Chapter 4

Stick Wit U
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Balancing two plates and two bowls in her hands, Joohyun slowly walked to the dining table.

“Joohyun! You should’ve called me if you needed help.” An old man walked out from the bathroom seeing Joohyun set the items down on the dining table.

“It’s okay haraboji.” Joohyun pulled out the dining chair for the old man to sit.

He sighed before sitting down. “I could never thank you enough for being so kind to me.”

“I could say the same thing to you haraboji.” She scooped up rice for the old man and placed it in front of him.

“If I had a grandson, I’d do anything to get him to marry you.”

Joohyun laughed.

“Too bad I only have one grandchild.” The old man sulked at the thought.

“Hey, no sulking or I’ll start thinking you’re not happy with having your granddaughter.”

“I am!” The old man’s voice went a little stronger than expected.

Joohyun laughed again as she pushed a plate of fish to the old man. “No need to be defensive. Eat now haraboji before the food gets cold.”

Just then the front door opened.

“Speak of the devil.” The old man mumbled.

“Wow! Whose birthday?” Wendy dropped her duffel bag instantly when she walked into the dining room. She quickly washed her hands and took a bowl and a spoon. After she settled beside her grandfather, she hastily reached for the rice cooker in the middle of the dining table when her grandfather smacked her hand.

“Say grace first Son Seungwan! Where are your manners?” Her grandfather barked.

“Sorry.” She quickly said her grace, then reached for the rice again. She must be really hungry.

Joohyun and the old man watched her as she forced a spoonful of rice into .

“Whmmmat?” There were bits of rice that fell from when she tried to speak.

Joohyun clapped her hands while laughing in amusement.

“See. This is why I wished for a grandson.” The old man just shook his head and started eating.

Joohyun laughed again while Wendy stopped chewing. She looked at Joohyun for an explanation but the older girl just started eating and ignored Wendy’s look of confusion.

After dinner, the girls asked the old man not to help them with washing the dishes and cleaning up the left overs.

“Fine. I’ll go to my room if you don’t want me anymore.” He mumbled.

“Stop being a kid grandpa! Of course we love your company. We just don’t want you to overwork yourself.”

“Overwork? I don’t even do anything the whole day. That ahjumma always let me watch tv or read the paper. I’m bored. At least let me do something.” He whined as he relayed his daily doings with the caretaker Wendy’s mom hired to watch over him. “I feel so useless. Joohyun didn’t even call me when she set the table for dinner.”

Wendy walked up to him and kissed his cheeks to appease him. It made the old man smile.

“Whenever you do something sweet to me, it makes me happy I have a granddaughter instead.” He teased.

“Go rest now. Stop with your wishful thinking.” Wendy slightly pushed her grandpa towards his room.

After hearing the door closed, Wendy went back to help Joohyun in the kitchen but the older girl just finished washing the dishes already.

“Sometimes I think he’s really serious about wanting a grandson.” Wendy said in a low voice. She stood beside Joohyun who was wiping her hands from a hand towel.

“You know he’s just joking right?” Joohyun turned around and leaned against the counter. “He loves you Wan.”

“I know.” Wendy smiled at her. “Thanks for cooking dinner for him.”

“Anything for haraboji.” Joohyun returned the smile. “Are you staying the night again?”

Wendy nodded. “I want to spend more time with him before I debut.”

“Is your company okay with that? I heard they’re strict with curfews.”

“They are but no one knows me yet. I still have freedom.” She opened her arms widely to express the word freedom. “Plus the managers are cool with it.”

Joohyun chortled at her dorky friend.

“Besides, I kind of don’t like staying at the dorm.” Wendy placed her arms down. “It’s like someone died everyday there. They don’t talk to each other. Luna unnie keeps the spirit alive though. I cannot point where she gets the energy knowing the other members do not have interest in each other, but she never gives up. She always encourages the members to eat or watch tv together. Sometimes she succeeds but most of the time she gets ignored.”

Joohyun just hummed, letting the younger girl continue.

“I don’t know Hyun, I’m starting to regret accepting Miss Hwang’s offer. I should’ve just said no and waited for her to debut me in a new group, not a replacement, you know.” Wendy sighed.

Joohyun didn’t understand how the entertainment industry works so she couldn’t say anything about the situation. She didn’t even know much about the band her friend was placed in. She heard about the name in various news and radio shows but Joohyun hadn’t paid much attention to them. For starters, rock wasn’t really her type of music. She liked to listen more to hip hop, rnb, pop, and even some classical. Let’s be real, she could not dance to rock. She could try though, but still there was no way she would put rock songs in her iPod. Well, maybe she would listen when Wendy’s band’s album would be out. But she’d think about it.

“Does he know about this?” Joohyun asked, referring to Wendy’s grandfather.

Wendy shook her head. “I’ll tell grandpa after I debut. For now, I’ll just savor each moment staying here with him.”

They both stayed quiet for a moment. 

“Hey! I heard you got to teach dance class now.” Wendy changed the subject thinking Joohyun got bored with her own problems.

“I did. Haraboji told you last night?” Joohyun moved to get a pint of ice cream from the fridge. Her back was facing Wendy but she could tell her friend nodded to her qu

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Chapter 13: Plsss finish itttt
mlcyf0 #2
Chapter 13: Please finish!!
Chapter 13: PLEASE COMEBACK (´;︵;`)
Chapter 13: Please update :(
chocobar21 #5
Chapter 13: Please don't leave us hanging :(
thecrazyyoungster101 #6
Chapter 13: Please update this. Its been years, since u update it. And i just stumble abt ds fic just now. Hope you will update, ill be waiting. Thank♡
Chapter 13: Yes pleaseeee
forgotme #9
Chapter 13: the story is nice..please continue....
ynylsc30518 #10
Chapter 13: Please do finish the story. It's really great.