Is this the end

I love you, My bae
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My fellow readers, I am really sorry But I am really busy with school. New semester and A lot of projects.. I will really try to update if not can I just end it here??? Do comment and help me Arigatou :) REally sorry... Miahnaeyeo~ HUHUHUUHUH T.T



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kaykay1432 #1
Chapter 2: This is so cute I cant handle the cuteness
Chapter 15: Kawai ending ~ Love it XD Uwaaaaaaaaa ~(>v<)~
Chapter 1: I screamed when I saw my username. Muahahhahaahahahahahaaha xD Help mehhh ~ my poor little heart ♡ ㅋㅋㅋ
LadyRyumi #4
Chapter 15: Awwww~~~!!!! The fluffy feelings I get from reading this never fail to amaze me
Chapter 15: Awe that was so sweet!
Chapter 15: Aww that was a sweet ending, thank you for finishing! I hope you'll write again soon, good job!
Chapter 14: Update when you can I'll wait : )
Chapter 14: update when u get time.... fighting!!!
Chapter 14: I hope you will update soon ^^
Ariari1004 #10
Chapter 13: authornim when you're going to update..