I had a home like that. My house stood perfectly on the ground. It had pure white paneling and pretty flowers to greet you when you walked up to it. The inside, though, wasn't as warm as their's. It still looked as good as it did on the outside but the furniture was cold and was there mostly  for looks. The family inside the house was broken but if there ever was someone who came to visit we'd play our roles well. 

The wind blew a soft breeze that seeped through my hoodie and touched my skin with a cool hand. I closed my eyes and breathed in the air. I need to remember things like this. 

I could hear the pit-pat off shoes on the hard cement but I didn't care to look back. The person sat down next to me and let out a sigh. "What are you doing here?" They asked softly. It was hard to recognize at first, who the voice belonged to, but I could put a name to it a second later. 

Instead of a vocal answer I just gave him a shrug off my shoulders. We sat for a while just staring a head at the same home. Now, the lights were off and the family were beginning to settle into their rightful beds. Most likely, given that it was getting late. 

A clear fog began to puff out of my mouth every time I breathed. My fingertips were growing cold but I didn't want to go back to an even colder house. When I finally glanced over at Byunghee I took notice of his cheetah print jacket that had a furry texture. With help from the moon I could just make out a scrape on his cheek that was red from dried blood. 

"I got into a fight. Didn't exactly win," He chimed followed by a laugh. His happiness from his loss was something worth questioning but I kept silent. Byunghee gave me a scrutinizing stare before he whispered, "Goodnight." Then he got up and silently walked off. 

Goodnight, Byunghee. 


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nunataaq #1
Chapter 3: I'd wish to read more of this story