Set Up

Blind Date and Blind Fate

            “Oh I meant to tell you earlier, but you’ve got plans this weekend!” A bouncy Baekhyun announced to his serious dark haired friend. He flipped so he was on his stomach, kicking his legs and his face was between the palms of his hands. His smile reeked with mischief. "Per usual" thought Kyungsoo.

            “I didn’t make any plans.” Kyungsoo said simply, bracing himself for whatever Baekhyun had signed him up for this time. Baekhyun, as energetic as always, rolled onto his back messing up the sheets that Kyungsoo had just straightened up. Kyungsoo sighed, moving to sit down on the bed next to the squirming boy.

            “You’re always so tense, you should loosen up. That’s why I set you up.” Baekhyun smirked at Kyungsoo upside down.

            “Set me up?” Kyungsoo asked, raising an eyebrow. Baekhyun flipped back over and sat up quickly nodding.

            “I sure did, it’s because I’m the best friend ever.”

            “No, but like, what do you mean you set me up?” Kyungsoo was hoping Baekhyun didn’t mean a date.

            “A blind date! He’s great, Chanyeol told me all about him and he seems like a good guy for you. He’s really serious like you and seems standoffish at first but apparently he’s a dork on the inside, or so I’ve heard.” Baekhyun began to ramble, ignoring Kyungsoo’s obviously unimpressed facial expression.

            “I’m not trying to date anyone, Baek.”

            “Yeah I know, but I feel so guilty now that I’m spending so much time with Chanyeol. You’re all alone without me, your best friend, your platonic soul mate, the eggs to your bacon, the w-“

            “Baek relax! I’ve got… other friends.” Kyungsoo avoided Baekhyun’s suspicious gaze.

            “Oh yeah? Like who?”

            “Chanyeol is my friend.”

            “Only because he’s my boyfriend, but who else?”

            Kyungsoo thought for a moment, “I’m friendly with that boy in my Music Theory class! Uh, Xiumin! Yeah, I’m friendly with Xiumin!”

            “You couldn’t even remember his name for a minute, Soo. And being friendly is different than being friends.” Baekhyun crossed his arms and looked more intently at his friend.

            “I don’t see a difference…” Kyungsoo mumbled, looking away from the brown haired boy.

            “Ugh, you’re impossible.” Baekhyun flopped down on the bed, laying parallel to Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo stood up and grabbed his books. Speaking of his Music Theory class made him remember that he still had homework to get done. He sat back down with his textbook in his hand. He was flipping through the pages trying to find the right lesson when Baekhyun snatched it from him and ran out of the room quickly.

            “Baekhyun! What the hell?!” Kyungsoo quickly got up to run after him. Baekhyun had run down the hall to Chanyeol’s room where the door was already open. Luckily it was only 8pm so no one was awakened by their noisiness. When Kyungsoo arrived to Chanyeol’s dorm panting, he saw the tall boy holding his book high above his head, out of both Baekhyun and Kyungsoo’s reach.

            “You’re the absolute worst friend ever.” Kyungsoo groaned as he looked longingly at his book so far above him.

            “You’ll get the book back after your date tomorrow.” Baekhyun smirked and looked at Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo looked at Chanyeol with his big pleading puppy dog eyes.

            “Are you really going to follow through with this, Chanyeol? Are you that whipped?” Kyungsoo pleaded. Chanyeol smiled and then shrugged with his free shoulder.

            “It’s probably to my benefit to comply. Baekhyun is good with rewards.” Chanyeol said with a wink. Baekhyun’s face turned a light shade of red, and he hit Chanyeol’s arm lightly. Kyungsoo shook his head, not wanting to even imagine anything about the two noisy people’s intimacy.

            “Fine, fine, I’ll go tomorrow, can I have my book?”

            “Nope, you only get it after you go.” Baekhyun blew a kiss to Chanyeol, and then walked Kyungsoo out of the room. On the short walk back to the room, Kyungsoo was nothing but grumbles and complaints. He was the one flopping on the bed this time.

            “You’re just lucky that tomorrow’s Saturday and I don’t have to have the work done until Monday, otherwise I would’ve just kicked Chanyeol in the shins.” Kyungsoo continues to mumble. Baekhyun just rolled his eyes, focusing on his own Calculus homework. They both know while Kyungsoo could probably beat up Chanyeol if he really set his mind to it, Kyungsoo was actually a little bit excited about going on the blind date the next day, even if he didn’t show it. 

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YoItsItati #1
Chapter 6: this fic is so good (:
Chapter 6: This is amaaazing! Such short chapters tho... :(
But haha the bit at the end XD so funny
Kaiss #3
Chapter 6: This story is so cute I love it
And why yes I like wolf au!!
Chapter 6: Too cute and adorable. Ugh! Kai... he's an enigma for me. I wonder what's he up to. Or maybe he was just really like that. But he is too smooth to act that way. LOL. Anyway, all in all the story is interesting. Tho it confused me on this chapter cause I thought on the previous chapter Baek and Yeol were going to Yeol's apartment and leave kaisoo alone but the next day their in Baek's room? Hmmm...
erunino09 #5
Chapter 3: seems this chapter got a double work on it.
Chapter 6: Its cute, but still curious about kai, hope he's truly a good guy ;))
chomesukesharp #7
Chapter 6: *intense screaming *
Chapter 6: Thanks for the update. I will take a look on your new story soon. Fighting!
Chapter 5: So cute. I cant handle it. Please update soon
xxxJaeRin92 #10
Chapter 5: Ashdkdkkflflffl cute seriously seriously cute i should watch an action movie just to restore my manliness but that'd be stupid bec im a girl lol