Chapter 5

Small Steps

“Hey, Sehun.”


“Jongdae was in a rush this morning and he told me to invite you to his birthday party this weekend.”

“Oh. This weekend?”

“Are you busy?”

“No. I think I can go.”

“Oh cool. Want me to go to your house and we can go together?”

“That would be nice.”

“Alright. I’ll be at your place on Saturday at six thirty, if that’s okay?”



Parties with his friends were never actually “parties”. They were more like hang out sessions; the only difference is that there are cake and party hats. Jongin was leisurely walking to Sehun’s house. He’s been to Sehun’s house so many times at this point that he could get there with his eyes closed.

He stepped to the front door and rang the doorbell. Within seconds, the door swung open.

“Yo yo Jongin.” Luhan grinned. “Sehun’ll be down in a moment. Come in for a bit!”

Jongin agreed and entered the house, carefully toeing off his shoes. He followed Luhan into the kitchen, where he sat himself near the kitchen counter. He gave a wave to Minseok, who was making some sort of soup.

“I’m so excited! This is the first party my baby Hunnie will attend!” Luhan squealed as he poured some banana milk into a cup, sliding it over to Jongin. Jongin thanked the older and started sipping the cup. Luhan pulled up a stool near Jongin and sat down, his expression changing to one of complete seriousness. “I swear, Kim Jongin, if my Hunnie comes home with any sign of injury, I’ll make sure you’ll never be able to see the next day.”

Jongin gulped and nodded. After the many visits to Sehun’s house, he learned that Luhan is very protective of his cousin and had quite a dangerous side to his innocent actions.

 Luhan’s face immediately brightened when he saw Jongin’s answer.

At that moment, Sehun entered the kitchen.

“Is that Jongin I’m hearing?” He asked.

Jongin turned his head to confirm but he stopped short. Sehun was wearing a black tee with a snug black jacket and dark grey skinny jeans. In one of his hands was a bag that was green and had orange polka dots. Sehun was wearing his glasses and his walking stick was loosely gripped by his other hand.

Simple but, wow, he looks so good…

“It is your friend.” Luhan sang.

“Hey Jongin.”

“Hey you.” Jongin responded unconsciously.

“Let’s go?”


After several short moments, Jongin realized that he didn’t stand up and that he was still staring. He shook his head and shot up. He could feel his face heat up, trying to avoid the amused expression on Sehun’s face and the slightly stoic expression on Luhan’s.

“Y-Yeah… Let’s go.”

Sehun giggled as he started to make his way to the front door.

“Bye Minseok, bye Luhannie.”

“Why did you say bye to me second…”

“Bye Sehun, Jongin. Have fun.”

Jongin and Sehun walked side by side after Luhan sent them out and gave Jongin long glares that read remember-what-I-said and you-better-not-get-to-cozy-with-my-cousin. There was a comfortable silence between them as they kept walking. Jongdae didn’t live far from Jongin which meant he didn’t live far from Sehun either.

“What did you get Jongdae for his birthday?” Sehun suddenly asked.

Jongin glanced down at the box in his hand before he shrugged. “I got him some conditioner for his hair, some mouth wash, and a dictionary.”

“A dictionary…?”

“I got him a thesaurus last year, thought I get him something to match last year’s.”

Jongin swelled with pride when he heard Sehun laugh, even though it was true. He and his friends never really get them actual presents. They would treat each other throughout the whole year so buying a presents on each other’s birthdays were not in their tradition.

“Did you get something for Jongdae?”

“I did.”

“What did you get?”

Sehun lifted the bag and smiled. “I was out with Luhan and Minseok at the mall once and I accidentally bumped into a shelf of stuffed animals and one of them fell so I picked it up and it felt really soft like a dog and when I asked Luhan, he said it was a beagle so I got it.” Sehun rambled and turned to face Jongin (being a little off by an inch or two) with a large grin.

Sehun’s grin was contagious because Jongin started to smile. “Wow, so clever.”

“I know. I’m a genius.”


“OH MY GOD.” Jongdae screamed when he picked up the toy beagle. “IT’S ADORABLE.” He hugged the stuffed animal tightly, his eyes sparkling in happiness.

“Just like you.” Junmyeon remarked, earning voices of distress and groaning.

“And you say we’re disgusting.” Baekhyun mumbled, leaning onto Chanyeol in attempt to push himself further away from the birthday boy.

Sehun laughed. “I’m glad you like it.”

Jongdae grinned. “Of course! It’s more meaningful than Jongin’s dictionary.”

“Hey, at least I’m helping you getting educated.”

“I think you need it more than me, Jongin.”

“Nah, I think he got the right person.”

“Now that I think about it, he probably should have saved it to give it to you, Baekhyun.”

“Shut up, Jongdae.”


The party was quite peaceful, despite the bickering between the beagles. It started with video games (with Junmyeon and Sehun at the side and getting to know each other while Jongin and the beagles were competing and somehow dragging Kyungsoo in, who always seem to beat them). After aggressive gaming, the boys were rushed downstairs for dinner (made by Jongdae’s mother and was absolutely delicious, though not as great as Minseok’s fried chicken in Jongin’s opinion) and cake before presents were given to the birthday boy (which created a mess of mouth wash, cotton balls, and glitter. However, Beagle Dae was kept safe). At the moment, the boys were in Jongdae’s room with Chanyeol on the guitar and Baekhyun, Jongdae, and Kyungsoo humming and singing to certain songs.

Jongin was listening quietly. The mood was extremely peaceful. Baekhyun was singing next to Kyungsoo, who was humming the harmony. Jongdae was sitting in between Junmyeon’s legs and improvising off of Baekhyun’s singing. Jongin glanced down at Sehun, who was leaning back against the wall. It paralleled how Jongin saw Sehun when he first came over to Sehun’s house.

There was a small smile blooming on Jongin’s face. He didn’t realize that Sehun was slowly smiling too.

“You’re staring again.” Sehun whispered, making Jongin slightly surprised.

“Am I really?” Jongin haven’t heard Sehun say that in a while, even if Jongin did stare quite often.

“I don’t mind it, though. I’ve gotten used to it.” Sehun turned towards Jongin with more accuracy than when they were coming to Jongdae’s house. “Because I know you’re not staring because I’m blind.”

“W-What do you me-“

“I think it’s time for ice cream and to head on back to our own homes.” Kyungsoo piped up.

“Ice cream!” The beagles sang and hopped up.

Sehun held onto Jongin’s arm so Jongin could lead him around because he didn’t want to swing his stick around Jongdae’s house, just in case we was going to knock something over. Jongin couldn’t fight the smile off his face. The seven boys headed downstairs and into the dining room. Each beagle took a tub from the freezer and placed it at the center of the round dining table. They gave each person a spoon and started to eat out of the tub (Sehun got his own bowl with several scoops of each flavor).

“Hey guys, let’s play Never Have I Ever.” Baekhyun suggested with a mouth full of ice cream.

“Hm… Okay.” Jongdae agreed after swallowing another spoonful of mint chocolate chip. “What happens if you lose?”

There was a brief silence.

“Hey Jongdae.” Chanyeol piped up. “Do you still have those super spicy chili peppers from that old lady?”

There was a grin on Jongdae’s face. “Perfect!”

Kyungsoo groaned. “Did you seriously have to remember that…?”

“At least we have ice cream to cool our mouths down.” Junmyeon tried to reassure.

“Ha ha no.” Jongdae put down his spoon. “We’re going take this like a real man! No ice cream, no milk. Five pieces of the chili peppers!”

“Five pieces?!” Jongin exclaimed in despair. “We all could barely handle one! And we all shared one!”

Sehun slowly raised his hand. Once there was a silence, he asked; “What are we playing?”

Jongdae gasped. “Sehun! Have you never played Never Have I Ever?” There was a brief wave of giggles at his phrasing before he directed his attention back at the person at question. When he received a shake of the head, Jongdae gasped again. “You haven’t? Well, we’re going to teach you! It’ll make sense as we play.”

“Basically how we play is that we hold out our hand and one person says never have they ever done something.” Baekhyun continued off of Jongdae, much to his annoyance. “Everyone who had done the thing that the person had never done, puts down a finger.”

“The first person to put all their fingers down is the loser and faces punishment!” Chanyeol joined. “In this case, it’s five pieces of chili peppers with nothing to wash it down.”

“Oh.” Sehun hummed. “Sounds easy enough. Keep me updated with who’s winning and losing though.”

“Alright! Since Sehun never played before, he can start it off!” Jongdae grinned.

“So… I say something that I’ve never done, right?”


“Okay…” Sehun thought for a moment. “Never have I ever…  Sharpened a pencil.”

No one said a word before Baekhyun started groaning.

“That’s so boring, Sehun!!”

“But…” Junmyeon glanced around the table. “He made everyone put a finger down.”

“We’re all taking a step closer to hell.” Kyungsoo mumbled.

“Jongin go!” Baekhyun ushered.

Jongin was in deep thought. They played this game so many times that he doesn’t know what to say any more. “Never have I ever…” He’s racking his brain for one and decided to be boring like his usual self. “Attended a sporting event, whether at school or a pro game.”

“That’s so Jongin.” Baekhyun grumbled while putting a finger down.

“I’ll go!” Jongdae’s smile turned into a smirk when he glanced over at Baekhyun. “Never have I ever given a .”

The shorter beagle flicked him off while putting down a finger. Chanyeol laughed but put down a finger as well. A few more rounds went and Baekhyun had only one finger left.

“Jesus Christ.” He pouted. “This is totally unfair. You guys were all against me.”

Kyungsoo shrugged, waving three fingers in front of Baekhyun’s face. “You’re the one who suggested this game.”

“Sehun still has all five up.” Chanyeol remarked, two fingers resting on the table.

Jongin glanced over to Sehun, who was resting his whole palm on the table while continuing to eat his ice cream with his other hand. Jongin glanced at his two fingers then up towards Junmyeon’s three and Jongdae’s two.

Baekhyun had a large frown on his face. He switched out his fore finger to his middle and waved it towards Kyungsoo, who rolled his eyes and reached to eat some Neapolitan ice cream.

“Never have I ever…” Baekhyun started and stared at his hand. Jongin saw how the petite boy glanced at Sehun’s palm. “Tripped over a pillow.”

“Yes you have!” Jongdae interjected.

“I tripped over a couch cushion but I never tripped over a pillow!” Baekhyun shot back.

Jongin turned back to Sehun, who calmly put a finger down, spoon still in his mouth. He took a look around the table to survey the score. He, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and Jongdae had one finger left. Junmyeon had two, Kyungsoo still had three, while Sehun had four. He’s currently feeling the pressure. Jongin can’t handle spice that well and he really didn’t want to lose. Apparently Sehun could feel his distress and leaned in to whisper in his ear.

“Jongin, have you ever baked a cake before?”

“Wha… No. I haven’t actually.” He murmured back.

Sehun smiled. “Never have I ever baked a cake.”

Silence filled the room. Suddenly, Baekhyun started cursing, Chanyeol started laughing (even if he also ran out of fingers), and Jongdae sounded like he was laughing and crying at the same time. Junmyeon patted his boyfriend’s shoulder reassuringly while Kyungsoo smirked. Jongin let out a sigh of relief.



“How’d you know they baked a cake before?”

“Guessed it.” Sehun grinned. “One of them seemed like a baker to me. I didn’t know all of them had though.”

“I thought we were friends, Sehun.” Baekhyun cried. “I was sure you were going to save me…”

“Sorry.” Sehun had a guilty smile. “If you want, I could eat one of the peppers for you?”

“Sehun, no.” Jongin cut in. He didn’t know if Sehun knew the level of spice that the pepper would contain. He had to protect Sehun from it. And he didn’t want to face Luhan’s wrath. He gave Baekhyun a glare. “Baekhyun, no.”

“Don’t worry, Jongin.” Sehun chuckled. “It can’t be that bad.” He stuck out a palm in Baekhyun’s general direction.

“Uh, yes it can.” Jongin watched Baekhyun plopped a pepper on Sehun’s awaiting palm. Jongin tried to reach over and take it away but Sehun seemed to sense him doing that and quickly moved his palm away.

“Hey, hey. Since Sehun technically won,” Jongdae started. “He can eat ice cream and or drink milk afterwards.”

Jongin paused for a moment before he sighed. “Fine.”

“I’ll finish my bowl of ice cream after this, Jongin. Promise!” Sehun grinned.

“I don’t know why you want to burn your mouth so much.” Jongin mumbled with Sehun laughing and saying something about “being in the zone”.

The results were, nonetheless, surprising. Of course, the beagle line were practically in tears and on the floor by the time they finished all their pieces. Sehun, on the other hand, calmly ate the pepper with no sign of discomfort. He finished his ice cream as promised and was very relaxed throughout the ordeal.

“Sehun.” Baekhyun spoke up after his third glass of milk. The three had given up their manly title for glasses of milk and many spoonful of ice cream. “Are you God?”

“Maybe.” Sehun smiled slightly but there seemed to be a playful hint to it.

“I don’t know whether you’re joking or you’re telling the truth.” Chanyeol said.

Everyone laughed. Despite the chili pepper fiasco, the party ended on a happy note.


“Thanks for walking me home.” Sehun said as the two arrive to his porch.

“No problem at all.” Jongin smiled. “What kind of friend would I be if I made you walk home on your own?”

“A jerk.”


They both laughed for a moment. Jongin’s eyes wandered down to Sehun’s lips, how it curved in just the right way. His mind started racing and his cheeks started to heat up at the thought of just leaning down…

Kim Jongin! Oh my god, you better stop thinking that right now or I’m going to kick you! Even if it means kicking myself!

Jongin quickly shook his head and focused on Sehun again, who was smiling back at him.

“I guess… I better get going.” Jongin said, taking a step back.

Before he could get any far, he felt a tug on his shirt. Next thing he knew, he felt a peck at the corner of his lips. His heart started beating so fast, his mind started spinning. He wasn’t sure what happened but he watched an extremely flustered Sehun mumble something incoherent. He was in a daze to even realize that Sehun fumbled to find the doorknob. The blind boy rushed a good bye and disappeared inside the house.

Jongin was so deep in his own little world that he didn’t know when he left Sehun’s porch, didn’t know when he arrived at his own house, didn’t know when he greeted his parents and headed into his room. But he found himself lying on his bed and staring at the ceiling. The corner of his lips had a tingly sensation. He didn’t know if it was because of the kiss or because of the peppers Sehun ate.

One thing’s for sure, Jongin is falling a little deeper and he doesn’t want to get out.

AN: Whoa! There's some progress hahaha ;-) Update because I didn't want to study. I'm almost done with Chapter 6 so expect an update in the next few days! I apologize for any grammar mistakes! Thank you to those you subscribed, commented, and upvoted! :-)

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[20160811] It's been awhile! Dropped by to let you all know I made a new fic but it's not apart of this series! If you can, please check it out!! Thanks!


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975 streak #1
Chapter 8: Sehun has bared his soul to Jongin. And they have grown even closer.
975 streak #2
Chapter 5: I started reading this a few days ago. But now, I'm at this chapter where Sehun pecked Jongin near his lips. Wow!
This was the first fic I read on aff and let me just say I didn't regret it, Not one bit, It's so well written and at times I cried along, It really touched me a lot, I love the characters and everything.
Chapter 1: We are off to a great start
Chapter 1: Wow
I am not ready for this.
I am crying just by reading the description
Chapter 13: This is uwu omonaaaaaaaaa
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Lolypop123 #10
Chapter 10: That was beautiful ☺