The Stars and The Moon

Dear Fall

September 24th 2015


Is it normal to stare at something so perfect? Is it possible for there to be someone perfect? I was leaning against my left arm as I sat at my normal lunch table staring at the definition of perfection. She was standing in line looking over what kind of food this school had to offer. I wasn't the only person staring at her. Girls looked at her with envy, boys looked at her as if she was a piece of meat and she was oblivious to what was going on. When she was finally content with what she had she turned to look through the crowd looking for a place to sit. 

And just like that...

Our eyes met. 

Only to be broken by me. I don't want it to look like I'm staring. 

I totally was.

My attention was brought towards the book I've been reading since the summer, another John Green book. I think It was the Paper Town one, I wasn't quite sure what I was reading, if that's what I could call reading. I was simply staring at the page using every ounce of strength I had not to look at Tiffany.

So I technically wasn't reading.

The chair scrapped against the floor which made me clench my teeth. I turned my attention from staring at the page to the girl in front of me. She looked at me with an apologetic look on her face as she noticed I was not keen with the chair scraping against the floor.

"Sorry." She said.

"You don't mind do you? You know if I sit here?" I wasn't going to be a babbling idiot again so I just shook my head letting her know I was completely fine with her sitting here.

Now was my chance.

Just introduce yourself. Make small talk and hopefully everything will just flow naturally. Just start off with a simple hey. 

I turned my gaze from my book and caught her looking at me. She smiled and then my mind went blank. Nothing. I had nothing, I couldn't even force myself to say hey. It's as if I forgot how to speak, how to function, how to basically be human.

Basic Human 101. Is there such class?

I slouched in my chair wanting the floor to swallow me whole. Anything would be nice.

"Am I bothering you?" I glanced up an noticed she was leaning over the table.

"I can leave..."

"No, you're not bother." Pulling myself up I sat up straight.

"So you do talk." She chuckled. 

So cute. Kill me now.

Before I could speak the bell rang and I closed my eyes and inwardly groaned clenching my fist under the table for being interrupted. I heard the chair scrape against the floor I opened my eyes and she stood hugging her books.

"I'll see you later." She said

"Not unless I see you first."

That was really lame, who say's that? I closed my eyes yet again stopping myself from saying another stupid thing.

I heard her chuckle and say  "You're funny."

That was pity right? She couldn't actually think that was funny. It's pity isn't? Please don't pity my embarrassment. Wait what if she genuinely thought I was funny. 

I'm over thinking things.


The bell dinged as I walked through the store and as if on cue I get a page from the grandfather. I sighed as I walked to the back where the phone was and dialed my grandfather's cell number. He gave me the usual lecture of the you're at work right? Coming straight home from work tonight right? Don't waste time just get home straight after.

To my grandfather there was no such thing as freedom. He had control everywhere I went. I would get the occasional freedom to run down to the store that was down the street but he would time me. Ten minutes was all I got. 

After I hung up the phone I put my bag in the little cubbies before taking off my school vest to replace it with the movie store vest. Every Tuesdays, Thursdays, and the occasional Friday I would work at the video store. Probably about the only place that is close to where grandfather lives and actually was accepting High school students as employees.

As usual I would stalk movies. I was not a fan of being up front at the cash register. I mean having to socialize with people.

No thanks.

I don't have anything against people (not a lot at least) I just can't put up with the excuse they like to make like ' I brought that movies back on time', 'What do you mean I can't rent this move?' and so on. I'm just not a fan of it really.

It was just nearing eight when the bell rang. As usual when a customer walked in I didn't pay much mind towards them, they only became my concern when they needed my help. But until then I was out of sight out of mind, the way I liked to be.

I was in the romance section of the store pushing a trolley up and down the row stacking the shelf. Personally this was my favorite section. Not many people came in here looking for a romance movie, it was always about the action; high speed chases, cops/ robbers type thing. The shuffle of a persons feet caught my attention.


It was the manager. I never bothered to learn his name he was a douche towards everyone especially me. There was something about me he just never liked, and to be fair I'm not too keen on him either.

"Shop's closing early, so you're free to go." 

A night away from this hell hole. I'll gladly take it. 

I said my thanks and walked to the back room where the other employees were talking, none of them acknowledge me they just went about talking what they were going to do with their night off. 

Heck they are probably going to go to a club be wasted by the morning and come to work with a headache. 

It happened before so I wouldn't be surprised if it happened again. 

I sighed as I walked passed them walking to the very end of the staff room where my little cubbie was located. Grabbing my bag I slung it over my shoulder and began to make my way towards the exit. 

"Kim." One of them called out. I looked over my shoulder as they looked at me with their arms crossed. 

"We're going clubbing. Want to tag along?" 

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I can't stand being around them what makes them think I want to party with them. 

Not about that life, that's for sure. 

I twisted the handle pulling the door and walking out of the staff room and I was out of the store. As I exited the store I sighed watching my breath in the cold evening air. The streets weren't that busy at this time of night, especially because it was a school night and people were probably getting home to their families at this time. Speaking of families.

I walked up the street to the phone booth. I rummaged through my bag for a quarter, once I found one I slipped it into the public telephone and dialed my grandfather's number.

One ring

Two ring

Three rings

And voicemail.

Usually grandfather would answer my calls especially if he knew it was an unknown number. That must mean Aria must be over. Aria is a women that my grandfather has been 'seeing' these days. Maybe it wouldn't be the best if I went home quite yet. I hung up by the time the voicemail came to an end.

The only problem was I had no idea what to do, or where to go. It's not like I had friends to hang around. My shift usually doesn't end until ten and then I would be home by ten thirty. I had over two hours to kill. Anything fun to do was obviously not in this area, so the arcade was out of the question. The library would be closed by this time.

I drew blanks.

I had no idea what to do or where to go.

So I let my feet decide.

Without a care in the world I walked. I walked by many stores, clubs, basically anything with bright lights and aromas that screamed "try for yourself". As I walked I was brought out of my trance when there was a presence beside me. Turning my head I looked at the stranger. He was tall, well built, and wreaked of alcohol.

Great, I'm about to be hit on by a drunk guy.

Just what I need right?

He walked beside me with his hands in his pocket not saying a word. I came to a complete halt and so did he. I looked at him with a glare.

"Can I help you?"



That smirk that was on his face dropped slowly and replaced with a devious smile. One that I was not content with. His eyes scanned my body and that was my que to go. I took one step and I was grabbed by the wrist. He turned me around and now I was eye to eye with a the guy. He was just inches away from my face. His breath hit me rather quickly and frankly I wanted to hurl. His eyes were bloodshot as he stared at me. 

"You're going to help me" He snarled. 

"No she's not" 

The grip that was on my wrist was gone. I shifted my gaze to the man who was being pushed up against the wall. His arm was being twisted harshly from where I was standing it looked like he could dislocate it at any second. 

Fine with me.

He was turned to face the person and then he ended up hunched over after taking a sharp knee to the stomach. I chuckled as he fell to the floor.

"You alright?"

Tiffany! It was Tiffany. God's doing this to punish me isn't he, he likes watching me make a fool of myself in front of her I guess.

"Thanks to you."

The hoodie she was wearing, she slipped it off and walked behind me giving me a look that said "slip your arms through" so I did.

"You can get sick" She said. As I looked her in her eyes they were soft, showed concern. That's something I haven't seen in a long time.

"So can you." I said.

"Oh please cold's fear me. I never get sick."

"Not possible."

It has to be complete bull right?

She shook her head "Telling the truth I've only been sick once and that was when I was two."

"Anyways, what are you doing out here so late?" She asked.

"I got off work early and didn't want to head home yet."

"My house is just up the street if you want to come over, unless you have to get home."

I looked at my watch it was only eight forty. I had time and besides my house isn't that far, I should be able to make it home before grandfather nags at me.

"Lead the way."


She slipped the key in the lock and twisted the handle before pushing on the door to let us in. Once I stepped in she closed the door locking it. She stepped around me and flicked on the nearest light. She kicked off her shoes and I did the same.

"Parent's aren't home"

"Nope. Their gone for the week to celebrate their anniversary. Come one let's go to the roof"

I followed her up the stairs. She opened a door that seemed to be her room and walked towards the window raising it. She walked over to the closet and pulled out a blanket. She looked over at me smiling a bit before she cocked her head telling me to come closer. As I got closer she stepped out and onto the roof. I looked at her through the window she extended her hand, and I took it.

She didn't let go after I was able to balance myself.

She sat down pulling me gently  along with her. It was then she let go of my hand and unfolded the blanket wrapping it around both of our shoulders. She was sitting close to me. 

Breath Taeyeon. Don't die now. 

I hugged my knees looking up at the night sky. It was beautiful but not as beautiful as Tiffany. The sky doesn't own the word like Tiffany dose. We sat in silence. Not awkward silence but peaceful, relaxing, comforting silence. 

The kind of silence I've been longing for. 

"You know, one day I'm going to give someone the stars and the moon." She spoke. As I hugged my knees I tilted my head to look at her. She  had her arms behind her back leaning on them with her leg extended. She gazed at the sky as I gazed at her. 

"Why are you going to do that?"

"Because I'm selfish."

I scrunched my eyebrows together. 

"I don't follow." 

"A star still shines even when it meets its end. I want the person I love to be reminded that even in the worst of times that they will always shine in my eyes even if they are at their destruction point. As for the moon I just think the moon is beautiful, and the moon belongs in the hands of a person with a beautiful heart."

I stared at her with awe.

She really is perfect.

Tiffany. Can I be the person you give the stars and the moon to? I promise I'll keep them safe. I promise to keep you safe.



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darkpluto1 #1
Chapter 2: I picture Tiff as the bravier one between them. Very different from most of Taeny fics
Paipaitae #2
Chapter 2: Good writing author but when I look at ur other stories., none of them completed.. So yeah I just wait n read when they r completed !! But when ?? Haha
darkpluto1 #3
i really enjoy reading this story author ^^