Miracles 2

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Sometimes, a small act of kindness can change one's life forever.

That's what Park Chanmi learned from her father.  



It all started when Chanmi was diagnosed with a heart disease because of her prematured birth. She was not allowed to play outside like other kids do, run like other kids do, but her father never let her feel like she was different from other kids. He never let her feel alone.

If Chanmi can't play outside, her father would call the kids to go inside their house and give them lots of toys to play with.

If Chanmi felt alone, her father would always be there for her and reminds her that he will always be there for her.

If Chanmi felt lonely, her father would always pick up his guitar and play a song for her to make her smile again.

And the best thing her father did was that, despite his busy schedule, he was able to become a father not just to her but also to the orphans that they always visit every weekend. 


No matter how busy her father was, he always had the time to do good to others. He is a selfless man indeed. 


During kindergarten, she asked her teacher what she could do to thank her father during father's day. She didn't know how to dance like other kids do, so dancing for her father won't do. She didn't know how to sing like other kids do, so singing for her father won't do. So her teacher suggested to just write a letter for her father, in which she did. 


Poster made by me.


This is the sequel of the one shot, Miracles.

Some of you wanted a chaptered sequel of the story so, here you go.

Hope you enjoy!


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Chapter 4: You're back! Tbh I never thought that I would read a new chapter of this story. Welcome! ^^

I still remember this story. Chanyeol being the best daddy ever! He deserves this and so much more. Thanks to Jongin!
Chapter 3: what happened to this story? why it was discontinued? please update authornim..
Chapter 3: I hope Kai can help Chanyeol :(
octa82_ichigo #4
Chapter 2: Love your story
Chapter 2: God bless Jongin :) I hope he can help Chanyeol!
Nolito #6
Chapter 1: Omg , so nice , like it alot
Chapter 1: I cried ;__; this little girl is truly an angel. Chanyeol is so lucky to have him. I hope he can find a solution for his problem :( maybe with his friends' help
He doesn't even have a wife or a gf to share his pain *snif*