4. I Was Enchanted to Meet You

Three Halves to Make Me Whole

((A/N Hello again ^^ I hope you all are having a good week :3 I don't think I have much for an author's note this week ^^; So I guess, here we go~

A/N Edit~
Bonded pairs so far:



Chapter Four:
I Was Enchanted to Meet You


LuHan checked his schedule a third time, then the room number next to the open classroom door. Well, they matched. He still wasn’t exactly looking forward to his math class. He watched a few students enter the room before he took a slow, deep breath in attempt to calm his nerves. The longer he waited the less likely he would get a good seat, he tried to tell himself before he stuffed his schedule back into his bag and stepped inside.

He scanned the room for a table that didn’t have anyone at either of the two seats at it as he walked further into the room. A copper haired boy sitting front and center of the room caught his attention instead. He looked as nervous as LuHan felt, straightening his binder, calculator, then the three pencils to his left that appeared sharper than LuHan thought anyone would ever need logically them to be… Unless someone was using them as a weapon.

The round face remained down cast as LuHan watched his eyes scan over the thing on his desk, reaching for the coffee thermos to his right and taking a sip, placing it down in what LuHan was suspecting as the exact place the other had picked it up from.  The boy then shifted his binder a centimeter to the left, paused, then back to the right and a little closer to himself, and then LuHan’s mouth was open before he could think.

“Hey, lighten up freshie.” He started, and the other’s attention snapped up to him. A freshman in a math class usually meant for only third and fourth years could be nerve wracking, sure, but his organization was ridiculous. “No need to be so worried, this teacher’s supposed to be one of the best at the school. I hear she’s easy going too.” The copper haired male’s eyes narrowed in what LuHan perceived as confusion.

“Freshie?” He echoed. “I’m a third year.” He added as he looked back down at his things, his tone causing LuHan to bite the inside of his lower lip. Great, the first person he talked to in the class and the other probably thought he was an idiot for thinking there was a freshman in the class.

“O-oh?” He said, trying to ignore the giggling from the two girls behind the copper haired boy the best he could. “Your baby face confused me.” He tried, and the other stopped reaching for one of his pencils and looked up at LuHan through his lashes.

“You’re one to talk.”

LuHan opened his mouth to reply, a voice over powering his as the teacher entered the class. “Alright everyone, take a seat!” She called and LuHan took the closest seat, and he was sure the copper haired boy was thrilled that it was the one beside him.


The teacher spent the first half hour of the class going over the tentative schedule for tests and final exams, as well as sent around copies of a typed list of the homework that she had assigned for the term.

“Now, I want everyone to turn to the person next to you and introduce yourselves!” The instructor continued, receiving several groans in response. “Don’t start with me unless you want to do both odd and even problems for your homework instead of just the odd numbered ones.” She replied, moving to the white board. “Tell your table mate your name, major and an interesting fact about yourself to start. Feel free to ask each other more questions after.” She said, writing the instructions on the board.

LuHan took a deep breath before turning to the copper haired boy.

“I’m LuHan.” He started when the other male made no inclination he was going to start the conversation. “I’m Chinese, and haven’t decided on my major yet.” He finished, an amused look entering the other’s eyes.

“You’re a third year, aren’t you?” He said before shaking his head. “My name is Kim Minseok, I’m majoring in English and minoring in child development.” He said and LuHan internally cringed at the vast difference between them school wise. “Also I like DBSK.” Minseok finished, picking up his thermos and taking a drink as LuHan’s mood brightened.

“I’m a fan of theirs too!” He said, Minseok looking at him from the corner of his eye, lowering the thermos and turning his body a little more towards the other. “Have you gone to any of their concerts?”

“One, a while back. It was fun, but it probably would have been better if I had someone to go with.” Minseok smiled faintly at the envious look on LuHan’s face.

“I wish I'd had the chance to go see them.” LuHan sighed, resting his chin in the palm of his hand, his elbow propped on top of the desk. His eyes traveled over to the thermos Minseok had as he set it down on the table, and his eyes widened when he was able to make out the faded label. “Wait, were you on a soccer team?” he asked and Minseok’s smile turned a little shy before he nodded.

“For my high school’s team.” He replied.

“We should play some time! The school lets students check out sports equipment as long as it’s not on the days that the teams have practice.” LuHan explained and Minseok gave a nod, reaching for his thermos again.


Over the next two weeks the pair had met three times to play soccer, ____ currently holding the winning score. Since Minseok had won the last game, LuHan was currently handing a couple thousand won to the cashier of one of the school’s cafes’ clerks as Minseok filled his thermos with the house’s blend of coffee.

“Seriously, how much coffee do you drink?” He asked with a laugh. “You did just get on campus, right? Don’t you make your own coffee at home?”

“I do, but I drink it by the time I get here.” He replied simply, thanking the clerk as he twisted the lid onto his thermos and took a drink. LuHan barely choked down a laugh when the copper head winced a little. “Hush, it’s hot.” Minseok playfully scolded, turning away from the brown haired male and starting towards their math class.

“Surprise!” Their teacher exclaimed, a bright smile across her face. “I have to go out of town, starting tomorrow, so class for the next three days has been canceled.” She said, greeted with excited banter and she placed her hands on her hips, nodding. “And because they’re canceled, your test is today.” She added and the room went silent. LuHan shrugged to himself as she started to hand out the tests; he had this section down so he was far from worried.

The class remained silent as the test was completed, and at the hour mark she collected the tests that hadn’t been finished and handed to her, and LuHan was surprised that one of them was Minseok’s. She dismissed the class for a twenty minute break, saying she wanted to get the tests graded and back to everyone before she left so they could ask any questions they needed to. LuHan stretched in his chair, looking to Minseok as he stood.

“I haven’t had enough coffee to deal with this.” The older groaned, picking up his bag and thermos, LuHan following after him with a small giggle as they made their way back to the café.

The teacher finished grading the tests about fifteen minutes after the break ended, passing them back and repeating that if anyone had any questions that they should stay  back but that they were otherwise free to leave. LuHan flipped though his test, humming as e shook his head a little at the silly mistakes he had made that got him his two wrong answers. He looked over at Minseok’s test, having to do a double take to make sure he was reading the score correctly.

“Ouch. 35%?” He asked and Minseok sighed, setting his test down to rub his eyes.

“I was hoping for those three extra days to study.” He groaned.

“I could teach you if you want.” LuHan offered. “It’d probably be less awkward than asking the teacher.” He added when Minseok looked over at his test.

“I would really appreciate that.” He replied, pulling out his binder to put away his test, placing is pencils back into the pencil pouch he carried them in, sliding both  back into his bag.

“No problem. We could work in the library, or your place.” LuHan replied, putting his own test into his bag.

“I live nearby, and it would be quieter.” Minseok replied, taking a long drink of his coffee after.

“… You just finished that off, didn’t you?”

Instead of playing their planned soccer match after class they went straight to Minseok’s apartment, which was only a ten minute walk from the school.

“So much for the idea that you had some long walk to school as reason to you needing more coffee by the time you get there.” LuHan teased as Minseok unlocked his apartment and let the other in.

“Trust me, when you’re working on multiple degrees at once, you need all the caffeine you can get.”

“Do you even sleep?” LuHan asked, receiving a shrug in response as Minseok slid out of his shoes.

By the second study session, LuHan had figured out where Minseok was going wrong in his calculations.

“Okay, so it looks like when you have a long equation you do the first two steps right, the parentheses and the exponent. But you do all the multiplication first, then all the division?” He asked.

“Yes, then all the addition before the subtraction.” He replied and LuHan nodded, leaning back.

“There’s your problem.” He stated leaning back against the couch, Minseok raising an eyebrow at him. “With multiplication and division, you do both as you go through the equation.”

“You do what now?”

“Well, if you have 3 x 4 divided by 2 x 8, you don’t do the 3 x 4, then the 2 x 8 and then divide  the 12 by the 16. You do 3 x 4, divide the 12 you get by 2 ad then multiply it by 8 to get 48.” LuHan explained, writing the equation as he spoke. “That probably explains why most of the answers you got were fractions when none of the equations she showed us in this section did.

Minseok watched the other as he wrote out and explained the problem, and LuHan looked to him and the lost expression on his face. Biting back a small smile because it would have been strange to find the other’s confusion cute, he wrote out a new equation, taking this one slower.


Two weeks later they were given their next test and Minseok turned his in a few minutes before last call and when their tests were handed back the next day a smile crept across his lips at his score. LuHan leaned over to take a peek at it, grinning.

“Careful, she might think you cheated to get that 82.” He teased and Minseok gave a playful roll of his eyes.

“Thank you, really.” He replied, looking back down at his test. “You know… I might still need a tutor… Just to be sure I don’t start to have problems with the rest of the sections.” He said, taking a drink of his coffee before he chanced a look to LuHan. The brown haired male felt his stomach flip, swallowing his words the first time he tried to speak.

“Any time.” He managed once he found his voice again, his hear skipping a beat at the smile he received in response.


The pair hung out as often as they could with how busy Minseok was, his excuse being the more classes he took this year the less he had to worry about next year on top of graduation, and LuHan about being crazy.

“If I’m so crazy, why do you keep coming back?” Minseok retorted a week later. They were sitting on the floor, working on homework and LuHan was caught off guard. He looked up at Minseok who had his chin resting in the his palm, elbow propped up on his knee that amused look in his eyes again- the one he had when he knew something LuHan didn’t, and he knew it.

“Because we’re friends.” LuHan said carefully, feeling himself start to tense.

“Do you feel drawn like this to all your friends?” Minseok mused and LuHan flinched, staring at the other for a long moment.

“I don’t…” He was cut off as Minseok raised his other hand, clicking his tongue as he wagged his index finger at the other.

“Don’t even try with that, LuHan.” Minseok replied, lowering his hand. “You know what I’m talking about.”

“Not entirely.” The brown haired male admitted, looking away from the other. “I know I feel really close to you already. Almost as if I’m being pulled towards you when I try to walk away. Like I’ve known you for years when we haven’t even known each other for a month… I feel like I can open up to you about almost anything. But I don’t understand why.”

“Did no one tell you about soulmates?” Minseok asked, the playfulness leaning his eyes, and LuHan frowned as he shook his head. “That makes things make more sense then.” He stated. Minseok pause for a moment, then straightened his posture. “It’s something people started noticing more and more in the last… Fifty or so years, and scientists still haven’t been able to figure anything out about why it’s a thing. But what has been theorized is that the magnetic pull you feel is towards your soulmate. Everyone has two, a romantic and a platonic one, but both people have to be open to the idea that the other is their soulmate before the bond is made.” Minseok explained.

“So… The pull I feel towards you…” LuHan trained off, not wanting to jump to any conclusions.

“I feel it too.” Minseok replied.

“But- but I’m not gay.” LuHan stated and Minseok let out a small laugh.

“Really now.” He replied, the amused look entering his eyes again and LuHan started to fidget under his gaze. “Let me ask again; do you feel drawn like this to all your friends?” It was LuHan’s turn to fall silent for a few moments.

“I’m not gay.” He repeated and he was pretty sure Minseok was about to roll his eyes again, so he continued rather than swallowing his words like he wanted to. “I don’t want to put a label on myself like that. But… I think I like you. A lot.” Minseok leaned forward, his smile gentle rather than playful.

“I like you too.” He replied, reaching out to cup the other’s cheek, it with his thumb.

(( This pairing makes me happy, and I think it's funny because Trinity hates it, yet she was the one who decided it would be a thing xD She also said she was expecting them to kiss at the end, and I told her I thought this was cuter

Also, I got a painful sunburn while writing this chapter, and she said it was my punishment for enjoying this ship xD

Any who, next chapter is pretty cute too. Just all the cute things. So much fluff... Maybe that's why things get so messed up in my other fic, to keep things balanced.))

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Chapter 7: this is AMAZING
11 streak #2
Chapter 105: Bless. *claps*
Chapter 105: nooooooo I can't believe it's over!!!!!!!!!!! I await eagerly for the epilogue!!
this was such a great story idea and such a great story!!! I'm glad it ended happily although that car crash scared me, suchen will always be my otp but I have a soft spot for xiutao in this. I think my favourite chapter is actually when jongdae confronts baekhyun after he leaves cy. idk there's something so precious about baekhyun running away only to run into the big red sign that is jongdae saying "wrong way, go back". man I can't believe this story is over but I'm also happy that it ends well, i don't think i could take another round of drama (seriously??? baekhyun with taehyung as a son????? I'm crying ) idk everything about this is good I love it all <333333333333333 x 100
Chapter 103: it was taehyung!!!!! i didn't even figure it out until you said it!!!!!
XiaoShixun #5
Chapter 105: awwww hunnie hannie
XiaoShixun #6
Chapter 104: Why would he said No?
11 streak #7
Chapter 104: What is up their sleeves? Yaaay Wus!
XiaoShixun #8
Chapter 103: Awwwwww
11 streak #9
Chapter 103: OMG why am I misting about the eyes
Teaspoone #10
Chapter 102: Omg don't do that to me! What is it with the boys and cars? Probably didn't help that I just read a fic where these two got in a wreck and Yeol actually died. *sobs* I was so scared you were just gonna off one of them XD. Great chapter, as usual. And a tiny bit of angsty-fluff at the end to wrap it up, well done. :)