Chapter 28




“Xiumin! You’re blowing our cover!”


You sat unmoving as the rest of the boys piled into the backyard, all clad in their own swim attire as they walked in like they were here this whole time.


Well they were, but you two didn’t need to know that.


“Hey… Chanyeol got a kiss from you, so you’ll give me one to be even, yeah?” Xiumin crooned, waddling through the water where you were at as you frantically tried to swim away.


Once the back of the swim tube hit the side of the pool, you knew it was over for you. There wouldn’t be enough time for you get out of the donut floaty to escape and you held your hands out in front of you to try and ward Xiumin away. Just before he had gotten too close, you felt yourself being lifted out from the tube itself.


Kris was standing outside the pool when he saw your struggle, giving you a hand and pulling you out of there by force. Had he been helping you after what you two had been through?

Sure enough once he had placed you onto the grass, he took over your donut floaty for himself, placing his shades over his eyes and proceeding to float around in the pool. You stood baffled and you could hear a few of the others snickering at your stolen place.


It was too hot to stay out of the water, so you opted to grab a pool noodle and hop back in, but sure enough someone managed to swipe that from your too. Luhan and Chen beat you to it and gave you smug looks before skipping off to the pool.

Kai had grabbed one of the pool noodles as well, but seeing that you didn’t have one, he handed it over to you, giving you a cute grin as he went after Tao to throw blow up beach balls at people.


Sticking the tube in between your legs, you jumped into the pool and floated to the top, kicking your feet around to see what the others were up to. Kyungsoo was furiously swimming laps around the pool so you opted to stay out of his way, sticking around the middle where everyone else was.


“Why are you all here?!” Chanyeol screamed, finally getting out of Xiumin’s grasp to see everyone already making themselves comfortable.


He pulled a pool noodle away from Sehun and swam over to where you were to whine about it, pushing himself against you to cuddle as close as he could. You rubbed his back a bit and tried calming him down, though you both knew that they weren’t going to leave anymore.


“More like, why was she invited and not us?” Chen retorted, “You have to think about your friends too Chanyeol!”


“You didn’t invite them?” You asked curiously, a bit taken aback when he shook his head.


“Today was just supposed to be you and me…”


His sulking meant he wasn’t having any fun, so you just told him to come to the edge of the pool with you. He didn’t know what you were going to do, but followed along obediently, almost hopping out when you pulled him back inside. Now he was really confused.


“What are you-”


“Just point the tip of the pool noodle at someone you’re really mad at right now and count to three, okay?” You told him, crawling out of the pool yourself while reassuring him to stay inside.


“Okay… One, two-”


You bent over so that the other end of the pool noodle was against the water pump that kept the ventilation of the pool clean and waited for his signal.




Chanyeol didn’t know what to think when water blasted out from his side of the pool noodle. The water rushed out and sprayed all over Xiumin who had just taken charge of the donut floaty, his screamed being drowned out by the sudden spray of water.


“Woah! I want to try that!” Tao said amazedly, looking around for another pool noodle to take from someone. He pulled Chen to the side and the latter was equally as ready to try out such a trick.


“Watch out Chanyeol, we have company!” You shouted gleefully, keeping the pool noodle still as Chanyeol excitedly sprayed Sehun with water.


It was you and Chanyeol vs. Tao and Chen. Chen had been taken over as the spout of the noodle after pushing Tao aside, and eventually begun to spray only you with water.


“Hey! Quit it!” You groaned, using your hands to try and shield yourself as Chanyeol’s flow of water slowed to a stop.


The water being sprayed at you made you choke and cough. Chen’s relentless water attack making it hard for you to breath as he continued to only target you.

His sudden scream surprised you and the flow of water stopped, giving you enough time to calm yourself down to see what had happened. Kyungsoo was outside the pool now, still dripping with water and in his hand, was the garden hose. He must’ve gotten tired of swimming and wanted to do something else, somehow finding his way to the hose to spray water at people.


“That’s cheating!” Tao screamed, running over to try and take the garden hose for himself. He too, was sprayed until he fell back into the pool.


“Nice Kyungsoo!” Chanyeol cheered, the boy earning a mouthful of water on Kyungsoo’s behalf.


Kyungsoo continued to spray everyone around the pool and you cringed at a few of them as Kyungsoo changed the settings of the nozzle to spray the water at a pressurized rate. Once he managed to shoot everyone else into a defeated state, he looked down at you as he began to change the settings of the nozzle again. With each click, you felt your heart rate increase that much faster and when he finally pointed it at you, you couldn’t help but freeze.

As you waited with your eyes closed for a hard spray of water, nothing came. You opened your eyes and saw a light mist being sprayed, the suddenness making you fall back into the pool from shock. It didn’t hurt, not one bit. It just surprised you.


“That’s not fair! You should’ve blasted her!” Luhan yelled angrily, still trying to clear his nose of the water that Kyungsoo sprayed at him.


He earned another facefull of water from Kyungsoo.


Since you were let off easy, you had enough strength to push Lay out of the donut floaty and take it for yourself, laughing as the latter just looked at you shocked that you would do such a thing. While you went back to go play in the pool, Kyungsoo stood on the side and just watched everyone try to take the donut from you, spraying anyone that got too rowdy around you.

He didn’t like you, or hate you either. He just thought it was inappropriate of the boys to forget that you were a girl and try to punch you whenever they got the chance.


Kyungsoo was a quiet boy and tended to stay on the side without saying a word. He was strong, both physically and mentally, rock hard personality making him come off even stronger to his friends and the entire school. Some of his favorite things included games and anime. His friends knew, and other students didn’t since it didn’t seem like something he’d enjoy.

Something about you made him confused. He was surprised by your sudden appearance into his life sure enough, and it was even more shocking to see you sticking around with stupid Chanyeol all the time. Kyungsoo’s seen you around campus and found it mind boggling why he’s never been able to sense a presence from you. It made him jealous, because you were almost like a ninja.


Kyungsoo has his childish side as well, he just didn’t show it because some of his friends were childish enough.


The first time he’s felt his blood pump so fast was in the episode of Naruto when Naruto saved the entire village from utter destruction. That was years ago. Now, he’d experience that even more often and it wasn’t from running or exhausting himself out.

One of the next times was when you had almost fallen into the street on that first day you’d ever gone to Chanyeol’s house. He felt his body lock up and time seemed to go by slowly as your body leaned in towards the busy road, fingers digging into his palms to try and calm the electricity running through his body. Once Kris had grabbed you, he was able to move again, but just like that incident, it happened again. And you were there, again.

Another time was back at the rooftop when he saw you almost fall out of the hammock while trying to push Chanyeol off of you. Something like that wasn’t dangerous in the slightest and yet, he stood behind Kris as he watched from a distance, body unable to head back down along with the rest of the boys that hadn’t stuck around.


You were strange. And he didn’t like it how he’d always end up watching you. That’s why he stayed away. Having you be afraid was better than you constantly bugging him like a pest.


Though you probably wouldn’t dare do that either.


Taking it into consideration that Kyungsoo was helping you out, you screamed out a thank you in hopes he’d know you were talking to him. He did indeed and sprayed you in the back for that. The jet of water hurt as it sprayed against your skin and you felt bad for the boys that had gotten hit in the face with that earlier. Hopping onto a free pool noodle, you watched as someone began to come closer to you from the opposite side of the pool.


“My face hurts!” Xiumin whined, swimming over to you while holding onto his cheek. “Give me a kiss and make it better.”


“Get away from her!” Chanyeol huffed. He managed to squeeze himself in between you two to keep Xiumin at a distance.


While the two of them wrestled around, you watched Tao and Kai sneak over to where Kris was lounging away on the donut floaty again, counting down to flip him at the same time. Kris let out he strangest of garbled noises once he was submerged under the water and Tao and Kai cheered at the feat.

Some of the others had given up swimming already and were lounging around in the patio. Suho, who didn’t bother taking a step into the water at all, was swamped with work from school, not bothering to look up at you as you wandered over to where he was. You took a seat and began to read through the notes.


“What are you doing?”


Suho stopped to look at you and seemed surprised you even noticed him after all the fun you were having. Your shoulders were starting to get sore so you decided to take a break and here you were.


“School stuff. Just... These kids are being so unreasonable.” He sighed frustratedly.


“Looks that way.” You picked up a proposal at the corner of the paper so you wouldn’t get it too wet. “Please let us have maid cafes for the festivals…”


He didn’t even turn to look at that one. “Toss that in the trash.”




Suho looked at you as if you were crazy. “Having something like that would only cause problems.”


“But it looks fun. And how would it cause problems?” You asked confusedly. Cafes were normal things to do at festivals.


“Maids? And high school boys? Really? You see nothing wrong with this?” He questioned, almost challenging you.


“Well, you could always tell the boys in advance that if they harass anybody, they’ll be exempted from walking for graduation. And I don’t think anyone would want that.” You added, the idea making Suho stop to think about it.


He didn’t speak for a while nor looked over his work, just staring at you as you look at him back, both of you equally trying to figure one another out through eye contact.


“Let’s say that works then. How would we get people to do this?”


This is the first time Suho has spoken so much to you ever in your life. Knowing that it somehow lessened the stress he was getting from school, you watched as he handed you another piece of paper with writing scrawled all over it.

Looking down at another proposal in his hands, you read what was written and thought about it for a while. It said ‘We need motivation for the next semester sports event to get people to play! Can you guys in the student council do something cool?’


“Something cool? Like a prize for the winning class or individual?” You said unsurely, earning a nod from Suho.


“It has to be something cool, but good enough so that the teachers won’t complain about it either.” Suho made sure to add.


Something cool and school friendly. Snacks? No, they could get something like that for a cheap price somewhere else.


“How about a date with the most popular person of the school?” You said finally, looking at Suho whose eyebrows were crinkling together as he thought about it.


“What if they didn’t want to though? And how would we determine popularity throughout the entire school?”


“Use a poll online or something. They have websites for that, right?”


Suho nodded his head and took notes in his phone for future reference, using the tip of his pen to tap at the proposal again. “Who would do this though? I mean, be popular enough to do this?”


You thought back to anyone popular in school, but you couldn’t really think of anyone since you didn’t really pay attention to that.


“What about you guys? There are probably girls that would like that. Or you can choose some of the sports teams and narrow it down once you get a winner from the events.”


‘A date with one of the boys, hmm...’ The idea wasn’t bad, though that only took care of the female population. “And for the boys of the school?”


“Do the same thing. Take a poll and see what people say ahead in advance. It’ll hype people up enough so that they’ll be anticipating something interesting to happen, no?”


“Interesting…” He didn’t know if he was thinking about the possible possibilities for the school or just the fact that all of these ideas were pouring out of you like a broken faucet.


“So it’ll be like a kiss booth or something?”


You and Suho turned to see Tao and Kai eagerly listening a small distance away, bodies not soaking wet as if they had been standing there for a while.


“You could add that. It would be easier to find someone willing than to go through a whole school population.” You nodded your head as Suho took more notes.


Watching him work so hard made you feel lucky to have someone like that trying to benefit the school so much. It felt even more relieving to know he wasn’t scary now compared to before.


“You guys down for a kissing booth?” Kai called to the boys in the pool, the rest of them coming out to see what was going on.


“So all I have to do is kiss girls and get credit for it?” Luhan whistled, “I’m in!”


More or less, everyone else agreed too if it would help Suho out. He on the other hand was amazed that all of them were so concentrated on something for more than five minutes to help him.


“We’ve asked you many times to let us help, but you never let us!” Tao huffed.


“Yeah, we aren’t that unreliable.” Sehun looked over at Chanyeol while the latter pulled him into a headlock.


“You don’t need to take on all that stress by yourself, though, I don’t think you should push all of your work onto others, yeah?” You chuckled, watching as Suho finally stood up from his place and stretched out his stiff muscles.


“Wouldn’t dream of it. Now…” He began, “anyone up for a swim?”




“I haven’t done this in ages.” Suho sighed, feeling the stress wash away the more he swam. It’s been awhile since he’s gone swimming with his friends and he was enjoying every second of it.


“Incoming!” Tao screamed.


He did a flip before cannonballing into the pool, waves or water hitting anyone that had been too close to where he jumped.


“Stop jumping in! You’re getting me all wet!” Baekhyun roared, kicking Tao in the after he resurfaced.


“Then get out of the pool if you’re going to be such a kill joy.” Kai shot back, using all of his might to create another giant splash as he jumped in.


Chanyeol had gotten ahold of the water hose after Kyungsoo had gone back to swimming laps in the pool, giving him the ability to shoot anyone as he pleased. He’d shoot it up into the air to let the water sprinkle down on whomever was directly underneath, growing amused at the pretty ribbons of water in the sky.

You on the other hand were splayed out on the surface of the pool, body being held up by the two pool noodles that you managed to acquire since the boys were all getting tired. With one of them holding up under your knees and another once supporting your back and tucked under your arms, you made your own little makeshift donut floaty since Kris refused to give that over to anyone else.


“Let’s play a game! I’m getting bored.” Xiumin said aloud, hyping up the others that wanted something to do.


“Wanna play chicken fight?” Kai put in, already getting his shoulders ready for someone to partner with him.


Chanyeol slid into the pool and claimed you as his partner before anyone else could say no, while you just tried to push him away. “If I play, the teams will be uneven, so I’m just going to stay on the side…”


“Or we can draw ladders.” Sehun added in, taking a look through Suho’s pile of papers to find one that looked usable.


He picked up the paper that was blank on the back and drew a decent picture for everyone to pick a partner. The person that got an empty ending would serve as the judge or do whatever he wanted.


“Hah, if I get the empty lot I can just shoot water at people during the games.” Kris said evilly, already wishing for the empty lot so he wouldn’t have to do anything.


Sure enough, nobody really got the lot they wanted. Xiumin was stuck with the empty lot and was already starting to throw a temper tantrum when he saw that you were partnered up with Kyungsoo. The two of you looked at one another shocked, but at least you both were on neutral terms now.

Kyungsoo’s image of you had gotten a little better after sparing you during the water hosing session earlier and Kyungsoo figured having you on his team meant he got the lightest person to carry. It was a win win situation.


“Kyungsoo, trade with me please?” Chanyeol begged, almost going down on his knees if the water water wouldn’t stop sloshing into his mouth when he went down.


Kyungsoo thought about trading since the two of you weren’t close. Thinking about you being with Chanyeol just irritated him and he shoved the latter away before grabbing you by the wrist.


“Hop out of the pool and go onto my shoulders from there. I think Xiumin is going to call us first.” He said while watching how everyone else was teamed up.


Baekhyun was teamed with Kris while Tao and Kai had managed to get paired up with one another, one group happy while the other dreading what was to come next. Chen and Luhan looked like a terrifying team, especially since Kyungsoo knew that they both didn’t really like you all too much. Sehun and Lay would be easy to beat as long as he had you, and it was likewise for Chanyeol and Suho.


“First up, Chen’s team versus Kyungsoo’s team!” Xiumin bellowed, wanting to get you out first so he’d have time with you for himself.


Kyungsoo motioned for you to get onto his shoulders and you felt a bit scared now, not because you were partnered with him, but if he’d actually be able to hold you up or not. Carefully swinging your leg over, you were surprised to feel Kyungsoo forcefully pull you onto his shoulders, somehow managing to pull both legs forward for you and getting ready all on his own.


“Ready… Start!”


You felt like you were in some kind of jet plane instead of on top of a boy’s shoulders. Kyungsoo ran forward with all of his might and slightly dipped his body forward, giving you more momentum to push Luhan back with more force. Luhan was surprised and almost toppled over, but he still managed to bounce back and push you with just enough force to make you let go of him.

Now you two were fighting on equal grounds and it was becoming hard for you to push him away. Kyungsoo and Chen had the hard parts of having to keep you two up in the air and if you hadn’t had Kyungsoo as a partner, you two would’ve been out a long time ago.


“What the hell is with this girl? Why is she so strong?!” Chen grunted, having a hard time keeping himself steady with all the wobbling coming from Luhan’s part. “Push her down already!”


“I’m trying, but she’s strong, okay?!” Luhan shot back, finally grabbing hold of your hands and interlocking your fingers together.


“You’re going down sweetheart.” He said with a sickly sweet voice.


“Not with this guy as my partner.” You said just as sarcastically, looking down to see Kyungsoo overpowering Chen all on his own.


Taking advantage of Luhan being distracted, you bent his fingers so that he’d release you and pushed forward at his stomach the best you could. With you bending down so low, your head collided into Luhan’s chest and knocked the wind out of him, giving you another advantage to send him and Chen backwards into the pool.


“How did you lose against a girl?” Chen grumbled, shaking the water out of his hair as he got out of the pool.


Luhan just groaned and shot you a dirty look while you and Kyungsoo high fived one another, “Whatever.”


The next matches were fun to watch, since it was Chanyeol and Suho vs. Kai and Tao. It was clear who’d win since Suho wasn’t used to being up so high on Chanyeol’s shoulders, and the two of them splashed into the water in defeat. Kai and Tao managed to get pushed out of the game from Sehun and Lay, who had gotten them in one swoop of pulling off a feint.


“Don’t go easy on us because I’m a girl.” You warned them, earning a shake of Lay’s head.


“You have Kyungsoo on your team so it evens out.” Sehun added, earning a fierce glare from Kyungsoo who was ready to win this game already.


Once Xiumin had called for you two to start, you and Lay had begun just like how your match between Chen and Luhan had gone about, with the two of you locking fingers. Lay had a smile on his face as he swing your arms about, almost throwing you off balance if Kyungsoo hadn’t been holding you down.


“Stop swaying or we’ll fall!” He shouted from down below, getting tired of the way that Lay was practically playing with you when this was a competition.


You pushed your leg to the left to tell him to shut up so you’d be able to concentrate, successfully keeping him quiet though he bit your leg in the process.


“Why did you bite me?!” You shrieked, rawness in your thigh starting to ache as Kyungsoo forced you to lean forward.


“You can’t do that!” Chanyeol whined from the side, “Kyungsoo should be eliminated!”


“If he’s out then she’s out moron.” Tao hissed, wanting to see more of what was going to happen.


The boys wouldn’t admit it, but it was fun to watch you struggling around as Lay played around. He finally ended up getting serious after Kyungsoo threatened to beat Sehun up himself, though the latter wasn’t really doing anything to make him angry.

Giving you a slight push, you felt your body lurching back and you held out a hand towards Lay with a shocked expression on your face. You could feel yourself falling backwards and the dread was seeping into your system at the thought of losing.


Maybe Lay had a built in instinct to save you because just as quickly as he had pushed you away did he reach forward to grab you, using all of his weight to pull you back before you fell.


This was his downfall.


You used the momentum of this to have your two foreheads touch as you closed in on his chest, firmly placing both hands against his shoulders with a small grin. Since Kyungsoo had been such a sturdy partner, he hadn’t fallen back with you tightly gripping onto his neck with your thighs, giving you the extra grip you needed.


“Sorry Lay~” You giggled, pushing him backwards and watching him and Sehun fall into the water.


Everyone was shocked to see you and Kyungsoo win. They thought your team especially would fail since you were much smaller in comparison to the boys themselves.


“See, this is why I should’ve played.” Xiumin huffed, earning a glare from the losing teams.


Kyungsoo helped you out of the pool once the two of you were deemed winners, patting your shoulder a couple times as if to say good job. You thanked him for being such a great partner and headed down over to the edge of the pool to splash some water onto your back. It felt a little hot since you were out of the pool for so long and the cold water felt even more refreshing after such a heated battle.


Luhan wasn’t happy with the results in the slightest and looked at you angrily as you crouched alone by the pool. Chanyeol had been pestering Kyungsoo about not trading with him and was getting put into a headlock for being such a nuisance, leaving you by yourself. It was rare to see you alone now and this gave Luhan an idea.


“Congratulations!” He cheered with a fake smile on his face, the sudden generosity not striking you as anything strange.


“Thanks, though you guys were tough to beat too. I probably would’ve fell down if Kyungsoo hadn’t been holding onto me so tightly.” You chuckled, not noticing Luhan slowly inch closer to you.


“Your shoulders look a little red, you should go for a swim!” He said poking at the skin before shoving you forwards into the pool.


You had been too worried that you had gotten sunburned to see the sudden attack, falling into the water with a shriek. The others had stopped what they were doing to see what the commotion was, but all they were met with was a very happy Luhan.


Chanyeol was the first to wander over to you as you emerged from the water. “Are you okay? Do you need me to come in there and-”


“No!” You screamed, loud voice startling Chanyeol as he got more worried.


“Dude, it’s just a little water.” Chen scoffed, looking at you when he noticed something was a little off.


You had your body hunched over away from the boys so they wouldn’t see you from the front, hiding your face from them the more they tried to look at you.


“Don’t come over here!” You said again, even more loudly this time.


“What did you do?” Tao asked Luhan, eyes almost bulging out his sockets when he saw what was really done.


In Luhan’s hand, there was a bright blue bikini top, much similar to the one you were wearing that day. Long story short, Luhan managed to rip off your bikini while shoving you into the pool and you were half .

Chanyeol didn’t know what to do. He indeed noticed you were in dire need of clothes, but didn’t know how to help you in a situation like this.


“It would help to have a towel or something...” You muttered, slowly waddling even farther away from the boys in case some of them had been venturing too close.


It hadn’t registered fast enough what you were saying and before Chanyeol could move, he was roughly pushed to the side by Kyungsoo. He jumped into the pool and maneuvered around you despite you telling him to go away, grabbing you by your shoulders and bringing you close to hide your front.

The best day of your life suddenly took a turn now that you were stuck in the worst situation ever. You tried pushing Kyungsoo away, but his iron grip prevented you from even putting an inch of space between you two.


“Stop struggling or they’ll see you.” He hissed, holding you even tighter as more of the boys got closer.


“Well, at least she does what most girls would do. So she’s not a robot!” Chen said sarcastically as he watched the scene unfold.


“Obviously not since she’s in water.” Sehun grumbled, upset at what was happening though it didn’t really affect him either way.


“Why didn’t you just grab a towel instead of doing this?” You asked angrily, looking away as Kyungsoo shifted around to hide you better.


“It was faster.”


That was it, that was all Kyungsoo said. Sure it was, but his chest was and your chest was . Mind him that you were still a girl and felt extremely uncomfortable in this situation.

Tao had gotten a good angle of you two and snapped a couple pictures before walking away to try and find a towel for you guys to use, leaving you alone for the time being after seeing your face turn red from embarrassment.


“Luhan, really?” Lay sighed, moving to give you his shirt since Chanyeol was taking too long.


You had gotten out of the pool and still held your arms around your chest to prevent anything from being visible through the shirt, still refusing to face any of the boys like this in such a miserable situation. It was unknown to you why you felt so upset and thought it was just because you were ridiculed and embarrassed. The feeling was terrible though and you just wanted to cry, given that you never really cried unless you got pushed to your limits.

Sehun had given you his thick jacket to wear and sat with you under the patio as you continued to stay quiet, he only moving to pull you into a hug once the tears began to flow.


Somewhere in the house, Chanyeol was still frantically looking for towels although they were in the same spot as usual. He just couldn’t focus and went back outside to find you hidden in Sehun’s chest.


“What a baby.” Luhan clicked his tongue and that started everything from there.



A/N: Whoops I said I would update today, but it's actually tomorrow now! Yay for Soo to the rescue, but boo for Lu being such a ing ! 


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Chapter 32: I luv this story very muchh! Just one thing....whose black hoddie is that??????
Chapter 37: Man I love this story. This is one of the few stories I go back and reread when I have the time. Yeol is endearing and adorable.. but sooo annoying at the same time XD
Chapter 46: This story is so awesome.. I really loved this.. All are so cute.. Though Luhan and Chen were very mean in the beginning.. But I really enjoyed reading this.. The ending is good but I still crave for more.. Thank you for such an amazing story..
idk if I ever commented but this fic is sooooOOOOOO good, I've already read it three times (thinking about reading it again)
Byuntae-bacon #5
Chapter 44: This story was sooooo good! You have a really nice writing style :))