The Human World


“ Urghhhhhhhh”. Carter groaned when she fell out of the portal. Her body collided with the hard, cold ground.  She stood up from the ground using the brick wall near her for support. Looking around, she noticed she landed in a dark ally. There weren’t any street lights near this place.  Standing up straight, she winced in pain, her right hand was twisted in the wrong direction.

“ Great, just great”, she twisted her arm back in the usual place until her shoulder clicked. Her body was aching from the fall, and she was starving. It didn’t help at all that it was night time already. The moon was shining bright in the sky among few white clouds. And the worst thing so far is that she didn’t even know in which part of the world they sent her to. ‘ ing Vampire Lord, I will kill you one day even if it cost me my life. I will have my revenge’, she thought and laughed wickedly. Walking out of the ally, she took a deep breath trying to find a human to feed on.
She wanted nothing more than to bury her aching fangs in someone’s neck and them dry.

The city looked normal, like any other. There were tall buildings surrounding the main street.  The green light for the vehicles shined from the traffic light. ‘ How ironic, there aren’t any vehicles around at this hour. Must be some time before the dawn’.  ‘ This city looks so new and modern, it must be really busy at day time’. Although she didn’t know where she was, she liked it very much here. The streets were empty, it felt nice to be alone in the dark once again.

The silence was broken after some time by group of guys shouting at the other end of street.  “ Let’s go to the Downtown Club guys, the bill’s on me “, one guy with brown hair shouted. The rest of them bickered about his decision some more before they agreed to go.  Carter saw this as a chance to get some blood and followed them quietly.

She decided she isn’t gonna use any other powers of her’s besides mind compulsion. After following and observing them from the shadow for some time she noticed their features. They looked foreign to her. She didn’t want to say anything this soon, but this scared her a little.
Strangely they were not talking in English that’s for sure. They were talking in some other foreign language, and what was even weirder, she could understand all of it.

“ Where the hell am i “? She asked herself. Confusion was hitting her in the head and hard.
One of the guys she was following tripped on his own leg, and fell flat forward kissing the sidewalk with his face. Others laughed at him, and tried to help him get his up.

Around 15 meters behind them, Carter tried everything in her power to stop herself from bursting out in the fits of laughter and possibly rolling on the ground while clutching her stomach. Silent laughs escaped . Her breathing became irregular and she was holding on to her stomach for dear life trying to ease the pain and pressure. ‘ Seriously who is stupid enough to trip on their own feet while walking on a flat ground. ‘ she laughed again. 
She wanted to run up to them and laugh with them, but she stood her ground and decided against it.

She followed them for a while silently, and stopped when they arrived at what she assumed was “ Downtown Club “.  This club was located in the lobby of a really tall skyscraper. “ Geez, what would happen if this building collapsed”, she mumbled to herself. When the big bodyguard let these guys in, Carter took this as a sign to follow.

Slowly she walked to the entrance that was crowded with people. People at the entrance were foreign looking also. Ok so she definitely wasn’t in the USA.  She blended in the crowd, waiting for her turn to enter the club.  Girls were dressed in short, tight dresses that were hugging their bodies. Their faces were caked with foundation and blush and eyeliner. ‘ Yuck, who the hell goes for these kinds of girls for sake’. Carter shook her head in disapproval.

When she was about to enter the club, one of the girls pulled her back by the hair harshly.  She tumbled few steps back until she was face to face with the girl that was holding her hair. “ What is a foreigner like you doing in this club. Trying to get laid, ha? You expect guys  to look at you when you are dressed like that,” she pointed at Carter. The gill and her friends snickered.

Carter could feel her anger rising, maybe she had found her dinner already. She expected it  to take more time than 30 minutes, but she was pretty happy with it. Carter rose her hand and slapped the girl across the face, leaving a red swollen handprint on her right cheek. “ Be careful what you poke with a stick, it might just bite your head off “. The girl let go of Carter’s hair. Guys that were snickering a minute ago, now had their jaws dropped on the floor. Carter smirked at the group of girls. Turning her back on them, she walked into the bar.

Once inside, she looked down on herself, observing her clothes. She was dressed in purple short sleeved shirt and black tight leather pants. Her black leather jacket was covering her upper body, providing her warmth. Her black combat boots on her feet. She looked back at the that slapped and scuffed. This girl had long straight black hair, the foundation on her face was too much it was almost dripping. She didn’t even want to start on her red lipstick that was put on disgustingly. She even had some stuck on her teeth.

The black dress she was wearing was reaching her crotch, and she could see her lacy  black underwear peaking out. She decided to complete her ratchet look with high heels. They were so high she could almost trio over on her own two feet, like that guy from before.

Cater scoffed once more making her way through the crowd. After slapping guys hands off her along the way, she reached the bar and sat on one of the bar stools.  She started to feel dizzy from the lack of blood. Waiter approached her soon after. He was dressed into a white dress shirt and black pants. He stared at her for few seconds.

She was feeling dizzier and dizzier every passing second. “ Come closer “ she said to the waiter silently and motioned him to come closer with her hand. Without a word, he obeyed her command and moved closer. She reached over the bar and pulled him by the hand. Not wasting any more time, the veins under her eyes appeared. The whites of her eyes started turning red from the blood that was filling them in. Her canines elongated creating sharp fangs.

Carter sniffed guys neck, making her even more hungrier than she was before. She buried her fangs into guy’s neck and started his rich blood slowly. At first, the guy was trying so hard to pray himself away from her, but the more she his blood, he became more relaxed and started in pleasure.

Before more people could crowd around the bar, she let go of him. She had excellent control  when it came to blood drinking so she didn’t hurt him. She took napkins from the bar and pressed it lightly on his would. The guy was in so much shock that he didn’t utter a single word. Carter jumped over the bar and took a clean gloss from the dryer. Taking a sharp knife, she made long cut on her wrist. Blood started pouring down from the cut and into the gloss. When the cup was half full, she moved her hand and the wound healed.

Taking the blood filled gloss, Carter turned around to the guy she bit. “ Drink “ she compelled him while looking him in the eyes. With a shaky hand he took the gloss from her hand and downed it in one go. He could feel the broken skin on his neck connecting again until the bite marks were gone.  He looked in the mirror just to notice that his neck was all healed up. 

Carter took him by the hand keeping him in place in front of her. “ You are not going to remember me, or what I did to you tonight when I leave. But while I’m here, you are not going to tell anyone about it. Understand ? “ The guy nodded his head in response and Carter walked away from the bar and on to the dance floor.

While dancing with other people on the dance floor, she noticed group of 12 guys she has followed to this bar. They were sitting on the sofas in the corner of the room. There were many empty beer bottles on their table. Girls were moving their hips to the beat around them, but none of them seemed to give any damn about it. Pore souls. That’s called trying so hard.
“ Hey man do you see that foreign chick on the dance floor. She is looking our way.” Blonde haired boy named Sehun said to his friend Luhan who was sitting beside him, eying Carter.
Slowly like venom, the eyes of these two boys were filling with lust while the groins in their pants were becoming bigger and bigger.

“ Let’s get some action “ Luhan said while standing up. Sehun nodded his head in agreement, standing up, following Luhan’s lead. Carter who was listening in on their conversation, walked further in to the crowd. She was about to get of the dance floor, when pair of strong arms pulled her back.

Sehun wrapped his arms tightly around her waist, back hugging her. “ What’s the rush “, he smirked. Luhan was waiting on the dance floor for Sehun to return with the girl. Hi’s lust for the foreign girl was  growing by the second. Sehun’s grip on Carter’s  waist didn’t loosen, he dragged her backwards towards Luhan.

Luhan’s smirked when he spotted Sehun returning with the girl. Carter was in shock. Her body was paralyzed under his touch. She didn’t make any attempt so escape at all. Luhan approached them, putting his arms around Carter, hugging her from the front. Luhan pressed his body against hers. Carter could feel their muscular bodies underneath their thin short sleeved shirts.

She felt like a bird trapped in a cage between these two hot boys. When the music started booming through the stereo, two boys were swaying their hips along with the beat, still holding Carter tightly around her waist. Carter liked this very much and decided to let these boys have their fun while they still had time to do so.

Luhan pushed his arms down Carter’s hips cupping her I his big hands. He softly squeezed her . He brought her closer to him, wanting to feel more of her warmth. Carter was starting to feel dizzy again. She needed blood.  She pushed Luhan off of her and broke Sehun’s grip on her waist.  With the last bit of her energy she walked towards the exit.

Luhan and Sehun were left stoned at her actions. They were not gonna let her go that easily just jet. They ran towards the exit in order to catch her, but when she limped out of the bar, she used her vampire speed and ran away.

Luhan and Sehun searched for her, but she disappeared like she never was there in the first place. They felt angry. Never have they ever let a girl go without finishing the dirty business. They swore they were gonna find her, one way or another. They were still mesmerized by her beauty and body. They returned inside the bar sitting down on the sofa next to Kai and Suho. They couldn’t stop themselves from frowning.

“ What happened to you two, the girl ran away “, Kai asked in teasing manner. He saw what his best friends were doing to the foreign girl, but they didn’t know he was watching them all the time. He wanted to go and get her, but having three boy’s hands on one girl’s body was too much. So he sat on the sofa eying them with jealousy. 

The rest of EXO, how these 12 boys were called, felt the same way about the girl like Kai, Sehun and Luhan did. All of them hoped they would see her again.

On the other hand, Carter was in the ally. Having two people pinned against the brick wall beneath her while their bodies dry. She didn’t know if they were men or women. She couldn’t think straight. Their protests and screams didn’t get to her at all. She felt drunk from too much blood.

The bodies slid down the brick wall, warm blood falling from their neck. Carter cleaned with her T-Shirt. She took the bodies and threw them in the trash. She left the ally and walked to the nearby park. Sitting down on one of the benches, she looked up to the sky.

Somehow the moon made her feel sleepy. Carter lied her head down on the bench and soon, she passed out.

Few hours later, the dawn came and warm sun started rising on the horizon. Carter felt the sensation of her flash burning. She opened her eyes to see her skin turning pink and burning slowly. Her eyes widened. In the Vampire World the sky was red, there was no sun. But in the human world, vampires burn in the sun.

A/N : Hello to everyone who decided to read this,

This is the first " proper " chapter to this story, i did my best on it. By now it's even better then my first story on Wattpad. So have nice time reading it. :D XD <3 
 If u guys want i can leave a link to some nice songs that i think would go along with the chapter, so if you think that would be nice, telle me down in the coments.

I have been so in love with Beyblade Metal for 1 month now. I just can't stop watching it, it's so addicting. My favourite character is Ryuga. <3
If you watch Beyblade tell me i wanna hear your opinion on it. Who's your favourite character? 
Also tell me you're favourite anime and recommend me some. Thanks. :D

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JoJoann #1
Chapter 3: This story has an interesting plot line. Please update as soon as possible! Love your work so far!
Angel14 #2
Chapter 3: It's was a great chapter author :)
Angel14 #3
This story is great I have been searching high and low for story like and finally I found it
Update soon btw