It’s Not That Simple

Paws The Music!

Loila’s POV

“Oh!  It’s Girl’s Generation!” Mir yelled as he pointed outside the window. The room became quiet as MBLAQ ran towards the window to see where Mir was pointing. Suddenly, someone picked me up, flung me over their shoulders and ran towards the door.

“Ah! Put me down please!” I screeched and kicked my legs as I was taken out of the room. The door slammed shut tightly and all hope was gone. “I’m being kidnapped!” I stifled a yell. The person stopped running and put me on the ground again. I threw my arms around to try and defend myself. “Don’t touch me! HELP!” I yelled. The person covered my mouth.

“It’s me.” Thunder whispered.

“What the heck?” I punched him in the arm. “I thought you were going to abduct me.”

“It was Mir’s idea.”

“That Stalker, he’s getting creepier every day...”

“Sorry… Ow!” Thunder gasped. He rubbed his arm which was red where I had punched him.

“Oh! I’m so sorry!” I closely examined his arm and poked it to see if he was faking. He winced and I jumped.

“I probably won’t be able to perform tonight…” Thunder said sadly.

“Oh no! Everyone will hate me now!”

“You could kiss it better…”

“Would that help?” When I was little, Mum used to kiss my sores which made them feel better. I decided to give Thunder the benefit of the doubt and agree. I gave a quick peck on his arm and when I stepped back, he looked a little better. I was about to walk back inside when he cringed and slapped his hands over his mouth. “What’s wrong? Did I make it worse?” Thunder shook his head.

“No, but the pain moved towards my lips.”

“That’s ridiculous! How’d it do that?” I asked suspiciously.

“I don’t know. It really hurts though.” He dropped his hands. “Can you kiss it?”

“W-what?” I blushed.

“Please Sky, it hurts!”

“Oh, o-okay. This is only for medical reasons!” I leaned forward and gave him a quick peck on the lips, although when I tried to pull back, Thunder pulled me closer. I stood there in shock for what felt like an eternity before I realised what I was doing. It made me feel in need of a good bath and that I was betraying someone. I pulled away, bright red.


“Uh… How are you feeling?” I said changing to change the topic.

“A little better.” He blushed. The door behind us slammed against the wall and Joon came stomping towards me.

“What the hell Sky!?” He pushed Thunder into the dance studio and shut the door again. “You little !” I looked down in shame. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that. Dae told me that you like Mir, or she at least hinted it. And I see you kissing Cheondung. Stop and think for a second!”

“I’m sorry…”

“Don’t apologise. Just pick! I’m sick of all the pain.”

“I didn’t know what I was thinking, he said he was in pain and I just wanted to make it stop…”

“I can’t take it anymore. Every day I hear them talking about how wonderful you are, and I know you are wonderful, but you need to stop being so nice, it’s causing more problems. You need to be harsh and clearly give an answer, otherwise they won’t stop. Please, I say this because I’m your friend. If you’re going to leave, just leave. Stop making it hard for everyone.”

“Dae told you?”

“Of course, she’s my girlfriend.” It was weird, hearing the word ‘girlfriend’ and ‘Dae’ associated with each other. I’ve never heard her called that

“You really love her, don’t you?” Joon nodded. “How do you know when you are in love?” I asked.

“I honestly can’t tell you. For me, when I see Dae, my whole day is great, no matter how bad it was before. She makes me smile and I never want her to get hurt, simple as that.”

“I’m sick of people telling me it’s simple.” I sighed. “What if he said something that can’t be forgiven?” Joon came over and hugged me.

“It’s easier than you think; life’s too short to hold grudges. Now,” He stepped back and walked to the door, his hand resting on the handle. “I have to practise for tonight; Dae said she would be watching. You should leave here before the rest of MBLAQ find out. We don’t need any more distractions from you today.” Joon laughed and I waved.

“Tell them after the show, okay?”

“I’ll tell them.”



Mir’s POV

“If you’re going to leave, just leave…” I overheard Joon tell Loila as I pressed my ear against the door.

“Mir, what are you doing?” Seungho asked.

“I’m resting my head…”

“On the door?” G.O laughed.

“Sure.” I sighed. “What’s taking them so long?” Seungho grabbed my shoulder.

“You lied about Girl’s Generation, not funny.”

“Sorry, I needed a distraction.”

“So Cheondung could be alone with her? You really didn’t think that through.”

“What do you mean?”

“She’s acting differently today, don’t you think?” G.O asked, changing the subject. Seungho nodded in agreement. The door opened before I could even think about answering G.O. Joon strutted in, looking prepared for work again.

“What happened? Where’s Loila?” I inquired.

“She had to go… home. We should practise one more time.”

“We’re supposed to be resting. I’m going to be exhausted for tonight, I’m exhausted now!” I complained. The music started and MBLAQ began to dance, I, however, stood there with my arms crossed.

“Mir, you’re acting like a child again. What happened to being mature for Sky?” Joon whispered in my ear.

 “It’s not as fun with Loila…” I sulked. There was a few minutes silence as Joon stared at the floor in deep thought.

“I shouldn’t be picking sides…” Joon mumbled as he shook his head. “I agree with you, that’s why you’re going to go get her.”

“‘Go get her’? Didn’t she just go home?”

“No.” Joon looked at me apologetically. “She’s leaving Korea.”

“W-what? She didn’t tell me… What about tonight’s performance? Rain said I wasn’t allowed to skip another one, especially our comeback.”

“Our fans can wait.” Cheondung called. I gasped; Cheondung and I had been on weird terms lately, why would he want to help me? I ran over and hugged him.

“Thank you. I mean it. I guess this means you’re giving up on her?” I asked hopefully.

“I don’t know who you’re talking about. If you have somewhere to be, you should hurry before makeup. You have an hour.”



Loila’s POV

“Bae, can I come in?”

“Sure, I was just playing.” He sat up and placed the guitar on the floor.

“I love guitar.” I said calmly as I sat on the end of the bed. “One day, you’ll play that for your children and they’ll be so proud.”

“I guess.” Bae blushed. “I’ve decided to start making my own music.”

“Really? I’m happy for you.”

“Yeah, I figure it’s about time, since I’ve got a gig and all…” He didn’t meet my eyes when I stared. I jumped on him and hugged him.

“That’s so cool!” I squealed.

“Hey, get off me!” He laughed as he rolled off the bed and onto the floor.

“Sorry!” I chuckled. “When did this happen?”

“The night Thunder came over. I didn’t want to tell you in case it got cancelled.”

“Thunder set this up for you?”

“Yeah, I get to perform every night at a bar. They might have talent scouts there, I could become famous!”

“I’m so jealous!” I helped Bae stand up. I knew I had to tell Bae that I was leaving Korea, but he looked so happy. I remembered what it felt like when Dae left and I didn’t want to do that to Bae. “Uh, Bae…”

“What? No, you cannot have free tickets!” He picked up his guitar and fell onto his bed.

“I won’t be able to come to your show.”

“Really? Well that’s a shame; I guess you’ll come next week then.”

“No, I won’t be coming to any of your shows.”

“Oh.” Bae plucked some random strings.

“I mean, I want to but I’m actually leaving Korea.”

“You’re leaving? No…”

“It was kind of sudden for me too. I only found out yesterday.”

“No. No, no!” He slammed his hand against his guitar. “You can’t leave. Dae just left and I can’t lose another sister. It’s not fair!”

“Bae, I’m going to live with my family. I’m going to become an actual chef!”

“I’m pleased for you but I’m still going to miss you. Hy’s going to cry when I tell her and my parents will too. ‘Who will do the washing now!?’” He said in a high pitch voice, imitating Mrs. Park. I giggled and he stood up and hugged me tightly. I felt like no one could touch me. I felt safe.


“The house will be so empty and quiet without your constant screaming.”

“I don’t scream.” My head moved as his chest went up and down with laughter. “Okay, maybe occasionally…”

“You should have told me earlier!” Bae whined. “I could have thrown you a huge farewell party. I might not seem like it but I can be quite the party animal, Grandma always says so.” I bit my lip to try and hold my laughter.

“I’m going to say goodbye to the family and then I’m off, okay?”

“You have to visit and post pictures online. I want to see you in your uniform!”

“And I want to see you on stage.”

“I’m going to miss you, without knowing it; we’ve suddenly become good friends. It hasn’t even been a year!”

“You’re going to make me cry!” I flicked him in the arm with one hand as my other hand wiped my eyes.

“Don’t cry. I don’t want to remember you crying!” Bae flicked me back and I went to go and say goodbye. I was leaving my secure life but I promised myself I wouldn’t have any regrets, this was supposed to be for the better.

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Yeolah #1
Chapter 54: FINISHED!! *^* cute ouob
Chapter 54: HI^^ IT'S SUCH A CUTE STORY~~~^^ Write more please??
I came across your story a long time ago, unfortunately I kept putting off reading it because it seemed a bit long.But once I did start reading I regretted not reading it earlier. I loved the entire story: the plot AND the characters. I really wished it was longer even though when I first saw it I thought it was too long. I also really loved the way you had messages behind certain sentences! You did an amazing job and I think i probably will be re-reading! I hope you continue to write because I can tell you are extremely talented!See you at your next fanfic! ^^
This is officially one of THE best stories i've ever read. And trust me, i've read a LOT.>3<~ I wish you did more than just one story. Your story is so good, i finished it in less than a day! Hope to see you in another story soon! The story was soooo awesome!
mi_HYU #5
rawr....!!!!!,DOGS FIGHTING...!!!,ahe

this is soooooooo SWEET.....
Im glad to be an A+ (: Now if you don't mind . I'll go back to fangirling about Mir <3
jellyfriedgreen7 #7
That was a really nice and different story! Glad of all the cute little dogs that played such large roles~!
Congratulations on finishing! Go Mblaq!!
Thank you for that story... I felt as if I was reading my own dream... The olny difference is that I'm not Australian (and I would chose Cheondung). That was the best story I read out of all of them. Keep writing, you have talent to steel people hearts ♥.
Proud to be an A+ ! Hwaititng !!! ^^
A sweet story
Chapter 50 is brilliant