The First Day Of Fall

Dear Fall

September 23rd 2015


Today marks the first day of Fall. It also marks the first day that students who attend McKnight High go back to school. It was exactly six thirty when I woke up and tiptoed my way down the creaky hallway of my house trying not to wake my grandfather. I let out a sigh as I gently closed the bathroom door locking it. Walking towards the shower I turned the handle to the middle for warm water. Striping out of the clothes I slept in I stepped into the shower letting the warm water hit my body. Letting out a sigh I looked over the bruises on my body. Two on my arm, a fair sized one by my ribs. I hissed as I grazed over the the cut that formed on my bottom lip over night.

There was nothing I could do about it.

It only took me fifteen minutes to shower and change into my uniform; a white button up shirt that was covered by a vest that had the school crest engraved into the material, followed by a grey skirt and my sneakers that I managed to ruin over time. I never did get around to buying another pair. It was seven o'clock by the time I got down stairs and was greeted by the stench of my grandfather who was passed out near the couch.

He didn't even manage to pass out on the couch.

I let out a sigh as I carefully walked towards him trying not to drag my feet. I bent down and grabbed the bottles that were knocked over and brought them to the waste bin in the Kitchen. Grabbing a tray I grabbed a bowl filling its contents with rice and off to the side a glass of water and asprin for the hangover he was going to suffer through. I placed the tray beside him on the floor where he laid before grabbing a pen and paper writing down a note. I placed it on the tray and went to grab my house keys and my pager that were on the Kitchen counter.

I didn't have to be at school until nine sharp. It was only eight by the time I left. So I did what I did every morning I took a stroll through the path that I did every morning to get to school. The wind blew gently and I shivered a bit remember that I left my sweater on my study table. I crossed my arms and tried to give myself body heat. Eventually I didn't start to feel the cold.

As always the bench I sat at was not occupied. I think this bench officially belongs to me through out the week. I dropped my bag roughly on the bench and plopped my body against the wood of the bench with a grunt.

I forgot about the bruises.

I looked down at my watch as it read eight thirty. It would only be another ten minute walk from where I was. As I sat on the bench I watched as older couples passed on by. Just by looking at them you could tell they have been in love for a long time and that, that love was never going change anytime soon. I envy couples like them. My grandfather lost his wife a couple years ago. Since she died things have changed.


He changed. He went from that grandfather that you love to see at Christmas to a father figure that you wished never created you. Since she died he was always drunk. One night he was rushed to the hospital. Had his stomach flushed of its poisoned contents. I wouldn't be surprised if it was going to happen again. The night that happened he looked at me and said "Don't fall in love. All it dose is hurt you in the end." I've taken those words to heart. He dose have a point. A strong point that is. 

In the distance a bell rang and caught my attention. Shifting my gaze from the elderly couple I saw a girl. Gracefully turning her pedal. Her voice was husky as she shouted "Excuse me!" As she rode the Autumn breeze blew her red curls back, the leaves were at mercy to her bike tires and you could see her pink ear buds. That would explain why she would have to raise her voice towards the elderly couple.

As she rode passed them she had a breathtaking smile. I should know. I stopped breathing momentarily. With that smile she bowed slightly as she passed the couple. The elderly couple were chuckling as they linked arms again.

This girl. 

Was beautiful. 

She was...






​She was everything that was related to the word beautiful. No scratch that. The word was made around her, she was the defnintion, example, model for the word and its properties. 

My jaw dropped slightly as I rose to my feet. As she crossed my path she looked over in my direction and gave a small grin before turning away looking at the path ahead of her. The path began to curve and I jogged slightly towards the path to get a glimpse of her just leaving. The last thing I saw of her was the back of her head where her curls flowed and the rest of her hair was secured in a black bow.


I felt something creep onto my face that I haven't had for sometime now. And that was a smile.


Casually my bag hung from one of my shoulders as I reached McKnight High. The jocks were running around the field with a football or whatever sport this school was known for. The geeks sat under a tree playing some mythical board game, getting way into their characters. This was your average High school where everyone belonged to a group or belonged to the group of outcasts. I was an outcast. I don't do much to contribute to this school, besides I already get enough harassment because I'm the girl who is attending this school with a scholarship.

But I was fine with it. I will be graduating anyway, I just have to survive this year.

In the distance the jocks were cat calling like they did every morning. I sighed as I looked over towards the bike rack there she was. The exact same girl who took my breath away. She was on bent knee locking her biking and making sure it was secured before she put her bag over her shoulder. One of the jocks walked up to her. She came to a complete stop and watched the jock eye her up and down.

She didn't seem pleased.

Before he could speak she brushed him off by walking passed him bumping his shoulder in the process.

I like this girl even more. I quickly gathered my self and followed after her as the bell rang. As I walked into the school I looked left and right looking for this girl that was now off into the sea of students of McKnight High.

I sighed.

Just my luck.

There was no need to head to my locker so I headed straight to my first class Advanced Chem. I took my seat at my workbench and placed my bag beside me not wanting people to sit beside me. Slowly the classes began to fill and my class was filled with mostly people that knew each other which worked out for because I don't have to bother making conversation with someone I'd rather not make conversations with. Besides since they know each other I don't have to worry about anyone sitting next to me.

Looks like I'm going to be my own lab partner this year. The final bell rang signaling anyone that came to class after this bell was supposed to be marked late. Our teacher Mr. Klein walked in with a student behind him carrying a couple boxes.Once h he took reached for the box from the student I stopped paying attention. I heard the boxes ruffle papers that were on his desk. I heard him mumble something before it got quite. Sadly the jocks sat behind me so I had to deal with them 'secretly' cat call. 

Could it be?

"Class listen up. We have a transfer student her name is Tiffany..." I tuned out as I looked at the girl, it was her again. She stood in front of the class her arms behind her back as she stood up straight with a beautiful smile.

Again I managed to somehow stop breathing.

I knew I was going to die when she began walking in my direction. My jaw slightly hung as she stopped in front of me. Immediately I was hit by her fragrance that smelt like peppermint. began to move but I heard nothing.

"I'm sorry"  I said.

"Do you mind if I sit there?" She pointed to the seat that was occupied by my bag.

I began to babble like an idiot and lost the grip I had on my bag as it fell to the floor and my notebooks and whatnot fell out. I groaned as I got on my knees flatting my skirt as reached for everything placing them on the workbench.

Off to a great start don't you think?

The jocks of course were making fun of me calling me butter fingers, or babbling fool. I just ignored it. I heard her giggle I looked up as she got onto her knees flattening her skirt and began to help me.

I don't know how it's possible but her giggle can even make me smile. I grabbed my English book and caught a glimpse of her. She was tucking her hair behind her ear as she gathered some more notebooks. She looked at me, smiled and rose to her feet. Quickly I followed. She took a seat, so did I. I inwardly groaned as I filled my bag with the books and pencils I dropped.

Smooth Taeyeon. Can you not make yourself look any more lame than what you already are?

I turned my attention towards the teacher as he took a seat on the ledge of his desk crossing his arms he spoke. 

"Class this year sparks are going to fly." 

Yes they are. I thought as I looked over at Tiffany. 



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darkpluto1 #1
Chapter 2: I picture Tiff as the bravier one between them. Very different from most of Taeny fics
Paipaitae #2
Chapter 2: Good writing author but when I look at ur other stories., none of them completed.. So yeah I just wait n read when they r completed !! But when ?? Haha
darkpluto1 #3
i really enjoy reading this story author ^^