Luxurious Lunch

Paws The Music!

Loila’s POV

“I was kidding.” Dae punched me in the arm. “So you do like dogs!”

“I never said that…”

“You got all excited when I mentioned him!” Dae teased.

“No I didn’t!” I screeched.

“Okay, okay. We can change the topic if you-”

“I didn’t get excited!”

“I was teasing you, we don’t have to-”

“Why do you care? You’re going to leave soon anyway.” I said sadly. She had just got here and she would be leaving later on today.

“You want me to stay here and waste all my potential!?” Dae joked. I pouted.

“He doesn’t even like me…”

“Lola, I swear you’re blind!” Dae punched me in the arm, hard this time. “Can you just tell him and get this over with? It was obvious since we gave them a lift home, he couldn’t stop staring!”

“Has he told you that he likes me?”

“Well no…”

“Then he doesn’t. Besides, he’s an idol and has heaps of pressure already; I don’t want to add to that.” Dae looked at the clock and sighed.

 “I guess I should go.”

“I thought your plane didn’t come until tonight!”

“I need my beauty sleep. Don’t miss me too much, okay? I’m only next door!” She laughed as she gave me a hug. “Goodbyes get easier the more they happen!”

“No they don’t!” I sulked. Dae wiped her eyes and grabbed her handbag.

“I can’t stay because I only brought this. I love you Lola!” She laughed. “Just remember, when Mir gets angry, it’s because he cares…” She waved and went to say goodbye to her family, I had no idea what he last statement meant. I grabbed Cloud, ran to the bedroom window and made the toy wave as she drove away.


“She’s like a ghost!” Someone chuckled. I turned around.

“Hey, Bae.” I made Cloud wave to him. “Do you want something?” I asked casually. I had almost forgotten what Bae was like when he was drunk, we were so close now.

“Not really. Did you tell Cheondung that you were okay?”

“What are you talking about?” I unsuccessfully raised an eyebrow which made Bae give a confused expression.

“He came over earlier today. He thought you had been kidnapped!” He shook his head like it was some inside joke. “He’s a pretty cool guy.”

“Yeah, he is.”

“He still likes you, you know?” Bae was pacing around the room which made me think he was up to something.

“Ah, well this is awkward…” I said quietly.

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but can you give him a chance?” Bae suddenly asked.

“Bae, I don’t like Thunder like that.”

“Love can fade and he really likes you. Please?” Bae pleaded.

“Why are you asking me this? Is something wrong?” I took a step closer and stared into his eyes. “You can tell me.”

“I don’t want to see him hurt. He’s a good friend.”

“When did you become friends?” I questioned. Bae never seemed like the social type.

“He knows people.” He said with more meaning that I could figure out. I gave him a quizzical look. “Um… I mean, people that can make me famous, how can I ignore that?” Bae snickered. “He said he would put in a good word for me.” I smiled. Bae was like Dae after all.  

“This doesn’t seem right, Bae. Did Thunder ask you to do this?” I felt like I was being nosey but Bae seemed really apprehensive.

“Uh…. Just think about it, okay?” He smiled. Why couldn’t he just tell me? He was making me worry. “I don’t want anyone to get hurt…” The doorbell rang and he ran out of the room to get it. “Sky, it’s for you!” I ran out of the room, still clutching Cloud.

“Rod? What are you doing here?” I hugged Cloud closely.

“I see you still love soft toys.” He patted my head like I was a little child which made me flinch. I was not a child anymore, even though I acted like one occasionally. “You promised me that we would have lunch sometime. Now is that time!” He grabbed my arms.

“Lunch was hours ago.” I cried as he pulled me outside. “I’m not even dressed properly!”

“That doesn’t matter. Not where we’re going!”


Rod drove me to a stylish restaurant and I felt silly in my choice of outfit. I tugged my jumper sleeves down and left Cloud in the passenger’s seat. “Are you sure we can eat here? I don’t think I fit the dress code…”

“The owner’s one of my family friends. It will be fine as long as you stop fidgeting!” I let go of Kimchi’s collar and put my hands behind my back. The inside of the restaurant was as gorgeous as the outside. Rod was welcomed like he was a regular and we sat at a quiet table in the back. He ordered the ‘usual’ and the waiter took our menus away.

“This place is so pretty…” I gaped in awe at my surrounds and the glamorous people socializing.

“You should be used to these kinds of restaurants; someone in your family owns one!”

“Who?” I asked. Rod laughed at my stupid comment. “Oh, right…” Uncle Rod leaned his arms on the table and smiled one of his brilliant grins. It made me jealous that I hadn’t inherited that grin from my Dad.

“So Sky,” I smiled back. I liked it when he called me Sky, although it was my nickname, it seemed more personal when he said it. “Did you change your mind about my proposal?”

“Proposal?” I stared, wide-eyed. “Isn’t that illegal?”

“No, my dear! Not that kind of proposal, I meant the job offer!”

“Oh!” I laughed awkwardly. Why did I have such an awkward presence? “Sorry, I still don’t know if I can accept. My friend, Dae, just left the country, so there has been a lot of spares shifts at work. I still get time to do my cooking lessons but I spend most of my time at work. To be honest, I enjoy it, gives me time to think.”

“I totally understand, you see, that’s why you began to like cooking. Every time you got in trouble you would demand to cook. I wonder, are you still stubborn?” I thought back to my previous conversation with Dae and ‘dogs’.

“I’ve been told I am…” We both laughed and our food was served. I picked at my meal while Uncle Rod blew on it before cutting a tiny piece and plopping it into his mouth, everything about Uncle Rod was polite, I wondered why my Dad didn’t have Rod’s manners.

“Has your father ever told you about our family?”

“No.” I said with slight interest. “I never bothered to ask Dad.”

“Oh my! Where have you been living these past few years?” I opened my mouth to speak and he held up a finger. “Don’t answer that!”

“Sorry.” I took a sip of my mysterious drink and Uncle Rod continued.

“You mean you don’t know anything? Your parents really didn’t tell you anything?” I nodded. “Well, I’m glad we could catch up, it seems I have a lot to explain.”

“Mum tried to tell me about the family but that was when I was a little kid, I never really cared about family when I was little. I think I used to have a grandma but I haven’t seen her in years.”

“Mother was always a cheek pincher.” He leaned over the table and spoke so quietly that I had to lean forward to hear him. “I better not be too loud, she’ll kick us out!”

“What?” I swallowed hard so I didn’t choke. Uncle Rod should know by now to tell me important things after I’ve eaten. This is so comical!


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Yeolah #1
Chapter 54: FINISHED!! *^* cute ouob
Chapter 54: HI^^ IT'S SUCH A CUTE STORY~~~^^ Write more please??
I came across your story a long time ago, unfortunately I kept putting off reading it because it seemed a bit long.But once I did start reading I regretted not reading it earlier. I loved the entire story: the plot AND the characters. I really wished it was longer even though when I first saw it I thought it was too long. I also really loved the way you had messages behind certain sentences! You did an amazing job and I think i probably will be re-reading! I hope you continue to write because I can tell you are extremely talented!See you at your next fanfic! ^^
This is officially one of THE best stories i've ever read. And trust me, i've read a LOT.>3<~ I wish you did more than just one story. Your story is so good, i finished it in less than a day! Hope to see you in another story soon! The story was soooo awesome!
mi_HYU #5
rawr....!!!!!,DOGS FIGHTING...!!!,ahe

this is soooooooo SWEET.....
Im glad to be an A+ (: Now if you don't mind . I'll go back to fangirling about Mir <3
jellyfriedgreen7 #7
That was a really nice and different story! Glad of all the cute little dogs that played such large roles~!
Congratulations on finishing! Go Mblaq!!
Thank you for that story... I felt as if I was reading my own dream... The olny difference is that I'm not Australian (and I would chose Cheondung). That was the best story I read out of all of them. Keep writing, you have talent to steel people hearts ♥.
Proud to be an A+ ! Hwaititng !!! ^^
A sweet story
Chapter 50 is brilliant