

It was a restless Friday for Baekhyun, their finals are coming and he gave his all to studying since he need to pass this exam to determine if he will be graduating and if he can go to college, which was very important to him. According to him this is a life-death situation, which he knows that his parents would totally kill him if he would fail these exams. After his last period he fixed his things and got out of his classroom and head to his locker. After arranging his books inside his locker, he gets his reviewer and tried to review all the lessons that they have discussed as he closed his locker. “Hey Baek.” Then there’s a giant leaning against the locker beside Baekhyun’s grinning like an idiot, but Baekhyun was too engrossed with reviewing not noticing the giant’s figure and walked pass it. The taller ones grabbed Baekhyun’s collar with his right hand as he pull him back and slipped his left hand at Baehyun’s waist to give him a back hug. “So, you’re just going to ignore me, hmm?” The taller ones whispered to Baekhyun’s ear with a deep voice before his earlobe. Hearing those words, Baekhyun turned his head to look at the taller ones with an innocent look. “Chanyeol?” Baekhyun asked with a confused look. “Damn right baby!” Chanyeol answered, “When did you get there?” Baekhyun asked again since he didn’t notice Chanyeol’s presence earlier.  “I was already here before you even notice me.” Chanyeol pouted at the smaller ones, Baekhyun giggled at his boyfriend’s cuteness. “Sorry. I was too busy reviewing to the extent that I didn’t even notice you.” Baekhyun apologizes to Chanyeol then kissed away the pout from his boyfriend’s face. Chanyeol sighed sadly and pecked his boyfriend’s cheek. “It’s alright Baek, I understand.” Chanyeol reassured the smaller ones. “Let’s just head back to our dorm.” He added. With that the couple started to walked and go to their shared dorm.

Upon arriving at their dorm, “You could go inside first Baek. I’ll just buy something at the store.” Chanyeol told to his boyfriend. “Okay.” Baekhyun replied, giving his boyfriend a peck before entering their dorm. Little did he know, Chanyeol planned something for him. After entering their dorm, Baekhyun removed his shoes and loosened his tie a little bit before going to their room and settled at his study table as he began to study again. At the store, Chanyeol was standing in front of a freezer deciding on what flavor he should buy. After a couple of minutes he decided to buy the bubble gum flavored Popsicle and paid at the cashier. After paying he headed back to their dorm while grinning like an idiot as he think about his plan. Once he has arrived at their dorm he grabbed the Popsicle and removed its cover before he ate it deliciously, little by little as he entered their dorm room. Baekhyun on the other hand, who’s focused on his studied didn’t notice the door opening. Chanyeol leaned at the door frame of their shared bedroom as he looked at his studying boyfriend, more like eye-, while eating his Popsicle. He got near Baekhyun and hugged the smaller one from the back. With the feeling of someone hugging him, Baekhyun shrieked earning a laughing Chanyeol. “Don’t scare me like that!” Baekhyun told his laughing boyfriend before turning back to his reviewer. Chanyeol lifted up Baekhyun from his seat and settle himself down at the chair and placed Baekhyun on his lap and hugged the smaller one again from the back, his head resting at Baekhyun’s shoulder. “Studying again?” Chanyeol asked earning a hum as a response. Hearing the slurping sounds from Chanyeol, “What are you eating?” Baekhyun asked. Chanyeol let out a pop before answering. “Popsicle, want some?” He answered as he brought the Popsicle to Baekhyun’s lips. “No, I’m good.” Baekhyun answered and focused again on his studies. Chanyeol just shrugged before eating his Popsicle again.

They stayed like that for a couple of minutes before Baekhyun noticed that there is something dripping in his collar, knowing what it is, “Channie, your Popsicle is already melting.” Baekhyun told his boyfriend but got no response from his boyfriend. Not knowing, Chanyeol was doing it on purpose. Sighing Baehyun tried to stand up to get some tissues but before he knows it, he was already thrown at the bed. After finishing the Popsicle, Chanyeol throws the Popsicle stick to somewhere who knows where before climbing to the bed. Opening his eyes, Baekhyun found himself pinned down at their bed with his boyfriend on top of him. “Chanyeol, what are you doing?” He asked looking at his boyfriend. Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun’s wrist and pinned them on the bed. Smirking, Chanyeol get near to Baekhyun’s ear and whispered to it. “What do you think baby Baek?” He whispered ily before Baekhyun’s earlobe and place light kisses at Baekhyun’s jaw to his face. Knowing what his boyfriend wants, he tried to struggle from freeing himself from Chanyeol’s grip. “Chanyeol, s-stop.” Baekhyun chanted as he tried and tried freeing himself. “Stop-“Before Baekhyun finish his sentence, Chanyeol cut him off by kissing his soft lips hungrily. “You’ve been practically ignoring me the whole week baby.” Chanyeol told Baekhyun when he broke the kiss. “But-“”No buts baby Baek.” And with that he was cut off again by Chanyeol’s kisses. Sighing, Baekhyun knows that he couldn’t do anything he finally give in and started returning Chanyeol’s kisses. Knowing that Baekhyun had given up, Chanyeol smirked at the kiss before letting go of Baekhyun’s wrist and place his hands at Baekhyun’s waist. After Chanyeol let go of his wrist, he brought his hands to Chanyeol’s nape and brought him down to deepen the kiss. Needing for air, Chanyeol broke the kiss and catch his breath, same with Baekhyun. He looked at Baekhyun’s lips and smiled at his work.

After catching his breath, Chanyeol proceeds to Baekhyun’s collar and the drips of Popsicle from earlier. Baekhyun moaned at the sensation and grabbed Chanyeol’s hair as the taller and his neck, forming a hickey. Chanyeol continued kissing and marking Baekhyun’s neck down to his clavicle while starting to Baekhyun’s uniform, but before he even  finish ing, Baekhyun holds Chanyeol’s wrist, trying to stop him. “Channie not now. I have to study.” Baekhyun told his boyfriend but instead of stopping, Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun’s wrists with his one hand and continued ing Baekhyun’s uniform. “You can’t stop me baby. We haven’t done it for a week.” And with that Baekhyun just let his boyfriend do whatever he wants, and rest has been done. I’ll leave the rest at your imagination.






After scene…

“I really hate you! Park Chanyeol, I swear I’m going to kill you if I failed the exam!” Baekhyun exclaimed while hitting his boyfriend’s chest. Before Baekhyun hits him again, Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun’s hand and intertwined their finger together. “I love you too Baek.” Chanyeol told him as he kissed the back of Baekhyun’s hand, and Baekhyun blushed at his action. “I swear I’ll never going to fall for your little tricks again.” Baekhyun stated as he glared at his boyfriend. “Let’s just see.” Chanyeol stated as if he accepted a challenge. “And I’ll never let you eat a Popsicle again!” Baekhyun exclaimed, Chanyeol laughed at his boyfriend’s cuteness. “It’s alright babe. I think there’s something more delicious than a Popsicle.” Chanyeol stated as he touched, you know what. And with that Baekhyun cursed himself for having a big mouth.

A/N: It's done. I'm sorry for the failed attemp. XD Thank you for those who have commented, subscribed, and upvoted. ^_~ ♡♥

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BriannaHeart #1
makes me want to get some popsicles
Chapter 1: YAH~ tsk XD
I was getting excited ahahah XD
Chapter 1: tHIS IS SO CUTE OMG
Lichtstrahl_ #4
Cute >\\\\<