Lisanna Versus Lucy

That Missing Piece Of My Heart

(No ones p.o.v in particular)

"Natsu." Gray called out walking closer.

"What?" the pink haired boy asked while putting Happy on the floor.

"Are you and Lisanna a thing now?" he questioned now expressionless.

Just when Natsu was about to answer, Lisanna was walking over speaking.

"We could be. What do you think, Natsu? I mean, that kiss last night wasn't for nothing, right?" she pestered.

"I think you're a nice person, Lisanna, but.." Natsu trailed off.

"But what?" she asked.

Gray was staring at Natsu as if he wanted the answer as well.

"Well, you see..." fire mage started avoiding eye contact.

"Lucy likes Natsu!" Happy guessed.

Salamander stayed quiet giving off a nervous smile.

"And you like her?" Lisanna spoke getting angry.

"I---" Natsu got cut off by her.

"No! Forget it! I'm going to her place right now!" she yelled and ran pass Natsu out the guild hall.

"Geez. You make situations even harder!" Gray shouted.

"This is none of your business!" Natsu screamed back.

Dark auroras were surrounding them two as they started arguing childishly.


Meanwhile, Lucy finally went to her apartment with a grin on her face. She laid back on her bed being able to only think about Natsu.

"Natsu.." she muttered.

"So you like Natsu too, huh?" a girly voice came from the door.

Lucy sat up and turned around to see Lisanna scowling at her with tears streaming down her angry face.

"Lisanna?!" Lucy uttered.


"Li--" Lucy was cut off.


"He kissed me! In fact, he kissed me in here! Right on the side of my bed! Natsu told me he liked and loved me! TODAY, he even APOLOGIZED to ME because he KISSED YOU that other NIGHT!!!" blondie screeched.

"ENOUUGGHHH!!!" Lisanna yelled right before she punched Lucy in the face.

This quickly transformed into a fist fight between Lucy and Lisanna. The room filled with yelling and screaming of anger then it happened... Lisanna got so fed up that she kicked Lucy out her window, making her fall the two stories. Lucy had hit her head hard and was bleeding. She was also passed out, cold. Lisanna ran away from the scene, hoping that nobody saw her do such a horrible thing.

Lucy's p.o.v

Lisanna kicked me in my gut and I felt like I was flying away from her. I realized I was actually falling but before I could do anything about it, it was already too late. The city of Magnolia went dark.


"L........ LU..... LUCY.......HEY, LUCY!" I woke up to the sound of my name and saw Natsu overlooking me. I was so happy to see him.

"Na...tsu." I slowly sputtered.

A great sharp pain overwhelmed me in my head which caused me to cringe.

"Don't speak Lucy. You're in the hospital with bad head injuries." Natsu explained.


I looked around the room and spotted Gray staring at me with an angry expression.

"Gray..." I muttered.

"You know... You should really thank Natsu. He was the one who found you unconscious right outside your apartment and brought you here. You were out for about 3 days and doctors were worried you would have amnesia or something. But you just came out with a head injury. Natsu.... He stayed by your side the whole time." he said.

Huh? No way! Natsu stayed with me the whole time?! For 3 days?! I cant believe this... Natsu, saved me so many times.. I want to repay him for doing so. But how?

I looked at Natsu in amazement and happiness.

"Natsu, my hero." I whispered.

Natsu gazed at me with worried eyes.

"What happened?" he asked eagerly.

That's right. Lisanna came in my apartment that night and started an argument that ended up as a fight.. And she... Won.

When I recalled what had happened, my mood went from happy to sad.

"Lisanna barged into my apartment one night and was very upset. I haven't done anything wrong to her! She... She started arguing and saying things like, "Natsu loves me", probably because she was jealous. That jealousy was out of hand and a fight happened. The last thing I remember.. Was when Lisanna kicked me out my window, which my world went black." I told him.

Natsu was beyond shocked.

"Why the hell would Lisanna do this to you?! Lisanna couldn't have!" he yelled.

I don't think she would be this cruel either. It was as if she was under a bad instinct. I wonder what made her this way.. Natsu and I aren't even dating.

The sharp pain in my head came again causing me to pass out once again.


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heegrand #1
Chapter 7: Lovely chapter. might have to re-read it again before the next chapter comes out haha
cannibaltato #2
Whoohooo i love NaLu ♥ Can't wait for your fic ^-^
Maybe half of the guild should dissappear... Some die some are just gone :D
Chapter 6: Sorry! There's no picture in chapter 4 yet but I promise that I'll put it up later.