
My Reason

The brown haired 19 years old young man was sitting on the hospital bed's edge, wearing pale blue clothes that he had got from the hospital. He had long and thick eyelashes, a little bit pale face and beautiful cheekbones. He was staring out the window, watching how the flower petals were falling down from the tree. It was a sunny day. Soon, someone knocked on the door, that made him blink and turn his gaze at the door. The door opened, and a nurse with long brown hair stepped inside the room. He had a warm smile on his face as he greeted the nurse. "Good morning"he said, his voice was smooth and gentle. "Morning, Mr. Jongdae. Did you sleep well? I'm sure you're already aware of this, but you can go home today"the nurse told as a sweet and caring smile appeared on her face. 

He nodded, keeping a smile on his face. "Mm-m, I did know that already. Time sure has flied, hasn't it?"he questioned and a chuckle escaped his lips as he shrugged his shoulders. "Yes, you're right."

"Are you feeling any pain?"

"No. -- Not today."


This young man, Kim Jongdae who was also known as 'Chen' had been waiting for this day to come. He had waited for really long time, and now it was the time finally. He had been in the hospital for longer time than he was supposed to. When he came there for the first time, his condition was really bad and the doctors were almost ready to give him and his parents the worst answer; 'We can't do anything to help you'

But a miracle happened and there he still was. Now his condition was already so good and he was finally able to leave the hospital and start living normal life. Well, there was things that he had to do that not all the people did, but at least he would now be able to continue studying in a normal school and make new friends. And what was the most important thing; His parents didn't have to worry that much anymore. They would always worry, of course, but now that he seemed to be doing so well, there wasn't anything they'd have to worry about. 

Before the doctors let Chen leave the hospital, they had to do the final check up, making sure there wasn't anything particular they should've noticed. 

"How does it feel like?"the male doctor asked him. Chen turned around, flashing a bright smile. "It feels great! I didn't remember walking felt this good!"he laughed and continued walking forward, when soon he paused as he noticed how he was about to bump into someone. "Ah! Excuse me, I wasn't really looking where I was going--"he apologized and looked at the stranger. 

His heart skipped a beat.

"Huh...? Chen...?"a voice asked. This voice was familiar to Chen. It was a bit deeper than it had been when he had heard it for the last time. But he knew for sure to whom this voice belonged to. It was Xiumin. A friend that he had not seen for almost ten years. He had changed more than Chen had expected. He had used to be a little bit chubby when he was younger, but now Xiumin was actually really good-looking and had a girlfriend for sure. 

"Ah! No way, it really is you! Wow, you sure have changed!"Chen laughed, pulling his friend into a hug. Then he let him go and looked at his friend more closely and noticed a big band-aid on his right leg. "Aww, what happened?"he asked, tilting his head. 

"So have you, Chen! You're taller than I expected you to be"Xiumin let out a laugh. "Ah, that?"he looked down at the band-aid on his leg. "Just a small wound, nothing serious. I tripped during a soccer match and that's how I got it. -- What about you, why are you here?"

At that point the smile on Chen's face faded away for few seconds, but soon he started smiling once again. "Me? I had a bad cold for almost two weeks, we had to take few bloodtests and such, but now I'm fine and I will be able to go home today"he explained. Chen wasn't a liar and Xiumin knew it, but in a situation like this, Chen had to lie. Not because he didn't want to tell it, but because he didn't want to hurt his friend. And Xiumin shouldn't worry about him. Everything was alright at the moment, after all. 

"Woah, that sure is something, I haven't had a cold for two years!"Xiumin told his friend. "By the way-"he started and scratched the back of his head. "Where do you live these days?"

"Near this hospital, do you know the area that's full of white brick houses? I live in there"Chen said. 

"That's awesome! I live near this hospital too, well, not as near as you, but still. We should definitely start hanging out once again, I'd like to know more about you, now that we finally met again."


The rest of the day had went well and after Xiumin's and Chen's small chitchat, Chen was finally able to leave the hospital. 


The next day, Chen started going to a new school. It was big and there was a lot of students in the school. Chen thought it was positive, the more students there were, the more friends he could make. This could be a start for a new, more happier life. 

When the brunette was walking towards this new school, he paused when he heard someone yelling. 'You , do our homework or we will punch you again!' That definitely didn't sound like a nice chat. 

Chen started walking at the direction of the voice. He saw two tall boys that were looking down at someone. That someone was... Xiumin..?

"I told you already; Do your own homework, besides I'm not better than you two are --"Xiumin said and placed a hand on his cheek. His cheek looked red. Like someone would have punched him in the face. Xiumin was about to say something else, but he was interrupted by the two other guys. "Who the hell are you?"they asked. 

"Oh, I'm Chen. I was looking for my friend, but... it looks like you two found him before me. Thanks, if you wouldn't have been yelling, I wouldn't have found him this easily!"Chen said cheerfully and walked closer to Xiumin. "Come"he handed his hand to Xiumin and smiled. "I will make sure those two don't do this anymore, trust me, okay?"



So! That was the first chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed! Does someone already have a feeling what could be Chen's real reason for moving away? If yes, don't be afraid of letting me know your guess!

See you next time!

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