Chapter 22




You, Hongbin, Hyuk, Ravi and Ken all wandered down the hall towards the cafeteria, laughing up a storm at the outrageous things being said to one another. You were enjoying their company so much that you hadn’t realized the other students all watching and gossiping about you from the talent show. Each student would watch you as you walked by, turning to their friends to gossip about who this new ‘goddess’ could be. Since you haven’t changed out from your costume, everyone was able to see you in a new light, though they didn’t exactly know it was you and figured you were some special guest to sing at the principal’s request.


“Can I have your pudding when we get lunch today?” Hyuk asked. “It’s strawberry vanilla and I-”


“It’s your favorite, I know. But I can’t today, maybe next time.” You laughed at the pouty look on his face.


Once the five of you had gone into the line for lunch, you were shocked to see all of the varieties of food your school had to offer. You never ate lunch in the cafeteria and never bothered to think to go until now, properly getting your nutrition at the request of Leo, who made sure you ate more.


“So wait, I can get a main entree, a drink AND two snacks for three dollars?” You whistled, amazed by the offer.


“Yeah, it kind of because you used to be able to just buy snacks for the same price. Now they make you buy food or else you can’t buy snacks.” Hongbin said bitterly.


You giggled and made sure to grab him an extra bag of gummy worms since he looked so sullen. Hyuk could live without a pudding cup for the day, but seeing Hongbin so sad made you a bit weak in the knees. The boy knew how to pull your heartstrings, and pretty much could get you to do whatever he wanted. If it was too outrageous, then you’d always be able to say no, but he never went as far as to do something to make you uncomfortable.


“Hey pretty lady, can I get a side of with that pudding cup of yours?”


The sudden tap on your behind shocked you and you almost dropped your pack of gummy worms. All four boys stood in front of the other boy that was trying to court you, expressions hardening at whoever had gotten too close for their comfort. It was strange to have experience something like that out of the blue and you felt a little dirty. Stepping behind Hongbin, you saw someone you wouldn’t expect to see in the slightest.


Chen looked really different from the last time you saw him. You should have been prepared since you’d seen both Kai and Sehun’s changed hairstyles for the talent show, but Chen had really gone all out and had even permed his hair so that the edges were slightly curled. You distantly remember Chanyeol dyeing his hair too, though Chen’s new hairstyle distracted you before you could think about his too much.

Your first reaction was to cringe. It didn’t really match him and although he was a jerk to you, you had to say that you preferred his old haircut over this one.


Ravi extending his arm out so that he was protecting you before hissing a bit, “go away.”


“Jeez man lighten up. You just had to say she was taken.” Chen frowned. He tried peering through the boys to get a better look at you, but was blocked by Hyuk who tried his best to look tough in hopes that he’d go away. “I was just going to ask if she wanted to do a duet sometime since we’d make the perfect vocal power couple.”


“That doesn’t mean you have to talk about her… Body parts like some kind of, creep!” Hyuk growled, voice sounding more like a puppy to his dismay.


Chen’s eyebrows lifted as Hyuk tried his best to ward him away. “Okay, well… That’s a weird way to put it. I’m, just… Going to go now.”




He didn’t need to hear another word before spinning back around, eager at the sound of your majestic voice. It was no wonder that everyone was nicknaming you as the ‘goddess’ from such a spectacular performance from the talent show. Maybe the fact that you panicked made your voice unrecognizable, since Chen looked excited to hear what else you had to say to him. You motioned for Hongbin to lean down and whispered what you wanted to say into his ear, as Chen impatiently watched the scene. Pulling something out of your pocket, you gave it to Hongbin along with your message.


“She said that she’s flattered, but she doesn’t want a relationship at the moment.” His face stayed expressionless as he ed his hand forward. “And she needs you to give this to Chanyeol.”


“Chanyeol?” Chen asked to clarify, receiving a small blue box. You nodded your head and hid back behind Hongbin before Chen spoke, “uh, sure I guess. I’ll be waiting for that duet pretty lady!~”


He skipped off and you made haste to leave the cafeteria, the four boys all following behind worriedly with their lunches. Ken was first to catch up with you and grabbed you by your shoulder, flipping you around to see the red flush across your face.


“Are you okay? Don’t tell me…” He trailed off. “You two dated before?!”


“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a bit anxious.” You sighed, nodding your head and taking a deep breath.  “And no we did not date.”


Ken’s question almost seemed too stupid and you wandered off to get that idea out of your head before you went crazy. He left it as that and ran off after you, poking the space in between his own eyebrows to flattened out the worried crease. The sight would’ve been funny to you, but since you were almost halfway across the hallway by now, you hadn’t seen Ken’s childish reaction.

You walked up to the roof to see an interesting scene. Trying to hold back your laughter, you saw N trying to kiss Leo on the cheek, his puckered lips making Leo grimace as he got closer. The latter look completely disgusted and sped over to where you were before shoving you forward, as if to say to protect him from such a creature.


“N sunbaenim, you can’t do this to Leo all the time. You know he doesn’t like skinship.” You chided, trying to soothe the crying boy as he whined.


“But he does it with you all the time! It’s not fair!” N screeched, stomping his feet angrily like what a kid would do. “This is payback!”


He leaned forward just as you turned around and managed to peck your cheek with his lips, the entire scene visible towards the other boys that just watched the little interaction. The smack was loud and you cringed as he leaned down for another wet kiss.


Leo was the first to step forward and physically abuse N for a few minutes before coming back and sitting down on the floor with you. You and the others had already begun to eat your lunches, whilst N was being pummeled by Leo. Leaving the bag of gummy worms for last, you tossed it to the middle of the circle and offered it up for whoever could get it first. Some only reacted once you had yelled it out for everyone to hear, but others, like Hongbin, already knew the drill and had swiped the bag with a happy grin on his face.


The sight was just adorable. Seeing him and Hyuk fight for it on the other hand...


Less adorable.


“I have something to say.” Leo announced, his soft voice instantly hushing the two boys that fought over the sugary treat. “I’m moving schools.”




You were more calm compared to the others, but still gasped at Leo’s confession. He didn’t appear to be joking. He never really joked around with anything really and this was just, strange and extremely out of the blue.




“I don’t know if I told you, but I want to be a singer… And I was offered the chance to go to a college for performing arts.” Leo said slowly, his eyes studying you as you listened.


“But you don’t start college until another year! Why leave now?” Ken’s voice sounded like the way an old person’s voice would, somehow managing to still sound comedic in such a serious situation.


“That’s why he needs to go, you idiot.” N smacked Ken in the back of the head and placed another on Leo’s shoulder, the latter grimacing, but still putting up with it anyways. “He’ll get extra education and extra practice to become a singer faster.”


“Well if it’s to achieve your dream…” You trailed off, “Then go for it. That’s what you’d do, right? That’s great!”


Leo sighed and thanked the heavens you weren’t upset. He thought you’d be mad since his departure was so sudden, but the whole thing was very rushed and he had only gotten the offer about a week ago. Watching as you went back to try and break Hongbin and Hyuk apart from their scuffle, he smiled as he saw your agitated expression. N say this too, though he was more concerned with the unusual smile lingering on Leo’s lips.


“If she was your girlfriend, I’d punch you by now.” N whispered into Leo’s ear, causing the latter to swat him away.




Meanwhile as you and the boys all headed back up to the roof, Chanyeol was sulking in the cafeteria, not bothering to lift his head as Chen called his name.


“Dude, you need to lighten up already. It’s been weeks.” Chen exaggerated, nudging Chanyeol with his arm.


Chanyeol refused to say a word and let Chen talk so that he’d eventually get tired and leave him alone. It’s only been a couple days at most since the incident. And Chanyeol was still very obviously sulking about it.


Seeing that he was once again, not in the mood, Chen sighed and placed the blue box down in front of the boy’s face. “Someone asked me to give this to you. You know the girl from the talent show?”


“The one with the nice ?” Luhan piped up, earning a nod from Chen.


“She rejected me but told me to give this to you. Playing hard to get won’t win her this round, but I like it.” Chen grinned, he and Luhan both sporting the same expression as they thought about the beautiful singer.


Chen began to talk about how he had ‘totally grabbed your ’ while meeting you and Chanyeol had tuned him out once he and Luhan began to converse seriously about the greatness of a woman’s behind. Still trying to decide if he wanted to open the box or not, Chanyeol felt the sudden urge to want to take his frustrations out on something and chose the box as his target. He ripped the top off and emptied out its contents, chucking the torn off piece before becoming puzzled by what fell out.


It was a blue band aid, a blue jolly rancher and a pack of tissues. He peeked into the box to see a note taped to the bottom and plucked it out of the box, holding it in front of him to see what was written.


Your hair looks very, unlike you, but it still looks nice

Hope you’re not still mad

Use these if anything


I’m sorry


He brought a hand up to run through the faded green locks, still trying to figure out who gave him such a gift. Someone else had been peering over his shoulder and had been quick to make an assumption.


“Chanyeol has a secret admirer!” Tao blurted out, alerting the rest of the group.


“Nice one Yeol! You’re finally joining the ranks, eh?” Luhan teased, turning back to talk to Tao and leaving Chanyeol alone with his own thoughts.


He still didn’t know who’d give him something like this.


“If you can’t figure it out, then you’re an idiot.” Sehun muttered so that only he could hear. Chanyeol looked at him confusedly and Sehun just sighed.


“She’s the only one that would notice your crybaby self.”


Chanyeol frowned and looked down to see something missing from the little pile. Lay swiped away his jolly rancher while he was distracted, making Chanyeol let out a whine as Lay popped the blue raspberry flavored treat into his mouth.


“Lay! That was mine!” He complained.


Lay rolled the candy around in his mouth and just shrugged. “Too slow.”


He thought Chanyeol was kind of on the slower side, but something like this was so obvious that the others would probably get it if they hadn’t dismissed it so fast. Lay knew you’d be the only one to notice Chanyeol when nobody else would, giving the boy a little punishment of his own to make him think clearly.

Chanyeol sat down and shoved the rest of his gift into his pocket before someone else could steal his things. He thought about it for a while and looked desperately at Sehun, who scoffed and rolled his eyes, ignoring the boy as he begged for him to tell.


His mind began to wander and he thought back about the singer from the talent show, and how close she was with Leo. Their intimate hug in the end made the crowd go wild. With that kind of uproar, Chanyeol was sure they’d place if they had entered officially. He tried to remember how the girl looked looked like, getting glimpses of the way her hair was curled going down her back to how small she was compared to Leo’s height.

A face popped into his mind, but he tried to dismiss it right away. It was your face to be exact. He didn’t want to think about you at the moment, nor remember why you two had stopped talking. He’d already begun to feel jealous though after placing your face onto the girl’s body at the talent show, turning her curves into your curves. Picturing your body into Leo’s tight embrace made him bitter.

He really just, missed you. A lot.



A/N: Nobody noticed that I put chapter 22 for chapter 21! You lazy gooses! 

Geese. I meant geese. Well, whatever. 


Good news is that this story is actually kind of growing on me again

Bad news is that I have relatives coming over so I won't be able to write as much

Good news is that I actually have a few pre planned chapters


So that was pretty much all pointless! lmao nice


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Chapter 32: I luv this story very muchh! Just one thing....whose black hoddie is that??????
Chapter 37: Man I love this story. This is one of the few stories I go back and reread when I have the time. Yeol is endearing and adorable.. but sooo annoying at the same time XD
Chapter 46: This story is so awesome.. I really loved this.. All are so cute.. Though Luhan and Chen were very mean in the beginning.. But I really enjoyed reading this.. The ending is good but I still crave for more.. Thank you for such an amazing story..
idk if I ever commented but this fic is sooooOOOOOO good, I've already read it three times (thinking about reading it again)
Byuntae-bacon #5
Chapter 44: This story was sooooo good! You have a really nice writing style :))