


Chapter 3: Boundaries




"He was your owner!?"

The CEO of UrbanApparel was only the hottest eligible bachelor in the city at the moment.

His name was Kris Wu, and he started out as a jetsetting fashion blogger who was always front row at the most exclusive fashion shows.

After that, he rose to fame after guest-designing a collection at the House of Dragon, and from there he decided to make his own company.

He wasn't too bad looking either.

He was perfect...Almost too perfect.

Mercie didn't care about his looks or his money. What Mercie wanted was a scandal.

As a gossip magazine reporter, having a scoop on the practically untouchable Kris Wu was bound to get her a promotion.

All celebrities were bound to have a scandal sooner or later, she just had to be the first one to get it.

Mercie sidled closer to Lay on the couch.

As Kris Wu's dog, Lay would have most likely witnessed any private encounters, liaisons, or secret affairs that Kris would have.

After all, dogs are the world's best secret keepers.

"Actually, I take that back. You can stay with me"

"Really?" If Lay had a tail, he would probably be wagging it.

"Yes, I just need you to tell me some things about Kris though"

Lay frowned in confusion "Like what?"

"Like, you know, any girlfriends..." Mercie trailed off vaguely, hoping Lay would catch the hint.

"Hmmm" he scratched his head thoughtfully. "I was pretty small at that time so, I couldn't really see faces, I only remember seeing legs..."

"Were they a woman's legs?" Mercie probed, drawing closer.

"Hmm, they looked like...."

Mercie waited anxiously in anticipation, her eyes wide with curiosity. She was so curious, that she almost forgot about Lay's partial ness. Almost.

Lay abruptly jerked his head upwards and sniffed at the air.

"Do you smell that?"

"Smell what?"

Lay closed his eyes sniffed some more. This time, sniffing around her hair.

"Anyway, about the legs" Mercie tried in vain to keep Lay on the subject of Kris. "Were they a woman's legs--Hey, watch it!" Mercie dodged away when Lay's face was getting uncomfortably close.

She backed away, leaning against the arm of the couch. Lay had moved from sniffing her hair to her shoulders.

She had her fair share of bizarre experiences today, and discounting the fact that her dog turned into a human being, this was by far one of the top 10.

Lay pulled away for a brief moment to send her a warm smile. "You smell nice"

"Th-thanks, I guess?--" Mercie stuttered out. He was a dog after all, he only meant well.

"Are you in heat?"

Mercie's eye involuntarily twitched. Did he just say what she thought he did?

Without a moment to spare, Mercie punched Lay. Her fist connected with his jaw, and he was sent reeling back to collapse on the couch.

After her rage subsided she rubbed her knuckles and looked at the lifeless figure sprawled on the couch.

She didn't hit him too hard did she? Was this considered animal abuse? She didn't even get any good information on Kris like she had hoped.

Mercie stood up to check on Lay. The blanket that covered his lower half was threatening to slide off, so she carefully inched it back up over his head.

Sighing, she grabbed a bottle of wine and a glass before plopping back on the couch.

Mercie contemplated pouring her wine in a glass like any other civilized adult would do, but she decided not to waste her glass, and instead to drink from the bottle.

It wasn't long before she fell into an alcohol-induced sleep.




Mercie woke up groggily the next day. She wiped the drool from her lips and blinked out the sleep from her eyes.

Looking at the clock she could see was already 7:31 in the morning. Work started at 8 o'clock and she was still hungover from the previous night.

She secretly wondered to herself if what happened last night was just a dream. However the wine glass on the table, and the sleeping fabric-covered lump on her couch, told her otherwise.

She raced to her bedroom and grabbed two articles of clothing from her closet and threw them on the bed. Without looking at them she stumbled to the bathroom and splashed some water on her face.

It was still puffy from the wine.

She tied her frizzy hair into a high ponytail and threw on her clothes within 5 minutes. A new record.

Before she could be impressed with herself, she thought of the boy on her couch.

If she was going to be gone at work all day, she would have to set some ground rules before leaving him home alone.

She picked out the largest pieces of clothing from her closet and threw it on the couch by Lay.

Lay peeked out from underneath the blanket and squinted at her. The sun was particularly bright today.

"Where are you going?"

"I have to go to work Lay. Unlike you, I have a job and another mouth to feed" she pointed at the large football jersey and basketball shorts that she picked out for him. "Change into these. You being is the last thing I want to see when I get back from work"

Mercie turned around and gave him a chance to change into the clothing.

When she turned back around, she was surprised to see how well the clothes fit him. But he, himself, clashed with the femininity of her apartment.

Her apartment was decorated with powder blue and white hues. A vase of flowers on her coffee table with pink hydrangeas added another pop of color.

Lay seemed out of place in her apartment. And even more so, out of place in her life.

Mercie held up a piece of paper in her hand. The title read, "DO NOT..." in black sharpie. Mercie read out the list.

"Do not answer the door, especially if it's the landlord. Do not answer the phone. My room is off limits. You can eat whatever's in the fridge but don't use the stove or the oven. The microwave is already preset so just press start. Got it?"

Lay nodded his head.

"Good" Mercie breathed a sigh of relief. She might be able to rest easy at work today. 

Mercie set the list on the table and opened the front door. She prepared to lock the door behind her, but she could feel Lay following her.

Mercie held out a stern finger. "Stay"

Lay stopped before the door with a frown.

Mercie kept her hand outstretched while closing the door. "Stay...Good boy". She finally locked the door with a sigh.

In the corner of her eye she could see her nosy neighbor in Room 405 poking his head out from his door. Everyone in the apartment complex liked to call him 'Curious Kyungsoo'.

He gave her a suspicious look. "You know this apartment building doesn't allow pets right?"

Mercie rolled her eyes and walked quickly past him to the elevator. "Mind your business, Kwangsoo"

"It's Kyungsoo!" he called after her.

"Yea, whatever" she waved him off dismissively as the elevator doors closed behind her.

She massaged out the remnants of her hangover from her temples. Today was going to be a long day.


A/N: Dog Fact: Dogs can smell human pheromones, and when women ovulate (I.e when they're most fertile)  those pheremones become stronger. So interesting subtext,I guess. Lol 

thanks for reading! :D

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Thealmightyprincess #1
Chapter 7: Hey! You're back! thanks for the chapter ^_^
Infinitehoya1 #2
Chapter 7: I like that Game of Thrones reference ^_^
pinkydinky21 #3
Chapter 7: Ooh I missed you. Thanks for the update :)
Lotuspassion #4
Chapter 7: I think her and Lay should become girlfriend and boyfriend
Lotuspassion #5
Chapter 6: Soon please I wanna know what happens
sevixx #6
Chapter 6: I died if laughter from this chapter. Lay being a puppy thief was awesome. I really like how the boys are in scattered job positions in the story instead of them being the same wealthy group.
Thealmightyprincess #7
Chapter 6: Yay an update! omg that chapter was great ^_^
Chapter 6: This chapter was crazy, i found it hilarious!
evearroz #9
Chapter 6: Omg let me just collect myself... First of, this story is just great! The girl you picked was great, lay is great, all the characters personalities seem to hilariously fit them, its well written, not to descriptive, and.. Idk it's just so fun to read! You reminded me on how enjoyable fan fiction can be sometimes. Thank you, and keep up the awesome work~ awaiting your next update! :))
Artiiztle #10
Chapter 5: This chapter is really funny,creepy, and well written.