
Of Porridge, Honey Lemon Tea and A Lullaby

It's only half past seven in the morning but the school slash daycare is already bustling with energy. Zhang laoshi is already on the door greeting the group of children and their parents who are coming in. Some of them are easy to handle, used to be at the school already so they don't fuss or cry when their parents bid them goodbye, but some are seemed to be in their 'moody' state and refuse to separate with their parents. They're mostly the first graders, and the pre-schoolers.

But with promises of watching cartoons before class and kisses on both cheeks by their parents, they calm down and don't protest when Zhang laoshi brings them into his arms and carries them outstairs to the class, where Minshuo laoshi is waiting. 
"Nah, Qingzhu, here you go" Zhang laoshi lowers himself on the carperted floor so he can let go of Zitao who is still clinging into him. "Now let's get your coat taken off, okay?" Zhang laoshi gestures to Zitao's coat and makes a move to take it off but Zitao's wail stops him. 
Panicking, he scoops Zitao to his arm immediately and tries to calm him down. Thank God, Minshuo laoshi comes to the rescue and takes Zitao from Zhang laoshi's arms and it allows him to go downstairs to wait for the other kids.  
On his way out of the door, his steps are stopped by a tug on his pants. Zhang laoshe's looks down to see Joonmyeon starring with his wide eyes at him.
"Laoshi, is Yifan here yet?" The little one tilts his head as he asks the question, with lips jutted out in a pouty manner, the thing he usually does when he has something that he wants or there is something he doesn't feel pleased about. 
Zhang laoshi shakes his head, "He isn't here yet, I'll go downstairs and wait for him. Okay?" 
The pout on Junmen's face gets deeper, he clutches on the book on his grip tightly. He made a promise with Yifan yesterday that they will color his new dragon colorbook today, Junmian already asked his mom to drop him at the daycare earlier so they can color one or two drawings before the class starts. 
But the slightly older boy seems to be late today. 
"Okay...." Junmian answers slowly. 
Zhang laoshi squats down to match Junmian's eye level, smiling brightly at the sullen boy in front of him, "Zhang laoshi will be downstairs waiting for him and as soon as he's here, I'll bring him to you. What do you think?"
"He doesn't usually come late, so I bet he will be here in a minute" Zhang laoshi says again, cheering up the boy. 
"Xiexie, Zhang laoshi.." Junmian finally says after a few seconds in silence. He raises on his toes and lands a peck on Zhang laoshi's cheek, surprising the teacher. 
"Thank you for the kiss! Now I'm fully energized!" Zhang laoshi's screams excitedly over Joonmyeon's happy face. And when the little boy comes back to the class after finding Zhongda and decided to play with him first, Zhang laoshi heads downstairs. 
"Yifan, are you sure you want to go to kindergarden today?" Mrs. Wu asks as the car stops in front of the building. She turns on her side to see her usually bright son slumped on the car passenger seat. 
Yifan straightens on his seat, "It's okay, Mooooom" he answers, albeit weakly. He doesn't feel really great today but he doesn't want to miss school and breaks his promise with Junmian. 
Mrs. Wu only tsks silently as she reaches over Yifan's side to unbuckle the safety belt. "You stay here, Mom will carry you inside" she says before going out the car. Yifan is usually one to protest because which first grader is being carried by his mom to class? But he doesn't feel like protesting today and just want to snuggle with his Mom more before the school starts. Maybe he'll feel a bit better. 
It must be the fever talking, Mrs. Wu concludes inside her head, seeing Yifan's close to non reaction. It's not like she's complaining, she misses cuddling with her boy. 
Not long after, the door beside Yifan opens and he reaches out his two still-short arms to his Mom, waiting to be picked up. Mrs. Wu only chuckles before lifting Yifan up into her arms. The smaller boy immediately buries his face on his mother's neck, tickling it slightly. 
"Are you sure you don't want me to drop you at grandma's place so you can rest, huh?" Mrs. Wu asks again, a little guilty because she has a lot of work to do and she really can't leave their job. But she will try to get home earlier for Yifan. 
Yifan shakes his head, head still buried on his mother's neck, "It's okay, Mom. You have work, right? And I am not sick, I'm just sleepy that's all" 
Mrs. Wu hums lowly, and only smiles hearing her child trying to convince her that he's not sick. It's not like Mrs. Wu is buying the lie. She makes a note to buy Yifan's favorite food on the way home later. 
They are welcomed by Zhang laoshi the moment they reach the front door. 
"Good morning, Mrs. Wu" Zhang laoshi greets with low voice, doesn't want to wake the seemingly-sleeping boy abruptly. He eyes Yifan who is laying his head on Mrs. Wu's shoulder. 
"Good morning to you too, Zhang laoshi. Yifan, greet Zhang laoshi?" 
Yifan raises his head and turns around his body slightly to face Zhang laoshi, before bowing slightly. "Good morning, Zhang laoshi," he wriggles a bit, and his Mom takes it as sign to crouch down and let Yifan stands by his own. 
"Good morning to you too, Yifan. You don't look really well today?" Zhang laoshi asks, voice laced with worry. 
"Nu-uh" Yifan shrugs as he puts his shoes on the rack, "I'm just sleepy Zhang laoshi, can I go upstairs first? I want to meet Junmian"
"Yifan be careful!" Mrs. Wu chides softly, eyeing Yifan and lets out a breath of relief when he sees Yifan safely reaches upstairs. 
"Is he okay, Mrs. Wu? He doesn't look really great today" 
Mrs. Wu nods weakly, "His body temperature is raising since last night. But not too high, thankfully. I asked him to rest at his grandma's house, but I think the Junmian boy is so important for him he doesn't want to miss a day without meeting him" 
Zhang laoshi laughs, "Well, those two are surely glued on the hip since Junmian first moved here. They both like dragons, apparantly" 
"Well, no wonder" Mrs. Wu looks at her watch and pats his head in a forgetul manner, "Oh my God, the time for meeting is nearing. Zhang laoshi, I'll go first. Please don't hesitate to call me when you see Yifan's condition gets worse" 
Zhang laoshi bids the woman goodbye, "I will, Mrs. Wu. Be careful on the way to the office"
Junmian is in another round of a traditional game Zhongdae just teached him before when he sees a familiar tuft of hair appears from behind the door. He immediately stands up and runs away, leaving Zhongda sulky but not for long because Liyin soon replaces Junmian. 
"Yifan!" Junmian calls out excitedly. 
Yifan, who still bothers to take off his coat looks up immediately when he hears the familiar voice, "Junmian, hey" 
"Why are you late today?" Junmian puts out his pouty lips once again, "But, it's okay now that you're here come on let's go coloring!" he continues without waiting for Yifan's answer. 
They are now sitting on one of the table near the window looking out to the garden, with coloring books splayed out in front of them. 
"Yifan, which one--" Joonmyeon paused in his talking when he looks up to Yifan, "Yifan why are you looking so tired? It's still morning, eh?" Joonmyeon finally asks, finally noticing the pale face of his friend. He reaches out a hand to Yifan's forehead, muttering 'is it like what Mom used to do? I think it's right' softly under his breath. Once his skin touches Yifan's forehead, his eyes widen in horror. 
"Yifan! You're so hot! I should tell Zhang laoshi that you're sick!!" 
Yifan shakes his head immediately, "No! No! Don't tell Zhang laoshi!" 
Junmian stuns in his seat, tilting his head in a confused manner, "Why?" 
"If you tell him, he will tell Ma about it. I don't want to worry Ma, Ma has a lot of work today" Yifan answers with a low voice, "Please help me, Junmian? I don't want to worry Ma," Yifan continues. 
Junmian only stills and stares into Yifan's pleading eyes. Minutes passed until he answers out, "Okay. But if you gets sicker, I'll tell Zhang laoshi" Junmian says it with much finality, Yifan only nods as an okay. 
"Okay, kids, for today we will watch a movie. And today's movie is...." Zhang laoshi puts a hand inside the box filled with folded papers with movie titles written on it. After shaking it a few times, he picks one piece of paper and takes it out. 
"Drum roll, please" Zhang laoshi requests. The room is soon filled with soft thumping of little fists on the table and the low humming of children mimicking the drum sound. 
"MADAGASCAR!" Zhang laoshi reads the paper loudly, "Who loves Madagascar?!" 
The children is in a festival mood as they raise their hand and shouting 'me! me! me!'. They immediately surges forward nearing the TV area to secure their place while Zhang laoshi is putting the DVD inside the player. Some of them sit crossed leg on the floor, some of them laying on their stomach and some others sit with their back rest on the sofa in the middle of the room. 
"Yifan, where do you want to sit?" Junmian asks, "Do you want to be near the front? Next to Zhongren?" Junmian always likes watching from the front because he's a little bit short and he sometimes has to watch Chanli's back instead of the movie when he is late to get and claim his place. The place beside Zhongren now is perfect because it still follows the not-too-close-distance-to-watch-tv-that-can-make-your-eyes-go-bad rules made by Zhang laoshi, and it's pretty in front so Junmian doesn't have to be afraid about watching Chanli's back again. 
"Eung?" Yifan replies with no interest, his head is starting to hurt a little and his throat doesn't feel that well too. And the fact that the movie is not related to dragons, and galaxy, he doesn't really have much interest with it. "I think I'll go sit at the sofa, I think I want to sleep" Yifan says as he gestures to the sofa. Junmian stares at the sofa, they can still watch from there but it's too far for his opinion. 
Yifan seems to read what's inside Junmian's mind and he says again, "You don't have to sit with me, Jun. You can sit on the front" 
Junmian shifts in his place, unsure. "Are you sure?" 
"Yes, it's okay. Now go sit, the movie is starting" 
Instead of going to his seat immediately, Junmian walks to where Zhang laoshi sits with something in his mind and pats him softly on the back. "Zhang laoshi..."
"Ah, Junmian? What happened? Why don't you go sit with your friends to watch the movie?" Zhang laoshi asks curiously. 
Junmian shakes his head slowly, and then he scans around to see. One look to the group huddled in front of the TV and a glance to the sofa. When he sees that Yifan's eyes are focused on the television (even tho droopy), Junmian tiptoes and gestures Zhang laoshi to lowers his body so he can whisper something. 
"Zhang laoshi, can you give me a blanket?" 
Zhang laoshi is a little surprised with the question, and a little bit worried. But he answers, "Of course, Junmian. How much do you want?" 
Junmian raises his index finger, as in saying 'one'. Zhang laoshi gets up from his seat and searches through the cupboard, retrieving a blanket from inside and gives it to Joonmyeon who is receiving it with a wide grin on his face. 
"Here you go. What happened, Junmian? Are you cold anywhere?" 
"No no no!" Junmian replies one second too fast, making Zhang laoshi alerts. Junmian fidgets on his place, trying to find an answer, "It's only the floor is cold, I want to lay the blanket down before sitting on it! Thank you Zhang laoshi! Goodbye!" 
Junmian sprints away immediately after that, not wanting to suddenly blurts out his real intention on getting a blanket. He remembers his promise with Yifan before, and he doesn't want to break it 
He walks to the sofa, hoping Yifan will still be awake but he comes to an already sleeping Yifan. 
He opens the blanket on his hand, before laying it on top Yifan's body. 
"Have a nice dream, Yifan!" He whispers softly before going to his seat next to Zhongren. 
Soon after the movie ends, it's nearing lunch time and everyone starts to get hungry. There is still time left, so Zhang laoshi gives the children a free time while he's going to the kitchen to help preparing the lunch. 
Junmian is playing with Zitao when the sudden "Lunch is ready!" from Zhang laoshi roars from outside into the room, and the cheers from the other children is heard. They immediately leave their toys behind and go outside to the dining room, some guessing about what the lunch will be today. 
"Chicken!" is definitely the guess from Zhongren. 
Instead of following the others, Junmian makes his way to the sofa where Yifan is sleeping, wanting to wake the taller up so they can head to the dining room together. 
"Yifan?" Junmian calls out, no answer. 
Junmian rushes over to Yifan, only to realize that now his friend is now shivering, his body shaking, his arms wrapped around his body and the blanket is pulled to his chin. Yifan starts to move around in his sleep, face distorted in an uncomfortable expression. 
"Yifan...?" Junmian calls once again. 
No answer. 
"Zhang laoshi!!!" 
Zhang laoshi counts the kids around the room, wanting to make sure that all of the children is already there before he distributes today's lunch. Table 1 to 3 are complete, but table 4 lacks two people. Junmian and Yifan. 
"Qingzhu, did you see Junmian and Yifan?" he asks to one of the boy sitting on the table 4. Qingzhu only nods, before adding, "I saw Junmian on the play room before. But he didn't come with us when we came here. He went to wake Yifan up" 
"What.." Zhang laoshi wants to ask again but his question stops mid-air when he hearsJunmian's shouting from outside, the voice getting closer. 
"Zhang laoshi!" Junmian shouts again once he's face to face with the teacher, "Yifan!!" 
The name and the expression on Junmian's face only are enough for Zhang laoshi to have a guess about what probably happened. He scoops the scared Junmian on his arms but the boy fidgets too much because of panicking, Zhang laoshi has to crouches down and holds him firmly, looking him eye-to-eye.
"Junmian, don't panic please. Now tell me what happened with Yifan" 
Junmian doesn't answer, he takes Zhang laoshi hand and half pulling the teacher out of the dining room, back to the play room. 
"Is he okay?" Zhang laoshi asks as Minshuo laoshi comes out from the infimirary. Minshuo laoshi only chuckles at the serious tone and pats Zhang laoshi's back, "He's fine. It's only his fever is getting worse because he didn't take any medicine. I gave him food and fed him the medicine his Ma told us. His temperature is going down now, but still higher than normal" 
"Oh, thank God" Zhang laoshi lets out a relieved sigh. "I was so worried when I saw him so restless in his sleep my mind just went blank" 
"It usually happens in people with fever, tho. There's nothing to be worry about, and now he's getting better. You can go in now. I'll take care the other kids. It's nearing their nap time. You already called Mrs. Wu?" 
Zhang laoshi nods, "I did. She's on the way here. Okay thank you, Minshuo. I'll take care of Yifan here, and..." Zhang laoshi gestures to Joonmyeon who is now looking at his feet, shoulder shaking once in a while. 
"He's so shocked he can't stop crying until now. Poor boy. I'll take care of him too" 
Minshuo laoshi nods, "Okay then. I'll get going first and save the kids from Luhan, I think" 
"Nah, save them from having another round of soccer. I don't want my kids get too tired and smelly for the afternoon class before going home" 
Minshuo laoshi laughs, "I'll go first. Bye", he waves goodbye to his fellow teacher and waves to Junmian, which the kid doesn't replied. Still too caught up at starring on his toes.
"Junmian..." Zhang laoshi calls out, walking closer to the chair where Junmian is sitting. 
"Laoshi, I'm sorry!!!!" 
Junmian's wails and another set of his tears soon filled the room, and Zhang laoshi immediately throws his arms around the little boy who is shaking violently, crying. Zhang laoshi runs a hand up and down the little one's back, hoping the gesture would calm him down. But, Junmian's breath just turns more eratic when he starts to speak. 
"Zhang laoshi, I'm sorry because I didn't tell you sooner..." Junmian pauses as he takes a breath, "I should have told you sooner that Yifan is sick so he... He... He..." 
"Hey hey hey, it's not your fault, Junmian.." Zhang laoshi wipes his thumbs on Junmian's cheeks, wiping the tears away. "It was because Yifan didn't take the medicine earlier that's why he was like that. It's not your fault." 
"But.. But..." 
"No buts" Zhang laoshi says firmly, shutting Junmian up but the body in his hold is still shaking time to time. "It's not your fault, Junmian. It is Zhang laoshi's fault to not realize it sooner, Zhang laoshi knows Yifan is sick but I don't think it will be like this" Zhang laoshi says again. "But, why didn't you tell us sooner if he's sick?" 
Junmian takes it a deep breath, trying to supress his sobs down so he can answer Zhang laoshi's question, "I have a promise with Yifan," he answers in a low voice, eyes not meeting Zhang laoshi because he is afraid. "I promise him not to tell you unless he's getting more sick," Junmian continues. 
Zhang laoshi's face scrunchs up in question, "And why would he make you do that?" 
"He said he doesn't want to bother his Ma's work" 
The answer makes Zhang laoshi smiles, as expected from Yifan, the most mature children in his class despite still in his first grade. Zhang laoshi runs a hand through Junmian's hair, pulling back the bang that sticking on Junmian's forehead because of the sweat, "Now, Yifan is awake. Do you want to see him?" 
Junmian nods albeit hesitantly. 
Zhang laoshi raises up, scooping Junmian into his embrace. "Come on, let's go" 
The door opens slightly and the voice distracts Yifan from playing with the edge of the blanket. He starts to feel drowsy after the food given and the medicine consumed, but he still doesn't feel like sleeping. 
"Yifan? You're awake?" There's someone's head popping out from behind the door and it turns out to be Zhang laoshi. Yifan smiles, feeling all better, "Yes, Zhang laoshi" 
"Can I come in? Someone wants to meet you" Zhang laoshi asks. Yifan raises his eyebrows, 'who is it?'. It can't be his Ma because Minsuo laoshe didn't say anything about calling his Ma. Or maybe his laoshi calls his Ma, but even though he does, it won't take this short from his Ma's work place to the daycare. 
Zhang laoshi soon comes in with Junmian with his arms, eyes puffed and frown evident in his face, his body shakes slightly. Yifan's eyes keep staring at Junmian. 
"Junmian, why are you crying?" 
The question sets Junmian in another set of tears again, sobbing on the crook of Zhang laoshi's neck. "Sorry.. Yifan.. Sorry I told Zhang laoshi..." he sobs out in between breath, "You were.. Shaking.. And... I'm scared.." 
Junmian hides his face further on Zhang laoshi's neck as Zhang laoshi strides closer to the edge of the bed, sitting on the chair. Junmian doesn't want to face Yifan because he feels guilty of breaking his promise, but a part of him relieved because Yifan looks more healthy and that can only mean he did the right thing telling the teacher. 
Yifan looks around, as if searching for something. When he finds what he's looking for, he asks Zhang laoshi to pass it to him because it's a little bit far. 
"How much?" Zhang laoshi asks, one hand pulling out the tissues out of it's box, "This much?" 
Yifan nods, and Zhang laoshi gives the tissues to Yifan. Junmian doesn't realize anything as he still sobbing and doesn't want to look at Yifan. 
"Junmian! Look at here!" Yifan calls out. 
At the sound of his name being called cheerily by Yifan, Junmian pulls away from Zhang laoshi to look at Yifan. 
Yifan smiles and he holds the tissue in his hand close to Junmian's face, wiping the tears from the younger's face and wiping the snot that comes out of Junmian's nose. 
Zhang laoshi has to hold back the urge to coo at the scene unfolds in front of him. 
"It's okay, Junmian! I'm sorry I made you worry" Yifan pulls back his stretched out arm, looking down. "I think I'm going to make my Mom angry at me," he mumbles. 
"No!" Junmian shouts all of the sudden, making two pairs of eyes turn their attention at him, "Yifan! Your mom will not be angry because you're sick! She will be really nice to you, she will cook you porridge, she will sing you to sleep, she will kiss you on the forehead just like my mom does to me when I'm sick! You don't have to worry" 
"And I will tell your Ma that you didn't want to tell her because you were afraid you will disturb her work, Yifan. You don't have to worry!" 
Just in time with Junmian finishing his rant, the door opens to reveal Mrs. Wu still in her work attire, chest heaving from the running she must have done just then. 
"Yifan!" She calls out panickly, but she lets out a relief sigh when she sees Yifan sitting down on the bed, face looking healthier than the morning she left him on the daycare. 
"Ma? Why are you here?"
Mrs. Wu tsks as she makes her way to the bed, "Of course to get you home, sweetie. And don't you dare to say that you're just sleepy this time, Ma will not going to believe you"
"But, Ma--" 
"Ssh" Mrs. Wu shush him and scoops Yifan into her arms, and smiles a little when Yifan sighs in defeat, no more refusing but laying his head on the crook of his Ma's neck, arms circling around her neck. 
Mrs. Wu turns to her side and just then she finally notices Zhang laoshi sitting there with Junmian on his lap. 
"Oh my, Zhang laoshi! Sorry I didn't notice you before" she greets and bows down, a little embarrased for her act. 
"It's okay, you must be really worried about Yifan" Zhang laoshi smiles, and then he turns the attention to Junmian, "Junmian, greet Mrs. Wu, Yifan's ma" 
"Hello, Mrs. Wu. I'm Junmian, Yifan's friend," Junmian throws a small smile to Mrs. Wu, things he wanted to say before forgotten now. 
Mrs. Wu reaches out a hand to wipe the evident trace of tears on Junmian's face, "Oh, it's about time to meet you, Junmian. Yifan always talks about you at home," she says, ignoring the low whine of 'Maaaaaa' from Yifan, clearly embarrased. But, she ignores it and keeps cooing at Junmian. 
"Do you like dragons too, honey?" She asks again. 
Junmian looks at Zhang laoshi, as if confused about what to answer. Zhang laoshi gives him a nod. 
"Yes, Mrs. Wu" 
She beams at the answer, "Then you will be happy playing at our house! Would you want to go to our house someday, Junmian? So you and Yifan can play all you want" 
Junmian's face immediately lits up at the invitation, "Yes yes Mrs. Wu! I will tell my Ma about it!" 
"We will be waiting for you, Junmian" Mrs. Wu winks at the boy, before grabbing Yifan's bag from the bedside table, "I think we need to go first. See you later, Junmian" 
"See you later, Junmian" Only now Yifan's voice is heard again. 
Junmian smiles, "Bye-bye Fanfan! See you tomorrow!"
"And get well soon!" 
"Fanfan?" Mrs. Wu asks, the hint of teasing evident in her voice. Yifan groans, "Maaa, don't call me thaaat" 
"Eh? Why?" Mrs. Wu closes the car door and the turning on the engine, "You let Junmian calls you that" 
Yifan doesn't answer, only puffing his cheek out and muttering things softly under his breath. His Ma will never let the thing down for a few weeks and Yifan has to be prepared with more unwanted nickname after this. 
The car is silent for a while before Mrs. Wu sighs, eyes on the steering wheel, "Yifan.. I heard what Junmian said before. Is it true that you didn't want to tell Ma because you were afraid to disturb Ma's job?" 
Yifan gets wide-eyed at the question, he didn't remember Junmian telling his Ma about it but his Ma must heard things before she went into the room. Yifan nods slightly as an answer, looking down because he's afraid to face his Ma. 
"Yifan, look at Ma" Mrs. Wu says softly, and Yifan turns his gaze to his Ma, doesn't want to anger his Ma further. "I'm not angry at you, Yifan. Ma only wants to tell you that you don't have to be afraid to tell Ma that you're not well, or when you're sick anywhere anytime anyplace. You are more important than Ma's work. Ma will be there everytime you need Ma. I want you to know that, okay?" 
Mrs. Wu is trying hard to keep her tears in. She doesn't know how much she misses her own son because she's been busy with her work lately. She doesn't realize since when Yifan grew up into more mature, for a child in his first year of elementary school. She somehow misses the kid Yifan who will always whine to get what he wants and the Yifan who wants cuddle all the time. But, that doesn't mean she isn't proud with what she just discovered about Yifan today. 
A smile appears on Mrs. Wu's face, "Now, let's get home. Shall we?" She wipes the tear that manages to escape from her eyes and starts moving the car. "What do you want to eat, son?"
Yifan shakes his head, "I want to go home, eat porridge made by Ma, and then Ma will kiss me on the forehead and sing me to sleep" is Yifan's only answer. 
"Anything for you, my son" 
"Moooom!!!" Junmian runs to his mom's arms the moment he sees her coming from the door of the daycare, backpack thrown to the ground as he circles his arms around his mother's neck. "How's your day today, our Myeonnie?" Mrs. Kim asks, calling Junmian with his favorite korean nickname.
Junmian frowns a little, "Bad. Yifan is sick and he's going home first" 
It's Mrs. Kim's turn to frown, "Yifan's sick? That's bad" 
Junmian nods, "Can we visit him later, Mom? And I met Yifan's Ma when she picked Yifan up earlier and she says I can go to their house to play with Yifan. Doesn't that sound funp, Mom?!" 
Mrs. Kim chuckles seeing the excitement all over her son's face, the thought only makes him this happy. What about the real play date later? Mrs. Kim makes a mental note to watch Junmian's intake of sugar that day so she can keep her son bouncing off the wall because of the excitement. "Okay, okay. I'll ask Zhang laoshi later about the details and I'll call Yifan's Ma first to ask, okay?" 
Junmian nods eagerly as an answer, going further as raising his hand in a saluting manner to his mom. He can't wait to go to Yifan's house later! And he wonders if his Mom will let him sleep over too, but he'll ask later. He has something in his mind to ask already. 
"And Mom! One more thing!" Junmian claps his hand in front of his chest heartily. 
Mrs. Kim raises an eyebrow, "What is it, honey?" 
"Can you teach me how to make...porridge?" Junmian pauses, trying to remember something, " 
And the drink you always make when I am sick, the sour and sweet drink? I don't know it tastes a little bit like tea too....."
"The honey lemon tea?" Mrs. Kim guesses. 
"Yes, that's it!" Junmian beams, "Teach me, Mom?" 
"Wow, you must like this Yifan so much to ask me these kind of things" Mrs. Kim teases her son who is now turning into different shades of the color red on his cheeks and laughs when she only receives Junmian's little irritated punch as a response. 
"It's for.." Junmian's words trail off, his eyes wanders around. The traits he always does everytime he's searching for an answer or a lie. "When....my other friends are sick Mom!! I better prepare! Anyone can get Yifan's viruses!" 
Mrs. Kim just laughs harder at her son's reasoning, Junmian is never one that is good at lying. 
"Okay, okay. Anything you say, honey," she kisses Junmian on the nose as a sign of an agreement made. 
A/n : updating on mobile web so sorry if the format ! And I want to ask what would you prefer:
a. Playdate at Yifan's place
b. The trip to the planetarium (reference to my other fic Yifan : A Mission) 
Will not choose by the number of votes but will take it as a consideration! Thank you guys! 
Love you to the exoplanet and back, 
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Gyu2su #2
Chapter 1: Play date author nim ^^
singsong #3
Chapter 1: Awwww......cutey cutey...
oxyjen #5
Chapter 1: krisho's playdate authornim! :)
SuhoSandi #6
Chapter 1: :) so cute little krisho,w8ting for next chapter 'play date' ;)
Chapter 1: Gaaah this is so cute sobs ㅠㅠ and i choose play date's at yifan's wohoooo! Kkk
scarletwriter #8
Chapter 1: Playdate pleaseeee!!! Although to thr planetarium doesnt sound so bad hahahha
I love kids!au!!

Thanks for writing thisss
howon16 #9
Chapter 1: playdate at Yifan's! keke Junmian is sooo cute
ada5842 #10
Chapter 1: Maybe both. I don't mind either one. Kids Krisho is so cute and adorable.