Chapter 26




Chanyeol let out a sharp scream at his TV. He angrily threw his hands up in the air and let it fall back down to yank at his hair frustratedly, almost beginning to cry as the monster on the screen ate his game character.


“Chanyeol’s out! I’m in next!” Sehun hollered, shoving Chanyeol off the chair and taking his place as the next round started.


“Sehun pushed me off the chair! That’s a foul!” Chanyeol cried out.


“God, this is so boring.” Baekhyun groaned.


Everyone was over at Chanyeol’s house on a Saturday afternoon purely because they all had nothing better to do and just wanted to kick back together. Chanyeol on the other hand strictly remembered not inviting any of them over and was pretty pissed to see them eating breakfast with his parents when he came down to grab something to eat.


Today was his relaxation day and he especially wanted to be alone since he had managed to convince you to play a game online with him. You two had it set up so that your computers were connected over a video chat call when you played. That way, you could hear one another as you fought against the monsters in the game.

Lay had taken the liberty to hook up Chanyeol’s computer to his TV so that they could all see what was happening on the computer screen, it being much smaller in comparison. Many of the boys wouldn’t have admitted that they wanted to watch too. It also made it easier on Lay since whenever Chanyeol would click back into the video chat screen when he died, they’d be able to see you easily as you tapped away furiously at the keyboard.

You and Chanyeol have been playing nonstop since this morning. Chanyeol was forced to share once everyone came over after you had seen him almost get into an actual fight with Sehun about playing the game. And that would’ve been pretty embarrassing on his part.


“Sehun, look out! The abnormal titan is coming!”


Sehun heeded your words and scrambled up the wall to put as much space as possible between him at the titan. You always told him not to waste the gas in his gas tanks so that he wouldn’t run out so quickly, but he never listened. His panic caused him to get a cramp in his fingers and he screamed as the ache locked up the joints. His character slowly began to descend down the wall until it landed right into the titan’s mouth, causing an automatic death.


“My turn, so move!”


Chanyeol wanted to be the one to share victory with you in this game and he wasn’t about to show you his weak side (although he has on multiple occasions already). Choosing one of the shorter male characters as his player, he was dropped into the town and was quick to fly through the roof tops.


“Uh, Chanyeol? I could use a little help please!”


You grit your teeth together as the last titan on the map kept chasing you around the open plains, trying your best not to become food as it kept jumping and swiping down to hit you. It seemed logical to send out a few flares to help Chanyeol find you, but the quick delay between pressing the buttons caused your downfall and the titan had you in its grasp.

Its mouth opened wide and he slowly lowered your character into his mouth, the suspense churning in your stomach. No matter how many keys you smashed on your keyboard, you weren’t able to break free. At the last split seconds of being alive, something had slashed down into its neck. It caused him to drop your character before its large body crumbled to the floor, going up into a white cloud of smoke before the stats were up.


You two had won the game.


“We won!” Chanyeol whooped, cheering as if you were here next to him.


You were happy too, but the exhaustion of keeping your eyes locked on the screen was starting to settle. You had to lean back so that the room would stop spinning. Eyes dry and mouth even drier, you walked downstairs to grab a glass of water before going back up to your room. The sounds of people arguing could be heard from your headphones and you didn’t even have them in your ears.


“Okay, what’s happening this time?”


You were more or less sure it had something to do with fighting over who got to play the game next and sure enough, you were right. Some of the other boys that were just watching for the past few rounds wanted to join in. There was only one computer, and none of them wanted to just share at the moment.


“I want to play next!” Sehun roared from the other side of the chat.


Though the light in your room was dim, Lay could still make out your exhausted face in the shadows. He stepped up from his spot and pushed Chanyeol and Sehun away from the computer.


“Can you hear me?” He asked first, waving his hand in front of the camera until you nodded your head. “Turn on your lights first for me please.”


You gave Lay a weird look before pulling your headphones out of your ears. While you went to go turn on the lights, he made sure to scold Chanyeol and Sehun, beating the world’s fastest record of giving lectures before you came back to see.

Greeted by a docile Chanyeol and Sehun, you were more or less grateful for Lay being the mediator.


“So, who’s playing next?”


Both boys looked at one another with heated expressions, anger mixing with desperation in who plays the next game with you.


“Why don’t we just go to an internet cafe?” Xiumin asked, pulling on the collar of his shirt to fan out his sweaty chest. “It’s air conditioned too.”


The idea wasn’t a bad one and the others must’ve liked the idea of air conditioning in today’s hot weather.


“Will you be able to meet us then?” Chanyeol peered through the camera and you paused to think.


Your parents weren’t supposed to be home until later tonight and you finished up all of your homework already. With nothing else planned for the rest of the day, the internet cafe sounded interesting and you agreed, already starting to unplug your earphones.


“I’ll go get ready now! Keep your chat on so we can talk on the way there!” Chanyeol yelled quickly before setting off to his bathroom to get ready.


You chuckled and heeded his words, though you weren’t about to take your laptop to an internet cafe when there would be computers there for you. Tilting the screen downwards so that the camera faced the track pad, you left to go and get ready as well.


“She’s probably going to take forever.” Luhan mumbled under his breath, aware that some of the others actually liked you unlike how he didn’t.


“She’s a girl. Girls tend to get ready slower.” Xiumin said as a matter of factly. “Too bad she won’t let me see…”


Chen rolled his eyes and leaned back on the couch. “Probably nothing worth looking at.”


Lay and Sehun both snickered at his comment. They were completely aware that Chen’s affection and strong hatred all was for the same person.


“Well thank you for your consideration.”


Chen’s head snapped up to see your face unhappily staring at him through the video chat. He didn’t expect you to be ready so fast and was shocked by the sudden voice.


“You should’ve let me see you while you changed!” Xiumin pouted childishly, though his request was anything but. “I bet you I could’ve guessed your sizes.”


Staring blankly at the screen, you leaned side to side while thinking of something nice to say. “You’d be great at working at Victoria’s Secret. Maybe you can get a part time job there.”


Xiumin whined and puffed up his cheeks. “But I only want to see you !”




Chanyeol came in at just the right time to hold the computer protectively away from Xiumin. Your face was still visible on the screen and you couldn’t help but laugh at the timing they had. While Chanyeol and Xiumin childishly screamed at one another, Lay had been texting you the details of where you’d meet up and to bring a jacket because it gets cold at the internet cafe if you stay for too long.

Judging by how long you two were able to play, he figured you’d need to dress warmly. Your simple graphic tee and shorts weren’t going to cut it.


“It’s fine. I can give her my jacket if she gets cold!” Chanyeol cheered, already showing off the fleece that lined the inside of his jacket.


“It won’t work if the both of you get cold easily.” Sehun sighed.


While Sehun got to work disconnecting the computer from the TV, Chanyeol had used his phone to video chat you instead. You were already beginning to walk so that you’d make it on time and Chanyeol was eager to leave too, getting even more excited as Sehun hurried them all out of the house.


“The internet cafe was closer to her house so she’s going to get there first if we don’t hurry up!”


He ushered everyone out the door before locking the door with Chanyeol’s keys, tossing them back to him as they all made their way to the internet cafe.


Of course, with the given location, you would arrive first. It was now twelve and you still hadn’t eaten anything that morning due to the distraction of playing the game in the first place. While you waited, you decided it would be okay to buy something small to eat. So you went next door to the mini mart in search of food.

There was so much to choose from, almost too much in fact. You stayed away from anything that would make you go to the bathroom, so the nachos were off the list. The yogurt drinks looked tempting, but you knew that wouldn’t sit well with your stomach since you hadn’t eaten yet. A bag of cheese bread and a banana milk seemed good for your wallet expenses and you paid for your snack before almost heading out the door when something caught your eye. You picked up a small pack of vitamin D capsules and could already smell the orange citrus wafting through the air. Paying for those as well, you finally left the minimart.

Through out all of this, Chanyeol was taking away over the video chat so you could tell he was nearing the destination. While popping a piece of bread into your mouth, you heard the doorbell chime as more people walked in. You hung up on the call and waved at the group of boys, smiling as some came up to you happily to say hello.

You still greeted the others though they barely looked at you in response, all heading over to their own computers without a single greeting. Tao and Kai were nice enough to say hi, along with Xiumin who was a bit too forceful today. Lay had waited patiently for Sehun to say hello before snaking one of his arms around your waist and the other up to your head to ruffle your hair.

Some gagging noises could be heard courtesy of Tao and you just laughed at how playful Lay was being today. Letting your hand pat his shoulder, you pulled back and went to your bag to pull out your vitamins before tossing it to Kai, who caught it easily.

“What is this for?” He asked, sudden gift getting the attention of the others.


“Oh, I thought you were playing with us today!” You feigned innocence and plucked the capsules out of his hands, giving it to Sehun instead. “You’re gonna need it if you want to keep up with us.”


Chanyeol felt the pride swell in his chest as you boasted about both of your playing skills. He slid over to you to wrap an arm around your shoulder, looking at Sehun and giving him a smirk. “Unless you can’t handle it.”


“Of course I can.” Sehun smiled eagerly at you before turning to look at Chanyeol, expression changing into something much more smug. “I’m just happy I got a little present before I even won.”


Sehun and Chanyeol locked glances before Lay had managed to pull the vitamins away from Chanyeol. He looked at you and you motioned for him to take one as well, leaning forward to whisper in his ear.


“Can you make the others eat one too? I’m worried their eyes will get sore from sitting down for so long.” You looked at some of the other boys that were already squinting at the bright lights of their computer screens. “And adjust their screen brightnesses too please.”


He smiled and agreed to help, popping a vitamin in his mouth before setting on his journey to help. Eventually he had made adjustments to everyone’s computers and had passed out the vitamins just like you had asked. Lay gave the last vitamin pack to Chanyeol as he gobbled his own piece down like an animal, still looking as competitive as ever while Sehun sat across from him in the same way.


“Okay, since there’s thirteen of us, everyone type in a cool username and choose on what side you want to be.” You already had signed in to your own account and figured the others didn’t play the game enough to have their own. “And don’t tell anyone! Or that ruins the fun.”


“I’m on the titan side.” Chen yelled almost immediately afterwards, his cocky grin making you grimace.


Just because of that, you chose to fight on the side with humanity and once everyone was in, the game had begun. It was easy at first, since a bunch of the computer based titans were just programmed to run for a while before belly flopping down to try and smash you you. There were a few titans that looked out of place as they ran in the opposite direction as you or just stared in your direction from a distance. This was going to be too easy.


“Which one of you is chineseboy36? I swear to god, you’re such a ing !” Baekhyun screamed, his character already out in the first two minutes.


You had been nice enough to have the settings placed so that he would still be able to come back into the game even if he died. Makes it more fun to see the kill/death ratio at the end, right?


“This flying thing… Isn’t working...” Kris mumbled as he tapped away at his keyboard. He clicked the mouse buttons a few times before gasping at how violent the graphics were as he was crushed in a titan’s mouth.


Finding a nice spot atop the walls, you peered over the computer screens to try and figure out who was who. The first person that caught your eye was Kyungsoo, who didn’t bother to speak at all as his eyes were locked onto the computer. There were only a few players that were dead silent and he was one of them, along with Lay, Chen and Luhan. The others were pretty rowdy.



Current Score Holder: You



Kills: 7 | Deaths: 0


Kills: 0 | Deaths: 7


Kills: 2 | Deaths: 7


Kills: 1 | Deaths: 24


Kills: 25 | Deaths: 3


Kills: 10 | Deaths: 10


Kills: 13 | Deaths: 5


Kills: 12 | Deaths: 4

Joonmyun (Currently spectating)

Kills: 0 | Deaths: 0


Kills: 10 | Deaths: 37


Kills: 4 | Deaths: 5


Kills: 9 | Deaths: 3


You were trying to debate if the dashed lines person was actually Chen or not. There were four dashes total and four letters in Chen’s name. It seemed possible, but by judging by how often that character was dying, you ruled that idea out. Every time that player would die, you would hear muttered curses coming from Kris. So that settled that.


---- was Kris.


What a strange boy he was.


“It keeps saying that I’m getting kills, but it’s not adding to my score! Why?!” Tao screeched, slamming his fists against the keyboard.


The owner of the cafe came over to scold him, but was furiously shoved away from Tao as he died yet again by a titan’s hands. You probably should have told him your character nickname for today’s games was ‘You’, but you didn’t think Tao was someone that would fall for something like that.


“What? Those are my kills, you idiot!” Chanyeol roared.




Or Chanyeol either. Tao would constantly scream after his character would die and you were not surprised when you saw his death count.




Fitting for a boy that rushed in so much.


You didn’t need to speculate through the group of boys to figure out who ‘CHANYEOLISTHEBEST’, ‘KingSehun’ and ‘Xiubby~’. Those three names were much too obvious.


Across the way from you, a small shout of glee was heard as the character named ‘Kai’ killed a titan with a thousand point bonus. You were amazed and smiled at how happy he looked. Even as his character was killed, his still smiled as if he were getting stronger with each fight.


Kai was, well… Simply put, was just Kai himself.


The next one you’d eventually figured out was pretty easy too, especially since his curses and yells were heard loud and clear.


bbyun was Baekhyun.


You were 90% sure. Since his username reflected much of his real name ‘Byun Baekhyun’, it seemed right, no?




Kris rolled his eyes at Baekhyun’s hissy fit. “If I was that good, everyone would be dead by my blades.”


“Well it’s not Tao and Luhan because their nicknames are stupid. Like, who uses ‘Han’ as a username. It’s not supposed to be your real name on internet games.”


“Says you.” Luhan growled, tapping the keys until a defeated scream came from Baekhyun. “Now you’ve died eight times, loser.”


Han was Luhan.


Now this was a bit confusing, since all of the Chinese members were now revealed. Lay’s name wasn’t necessarily needed to be revealed since Baekhyun had told everyone about the default player name.

If a person signed on to play and didn’t use an account nickname, their name would be set as a player default.


PLAYER01826 was Lay.


You chuckled at the name, a bit sad that he didn’t at least try to get a name himself. Lazy Lay.


“I hate this stupid game and that stupid chineseboy36 and just- Everyone here is stupid.” Baekhyun groaned.


That player seemed to have the hots for killing Baekhyun since all of his kills were mostly of his titan character squashing the latter flat.


“Wait, titan…”


chineseboy36 wasn’t even Chinese. He was Chen.


You laughed aloud at finally figuring it out. If you take out Luhan's kill on Baekhyun, he'd be left with seven deaths. Chen had seven kills. That meant he waited at the entrance for Baekhyun to spawn every time he died to kill him.

This made you feel a little bad for Baekhyun. His friend was ganging up on him and he didn't even know it. You got revenge for Baekhyun's behalf and let him die a couple more times before stepping in to help. You were careful this time around and apparently so was Chen since the both of you had no deaths yet.

He had the back of his character faced out while the front faced the side of the buildings, creating an opening for those that didn't stop to think. This was his lure. By leaving himself out in the open, he'd trick the others into coming in closer.

Baekhyun was the only one that fell for this, but you still stood on your toes in case he had another plan up his sleeve.

Since he'd be able to zoom out and see the area around him, he would get a good look at your attack as you boosted yourself through the buildings. A frontal approach was the only think you could think of to throw him off guard and it worked.

His titan character spun around and began to sprint at you too.


"What the- What are you thinking?" Chen thought to himself.


If you ran forward with the character you had, then you would be squashed flat in no time. He prepared to belly flop onto you, but then he saw a thin black grappler attach itself to the ground to his left.


You rushed forward and jumped out of the way. There was a short time that Chen's character would be vulnerable after flopping onto the ground and that opening gave you enough time to attack. You did your special attack and the tiny blonde girl did a front flip while repeatedly slashing at the neck of Chen's titan. The attack was a success and he went up in a white puff of smoke.

You could faintly hear his angry shout somewhere to the left of you when a shadow loomed over you. The figure was fast and had scooped your character into its fist before taking a big bite, graphics showing blood coming out as the titan chewed.

Just then, the time for the round has ended and the scoreboard came out again. The character 'Joonmyun' was in last place in terms of kills, but the one kill he did have was the one he had stolen from you.


"How did Suho manage to kill her when I couldn't?!" Chen complained, "This is why he shouldn't be able to play, damn it..."


Indeed you thought the same for a few seconds before realizing that would be mean to just leave him out.


"Suho says it's his way to learn how to play, but you have to admit. He's pretty good at these things." Lay sighed, already aware of his habits.


"How long have we been playing?" Kris asked as he blinked back the dryness in his eyes.


"I set it to the max time so it counted down from 99." Chanyeol added triumphantly as he looked at his score. "I beat Sehun!"


"Yeah, but I had less deaths than you." Sehun grumbled.


"But that doesn't mean anything, right?" He looked at you to hopefully back him up.


"Don't get her involved. Her score was way better than your low score." Sehun sulked, still bitter about the scores.


"And if this was real life, you'd be dead faster than Sehun would because you had more deaths." Lay added in, slightly brightening Sehun's mood.


"Give me another one of those vitamins." Kyungsoo huffed, rubbing his tired eyes. He motioned closer to you where some of the leftover vitamins were and you tossed them carefully, watching as he popped two into his mouth.


This left Kyungsoo last. The only person you haven’t tried to decipher.


D.O. was Kyungsoo.


The malicious intent certainly matched his personality, though it’s only from your observations. Right now he just looked exhausted and you couldn’t figure out if that lessened his scary aura or intensified it like how it did with Sehun.


“I’m hungry…” Sehun sighed, finally getting tired of arguing with Chanyeol. “Can we go eat somewhere?”


Eating out for dinner sounded kind of nice. You all more or less split the bill for the computer usage and walked around outside until coming across a burger joint on the emptier part of town. Since you were all in a large group, the area didn’t seem so scary.

You’ve never seen people eat so much burgers in such a little amount of time. The boys were truly massive eaters. A cheeseburger and a medium fries was enough to sedate you, almost to the point where you fell asleep while waiting for the others to finish eating. The warmth of the leather seat felt nice against your legs, especially in the air conditioned restaurant.


“Hey, don’t fall asleep now.” Lay tapped your head and squished you into his arms. “I don’t think I can carry you all the way home after such an intense day.”


You could tell he was joking, but you were getting really tired. The walk home seemed so long and it only dawned on you that everyone else would eventually part ways to go home. So you’d might have to walk home if anything.


“I can walk you home!” Chanyeol offered eagerly as bits of french fries spit out from his mouth.


“It’s fine. If anything I’ll just fall asleep and see if I can sleep walk my way home.” You yawned, meaning for that to be a joke. It must’ve sounded too convincing because when you rubbed the tears out of your eyes, all of the boys were curiously staring at you.


“Do you really? You sleepwalk?” Tao asked eagerly, leaning over the table as he got closer to you.


“No, it was supposed to be a joke, but I was too tired to make it sound like one.” You sighed.


Sehun sighed in relief and continued to pick at his french fries. The thought of you wandering around at this hour was terrifying, and he didn’t want to have to see something like that ever in his life.


“Ughhh, but I don’t want to go home…” Chanyeol trailed off, looking at you with a devious glint in his eyes. “Hey, can I ask you for a favor?”


His expression looked very mischievous, but you were too curious and tired to care about the consequences. “Uh, sure. What’s up?”


He grinned and scooted over so that the two of you were sitting awfully close in the booth. “Can I go to your house tonight and sleepover?”


You paused for a minute to reconsider, train of thought being stopped momentarily as Sehun screamed.


“No! That’s not right!” He yelled, already trying to pull Chanyeol away from you.


“Huh? Why not?” Chanyeol was almost ready to punch Sehun now for trying to ruin his plan.


“Because! She’s... You know…. And you’re Chanyeol.” He made an ugly face in order to get his point across and Chanyeol just made another ugly face to spite him.


“Maybe next time when I’m more awake or something.” You settled things then and there before it had gotten too out of hand.


Even in your tired state you were aware of the dirty looks that some of the other boys were sporting. Chen was grinning from ear to ear while Baekhyun sulked on the far end of the table. Luhan was ready to make a bad comment before you had said what you said too. You and Chanyeol had just gotten over your first fight and initiating another would only make things worse at this point.


“Well… Can I walk you home then?” Chanyeol said in a much softer voice. He just wanted to spend more time with you before the day went by.


You pondered the question and smiled. “Sure, why not. It’s kinda scary walking home this late at night.” You chuckled nervously.


Night time was always when your insecurities came out into the light. It was just scary thinking of all of the possibilities that could go wrong, even if they probably wouldn’t. It was nice of the boy, and the remaining other boys to walk you home that night. Well, for the others that were walking with you guys instead of far behind.


“This is your house?” Chanyeol said in awe, as if you lived in a mansion.


“Yeah?” You were too lazy to grab your keys and instead, reached in through the mail slot to unlock the door. This was something you did when you were extremely lazy and by no means was it safe to reveal it to anyone, but you were exhausted and would deal with the consequences later.


“Goodnight you guys and thanks for walking me home.” You smiled softly.


Sehun had to pull Chanyeol away from your front porch before he had actually stepped into your house to get a better look. They all waved and you waved back until they were a good distance down the street, heading inside and hurrying to collapse into your bed.


That night was a night of blissful sleep and nothing else.



A/N: This is actually really long wow! Do you guys not like it when I incorporate anime and games of the likeliness?

Please don't be mad for incoperating my weeb-ness in here ;;

Also... Sorry for not updating recently lol... I'm editing another chapter now to do a double, maybe triple update. Idkk I'm just tired lmaoo



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Chapter 32: I luv this story very muchh! Just one thing....whose black hoddie is that??????
Chapter 37: Man I love this story. This is one of the few stories I go back and reread when I have the time. Yeol is endearing and adorable.. but sooo annoying at the same time XD
Chapter 46: This story is so awesome.. I really loved this.. All are so cute.. Though Luhan and Chen were very mean in the beginning.. But I really enjoyed reading this.. The ending is good but I still crave for more.. Thank you for such an amazing story..
idk if I ever commented but this fic is sooooOOOOOO good, I've already read it three times (thinking about reading it again)
Byuntae-bacon #5
Chapter 44: This story was sooooo good! You have a really nice writing style :))