

Kyungsoo is madly in love with Jongin, and Jongin is head over heels for Kyungsoo. All they know is that they want to be with no one but each other, inseperable forever. But, what happens when one forgets?


Kyungsoo feels the blood that was racing to his face change direction and rush downwards. , Kyungsoo, don't do this to yourself. Not here. Not now. 

Author's Note: Sorry for the ty description/foreward. Since this is still a work in progress it looks like crap. I don't even have a cover for it yet, so I leave you with a Kaisoo picture with the hope that it will excuse me. Maybe, someday, if this fic actually gets subs/reads I may edit a cover for it and make it all presentable and such. For now, though, this will have to do. If you're interested in beta-ing my fic, then don't hesitate to contact me. I would really appreciate it. Other than that, I guess all that is left to say is: I hope you can manage to enjoy reading this!



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